Is it possible to warm a bruise, or How to provide first aid?

Bruising is the most common type of injury. It can be obtained by doing sports, while doing household chores, while walking and more. One has only to stumble, slip, stumble, the result is a bruise. This type of injury has its own symptoms, as well as the rules of first aid. But besides this, many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to warm a bruise and how to properly treat it.

Is it possible to warm a bruised leg

Types of bruises

Mechanical damage varies depending on the area of ​​injury. Is it possible to warm bruises of various types and how to provide first aid?

First you need to understand what types are there:

  1. Joint injury. With this type of bruise, motor activity is disturbed, soreness appears, and soreness occurs during movement of the limbs.
  2. Head injury. The injury is characterized by the appearance of a bump. With severe bruising, loss of consciousness, nausea, and vomiting may occur. A head bruise can lead to a brain bruise.
  3. During a bruise of the neck, trauma to the artery responsible for the blood supply to the head often occurs. Swelling of the tissues occurs at the site of the injury.
  4. Bruised back. In case of trauma, a partial loss of sensitivity of the arms and legs may be observed. Blood supply to the limbs is getting worse.
  5. Chest injury. With a strong blow, respiratory failure, interruptions in the work of the heart and other organs can be observed.

Injury features

During the injury, the skin, adipose tissue, muscle fibers, blood vessels, nerve endings are damaged. Under the skin, hemorrhage begins, the tissues swell, a hematoma forms. If only small vessels are damaged with a bruise, then bleeding stops for about seven minutes. If large vessels are damaged, blood can go up to a day or more.

Initially, a crimson bruise forms at the site of the bruise. After a few days, it acquires a blue-yellow hue, and after another week - yellow and gradually disappears. With severe bruises, cracks, bruises of bone tissue occur.

Is it possible to warm a bruise

First aid

If necessary, provide first aid, the question arises as to whether it is possible to warm the bruise. After the occurrence of an injury, you should immediately determine whether the bones are damaged, which organs are affected. To do this, contact a traumatologist. A pressure bandage is applied to the injured person at the site of the injury, they provide rest and are delivered to the emergency room or wait for the ambulance to arrive. If the injury is accompanied by abrasions, damage to the skin, then they are disinfected.

Is it possible to warm bruises and what to do next? It is impossible to warm the injury site. This is due to the fact that during warming the vessels expand, which contributes to the re-occurrence of bleeding, and also enhances the inflammatory process.

If you are wondering if it is possible to warm a bruised leg, the answer will be unequivocal: no. When providing first aid, a cold is applied to the site of the injury. Under its action, the vessels narrow, the bleeding stops, and a painful sensation passes. It is useful to apply cold to the site of injury only at the first knock, and then begin treatment that promotes accelerated resorption of the hematoma.

First aid for bruised legs


Knowing whether it is possible to warm the bruises of the ribs and other places, it is possible to quickly remove the hematoma. So, in the first day, cold is applied to the site of the injury, and from the second, treatment is started.

To resolve the hematoma, iodine mesh is used, compresses are made with anti-inflammatory drugs. Such actions relieve swelling, contribute to a faster resorption of the hematoma.

With bruises, you can use apple cider vinegar. Half a liter of the product is heated in a water bath, then two teaspoons of salt and five drops of iodine are added to it. As a part, the fabric is moistened and applied to the site of injury. Ice is laid on top. The compress is fixed with a bandage and left for a quarter of an hour. On the first day, the procedure with vinegar can be carried out repeatedly. This will help to quickly get rid of bruising, which will reduce the size of the hematoma.

Rubbing bruising places should not be carried out, as this can lead to subcutaneous hemorrhage, and, as a result, the bruise will be even greater. If the bruise and swelling do not subside within a week, then this indicates serious damage and the need to consult a doctor immediately. He can prescribe a course of electrophoresis, physiotherapy, and in difficult cases, fluid is aspirated from the site of the injury.

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