"Love lives three years": reviews, a summary, the main characters

It is believed that of all earthly values, love has the shortest time. Is it so? A mosquito lives one day, a rose blooms for three days, a cat is 13 years old, and how much love lives? It is believed that it lasts three years. The first year is very passionate, the second is tender, and the third is suffering. Such a theory was philosophized by the modern French writer Frederick Begbeder. He called his little book, "Love Has Lived Three Years." We will get acquainted with the reviews about it in our article. We will also introduce you to the summary of the novel, its main characters, the plot of the film of the same name, shot in 2011.

Begbeder's book

A bit about the author of the novel

Many modern writers write about love, life, friendship, moral values. Many readers, especially young people, leave positive reviews about Frederick Begbeder's “Love Has Lived Three Years”. The book is filled with witty, wise quotes. The novel consists of only 192 pages.

The writer himself is a native of the town of Neuilly-sur-Seine, located near Paris. Now Frederick is 53 years old.

The writer’s mother was a translator of novels for ladies, and his father was a professional recruiter. After school, Frederick became a student at the Institute for Political Studies in Paris, and later studied at the Higher School of Information and Communication. This allowed him to become a copywriter. A large advertising agency opened its doors to him. Some French magazines invited Begbeder to work as a literary critic. Over time, he had his own program "Books and Me" on one of the well-known television channels. Frederick also tried his hand as a TV presenter. Before the presidential election of 2002, he consulted one of the candidates for the post - Robert U.

Begbeder's companion

Begbeder's creative journey

Positive reviews of Begbeder's Love Live Three Years attest to the writer’s high skill. In 2003, he became editor of the Flammarion Publishing Group. His first edited book was the work “Irresistible Arousal” by Lola Lafon. Frederick became a member of the anti-globalist movement and one anarchist group.

Begbeder’s characters and stories are as extravagant as the writer himself. Frederick himself played one episodic role in the porn film "The Boatman's Daughter." This did not stop him from establishing his literary prize.

The fame came to the writer after the publication of the novels: "Memoirs of the unreasonable young man", "Vacations in a coma", "Tales of Ecstasy." Later came out works: "Romantic egoist", "99 francs." His most recent books are Ideal, French Romance, Una and Salinger.

In addition to short stories and novels, Begbeder wrote essays. Several times he tried himself in writing comics.

phrase from a book

Theory that served as the basis for the book

Frederic Begbeder took the theory, proving that certain hormones influence love, as the basis of the work “Love lives for three years”. At the beginning of love, a person experiences euphoria, happiness. This feeling can be called love or passion. Then comes a period of tenderness, and after - boredom. Hormones can no longer stimulate the emotional dependence of men and women. The main character of the novel has to refute this theory or agree with it. The initial doom of a love relationship was popularized by Begbeder, but this forces young people to refute it.

Story line

In the center of the novel is Marc Marronier, a journalist. He compiles a socialite. Unfulfilled family life leads him to the idea that love lasts only three years. Such thoughts were prompted by the story of his relationship with his wife. He experienced fiery feelings for his wife only three years, although she was a beautiful and intelligent girl. But after a certain time, he began to dislike her.

Soon he met Alice and fell in love again. She is married but reciprocates with Mark. The couple meet secretly and then reunite. The man is very afraid that after three years his feelings will cool again. And now this time has come, but love has not died. So, something else, other than hormones, affects relationships. Mark already looks at the theory of three years as stupid and far-fetched. He just found his man.

Love or love?

When talking about fiery feelings for three years, it is most likely a question of love. Over time, Mark realized that love is something more, reborn from falling in love. If during this time you do not care about this feeling, then it can develop into indifference. Both partners should warm up relations, otherwise everything can be destroyed.

quote from the book

Some quotes from the book

On behalf of Mark, a narration is carried out in Begbeder's novel. It was his expressions that became aphorisms. At least take his phrase:

Love is associated with a short-term increase in the level of dopamine, prolactin, norepinephrine, luliberin, oxytocin.

Marc encourages his beloved Alice and promises to always be around.

Under any circumstances, I will be near you, on one planet and wait for you.

And here are some chic sayings with meaning:

You want to learn a secret: to become happy, you need to experience terrible unhappiness.
To love someone, you first need to love yourself
In the 20th century, love is a phone that does not ring.
We live on Earth in order to experience the same events as our parents, in the same sequence - and in the same way they made the same mistakes before us as their parents, and so on to infinity. But this is not the worst. Worse is the other - when you regularly get into the same shit.
quote from the book

Reviews on the book "Love lives three years"

Many readers, after reading the book, agree that feelings last only three years. And how else to explain such a large number of divorces, partings, emotional wounds and suffering? It can be concluded that only passion has a short term. This word means a specific psychological state, accompanied by sexual arousal. At first, people really want to be together, and they are very worried during separation. A man experiences passionate love as bliss. A lover wants to flutter and fly like a butterfly. If love cools, then passion also leaves.

The book leads readers to conclude that relationships are a difficult but rewarding job. Bursts of passion go out inevitably. It is important for lovers to remember that a fairy tale does not add up on its own. Love is work, and young couples must prepare for difficulties. You need to be prepared for this in advance. Passionate relationships need to be friendly. Partners must work on themselves, as the heroes of Begbeder’s book did. Love and friendship can be maintained until death. Very few are given the chance to meet true love. This is evidenced by reviews of "Love lives three years."

the main characters

With his book, Frederick challenged readers, prompting them to an active discussion about how long feelings last in a marriage or in a relationship. It is not often possible to meet a masculine view of love and relationships in modern literature. The novel can be read in one breath in public transport or at a break in the office. Light, pleasant to read text to adults does not seem vulgar. At first, the first three years of Mark and his wife’s life are briefly, clearly, and easily described. Some readers begin to recall what happened to them the same way. Many men had a chance to console themselves in taverns, with friends, and then they wanted to retire altogether. After an unsuccessful family life, new relationships are scary, people are afraid to lose their beloved. Readers think about what to do in this case. Many men can adopt the winged expression of Mark reflecting on a true relationship.

At the end of the book intrigue remains. Shakespeare's lines of eternal love come to mind Mark. He decides to propose to Alice. There is a way out of the impasse. Love can be saved longer than three years. The main thing is that secrecy and tenderness be kept between lovers. It is important to frankly tell everything to each other, to delve into the thoughts and feelings of a loved one. The bridge of spiritual and emotional intimacy, built on common goals and aspirations, will help maintain feelings for a long time.

Film of the same name

In 2011, a comedy based on Begbeder’s novel, having the same name as the book, was shot by French and Belgian directors. The writer himself took part in the drafting of the script. The producers of the picture were Alain Krueger and Michael Gentile. Wonderful music was composed by composer Martin Rappeno. Several film studios participated in the filming of the same film. The film lasts 1 hour 40 minutes. The book and the film are different from each other. The main roles were played by the actors: Bernard Menez, Annie Dupree, Gaspard Proust, Joey Starr, Jonathan Lambert, Louise Bourgoin and others. Gaspar Proust did a great job with Mark.

movie characters

Reviews on the film "Love lives three years" (2011)

Viewers leave mostly positive reviews about the film. It is worth seeing, because it makes you not only laugh, but also think. Despite some differences from the book, the idea remained the same. Love can be made endless, if you not only connect chemistry, but also reflect on common interests, tastes, and something indescribable.

Many viewers call the film stylish; very charismatic actors played in it. There are no banal scenes in the picture, but you can enjoy sad and even erotic moments.

Each film has its own viewer. After all, for some people the picture will seem messy and vulgar. A love story is accompanied by an excellent musical composition. This is an unusual story of a writer who is entangled in a web of reason and a sea of ​​feelings. This makes the audience forget about the daily bustle and dream about the eternal.

Most of all, it is advised to see a male audience. You can invite a girl with you. The film is light and leaves a positive impression. Many viewers saw it as a continuation of the wonderful traditions of French cinema. Actress Michel Legrand became the embodiment of undying, eternal love.

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