Candles "Proctosan": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

The causes of hemorrhoids are different. A sedentary lifestyle causes manifestations of this disease, excessive activity and stress lead to the same result. No wonder hemorrhoids today are called "modern plague."

This disease has been sufficiently studied by experts. However, despite the emergence of new drugs, people are more likely to trust reliable and proven medicines, the effect of which can be felt quickly and effectively. Among them are candles "Proctosan".

proctosan suppository application

This is a medicine made in Germany. It has Russian certification and does not have restrictions on its use in the Russian Federation. Designed for topical use. It can be bought in the form of ointments or candles.

What properties does the medication have?

According to the instructions, Proctosan suppositories have a complex medicinal effect, because they consist of a number of active components, characterized by different but complementary properties. The drug is suitable for the treatment of the first two stages of hemorrhoids, but it is often used at later stages.

The medicine relieves inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodules, relieves the symptoms of the disease and anesthetizes.

The composition of the candles "Proctosan":

  • Bufeksamak is a vasoconstrictor component, relieves swelling, overflow of the pelvic vessels with blood, reduces temperature and burning sensation. It belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components. Accordingly, it reduces inflammation and pain.
  • Lidocaine is a serious anesthetic, has an effective local anesthetic effect, and relieves pain almost minutes after taking the drug. However, the presence of this component makes the price of the drug quite noticeable.
  • Bismuth subgallate and titanium dioxide - these components bind and stop bleeding. They form a layer on the intestinal mucosa, which protects nodes and cracks from germs and viruses. Bismuth is known for its antibacterial and disinfectant properties. It is this component that stops bleeding and restores intestinal tissue. In turn, the mineral titanium dries the tissue, soothes the burning sensation and also helps to heal the damaged part.
  • "Proctosan" also contains substances of medicinal plants, minerals and trace elements.
proctosan candles reviews

Suppositories or ointment "Proctosan" - which is better?

Ointment and suppositories have a similar concentration and a completely identical composition, so their effectiveness is the same.

At the same time, statistics show that over 80% of patients prefer ointment to candles. There is an explanation for this. The fact is that the ointment is available with a special tip, which allows you to use it both externally and inside the rectum. At the same time, suppositories with external hemorrhoids do not help. They treat only internal nodules.

There is one more explanation. Men are more likely to suffer from hemorrhoids than women. They prefer not to use suppositories, preferring ointments.

Note that with acute manifestations of the disease, with severe inflammation of the nodes of hemorrhoidal suppositories, "Proctosan" is prescribed more often. But as pain and inflammation decrease, doctors recommend switching to ointments. Therefore, in the first-aid kit should be kept both that and another for treatment of this disease and an exception of addiction to medicine.

What else does the instruction for Proctosan candles and ointments tell us?

When should the drug be used?

Due to its excellent anti-inflammatory properties, the spectrum of diseases in which the medication is used is wider than only hemorrhoids. They treat and anal fissures and injuries of the rectum.

However, the duration of use of Proctosan suppositories is limited to seven to ten days. This is due to the fact that people get addictive to the drug. How many days it is necessary to use candles, a proctologist must determine.

suppositories for hemorrhoids proctosan

Most often, acute forms of the disease are removed with candles, prescribing them no more than twice a day. When the pain becomes less acute, the dosage is reduced to one use.

We add that the shelf life of the drug does not exceed five years. It should be stored in a cool place where the air does not warm above 25 degrees Celsius.

How to use the product in the form of candles?

The instruction for Proctosan suppositories states that before using suppositories, hands should be thoroughly washed by treating them with disinfectant preparations. Use candles after emptying the rectum. If necessary, you can use an enema.

Enter the suppository deep inside with your fingers. There are step-by-step instructions for the use of Proctosan suppositories. They say that before entering the candle, you need to lie on your side, do not wait too much for your legs bent at the knees to your stomach, you should enter the suppository into the relaxed sphincter muscles.

The candle should be advanced as deep as possible. After using the candle, you should stay in a lying position for some time to keep it inside. It’s best to lie on your stomach.

Applied candles from hemorrhoids "Proctosan" twice a day. With another prescription, the dosage is halved.

proctosan composition of the candle

The use of ointment "Proctosan"

Note that hemorrhoid disease has four stages. At the first two nodes swell and may fall out, but subsequently independently retract and recover. In the last two stages of the disease, surgery is required and one can’t cope with medications alone.

Thus, the ointment is used only in the first two stages of hemorrhoids.

In this case, treatment will be effective for:

  • anal fissures;
  • intestinal pathologies;
  • allergies of the anorectal zone.

The ointment will be able to repair damaged areas and help tissue regeneration.

The instructions for use of the ointment say that before applying the medicine, it is necessary to wash yourself with not hot water. After that, it should be rubbed before it is completely absorbed into the skin. Moreover, when rubbing, it is important not to damage the affected area.

You can use the ointment no more than once every four to six hours. During the acute phase of the disease, its use is combined with the use of Proctosan suppositories.

The instruction confirms this.

proctosan candles or ointment which is better

Who is the drug contraindicated for?

Proctosan ointments and suppositories can be bought at any pharmacy, and without a doctor’s prescription. Their use is contraindicated in the following patients suffering from hemorrhoids:

  • pregnant women;
  • children under the age of 18;
  • people suffering from genitourinary infections;
  • tuberculosis patients;
  • users with sexually transmitted diseases;
  • people with specific and atopic dermatitis;
  • allergies to whom the components of the drug are contraindicated;
  • patients with hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.

Contraindications proctosan suppositories should be strictly observed.

Note that the medication can have a toxic effect on the unborn child, lead to defects or pathologies, therefore, during pregnancy it can not be used. Also, you should not use "Proctosan" during lactation, since the substances of the drug can also enter the body of the baby with breast milk, exerting a negative effect on it.

proctosan hemorrhoidal suppositories

What side effects of the drug are experts warning about?

According to studies, the side effects of Proctosan are infrequent, but in some cases, the use of the drug can cause negative consequences.

They appear in the form of:

  • itching
  • redness of the skin or urticaria;
  • burning sensation;
  • edema in the pelvic area;
  • peeling;
  • other allergic reactions.

How is an overdose of a drug?

The instructions say that there is a low probability of an overdose of the drug. However, experts warn that it is necessary to use the medicine strictly following the instructions or recommendations of the attending physician.

With an excess of the active components of the drug, the following may appear:

  1. violations of the skin;
  2. destruction of nodules;
  3. nausea and vomiting;
  4. pain in the abdomen;
  5. diarrhea.

Reviews about candles "Proctosan"

The effect of the medication is appreciated by doctors. They often prescribe this drug in various forms and stages of hemorrhoids. The effectiveness of the medicinal properties of the drug is also confirmed by numerous user reviews, noting the delicate effect of the drug, as well as the quick effect of its use.

Often the pain stops the very next day after the start of the drug. By the end of the course of treatment, patients note a complete elimination of discomfort and other manifestations of the disease. As a rule, a medicine also has a lasting effect after the end of therapy.

proctosan candles contraindications

In the reviews there are complaints about the reaction of irritation in the anus during the use of the drug. Doctors recommend in this case to pay attention to hygiene and careful preparation for the use of the drug.

What analogues can replace the drug "Proctosan"?

By its effect on the affected areas, the medicine can be replaced with other drugs. But it should be noted that they do not coincide in composition. Proctosan suppositories do not have analogues that are similar in active ingredients.

You can replace the drug:

  • "Papaverine";
  • "Ultraproct";
  • "Pumpkin";
  • "Bisacodyl";
  • "Avenokom";
  • "Venarus";
  • “Hepatrombin G;
  • Derinatom;
  • "Metrogil";
  • Nigepan;
  • Novocain;
  • "Relief."

Proctosan Neo and Proctosan are not the same thing

The drug "Proctosan Neo" in composition does not coincide with "Proctosan", although they are similar in name. The active substances of Proctosan Neo are heparin, polydocanol and prednisolone acetate. However, it is also used against hemorrhoids.

It is used in proctology as a local symptomatic agent, with a predominance of:

  • antithrombotic;
  • venosclerosing;
  • inflammation-reducing properties.

Eliminates the feeling of pain, itching, inflammation and swelling. Improves intravascular blood flow, prevents blood clots, accelerates tissue regeneration during anal fissures.

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