Pasta with chicken in a slow cooker, or How to cook a delicious casserole

You can cook pasta with chicken in a slow cooker in completely different ways. However, they are tastiest and most satisfying in the form of casseroles with the addition of fried champignons. How exactly this delicious dish is made, we will consider a little below.

Chicken Pasta Casserole

Essential Ingredients:

multicooked chicken pasta

  • poultry breasts - 400 g;
  • champignons - 150 g;
  • hard cheese - 210 g;
  • butter - 110 g;
  • pasta - 260 g;
  • large chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • fat cream - 60 ml;
  • salt, pepper and aromatic seasonings - at personal discretion;
  • large onions - 2 pcs.

The process of preparing the main ingredients

Before baking pasta with chicken in a slow cooker, you should separately prepare all the main products. To do this, boil the pasta in salt water. This can be done on a gas stove, and using a modern kitchen device. If you decide to use a multicooker for these purposes, then pour water (3/4) into its bowl, wait for it to boil (in steam mode), salt, add enough pasta and cook exactly 10 minutes (no more). After this time, the products should be rinsed under cold water, using a colander, and then drained.

Meat roasting process

chicken pasta casserole
Pasta with chicken in a slow cooker can be prepared using parts of the bird such as drumsticks, thighs and more. However, we decided to use only white poultry. It needs to be washed, cleaned of skin and bones, and then cut into small cubes. To give the dish a flavor, it is advisable to cook onions with chicken along with chicken. It is recommended to chop it with thin half rings.

Fry chicken breasts with onion in the baking mode, after adding butter, salt, pepper and other flavorful seasonings to them. After the meat becomes soft and covered with a golden crust, it is advisable to put it in a separate plate, and then immediately begin to fry the mushrooms.

Heat treatment of champignons

Purchased fresh mushrooms should be washed, remove all existing wormholes and cut into cubes. After this, champignons need to be poured into the bowl of the kitchen device, flavored with a small amount of salt and oil. It is advisable to fry such a product for no more than 15 minutes.

How to cook pasta with chicken in a slow cooker

pasta with mushrooms and chicken

When all the ingredients for the dish have been prepared, you can safely proceed to the formation of dinner. To do this, cover the bottom of the bowl with oil, and then put the following layers there: boiled pasta, fried chicken breasts with onions and mushrooms. After that, in a separate bowl, you need to prepare the filling for the casserole: beat 3 chicken eggs, grated hard cheese and fat cream. The resulting mass must completely fill the previously laid out layers. Next, the slow cooker must be covered and put into baking mode for 30 minutes. This time is enough to catch the dish.

Proper serving

Ready pasta with mushrooms and chicken should be served hot, and it is recommended to offer a light salad or sliced ​​fresh vegetables as a side dish.

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