Diastolic pressure is lowered: causes, consequences, how to raise

During a visit to the doctor, many patients hear that their diastolic pressure is lowered. But not all people understand what exactly such a diagnosis means. So how dangerous is this condition? Why is diastolic pressure lowered? What symptoms should I look for? Is it possible to cope with a problem at home? The answers to these questions are worth exploring for everyone.

Reduced diastolic pressure: what does it mean and how dangerous?

Statistics indicate that this problem is quite common. Why is diastolic pressure lowered? We will consider the causes and symptoms later, and first we will deal with the very meaning of the term.

In medicine, blood pressure in the vessels is divided into upper and lower. Systolic (upper) is the blood pressure that is released into the aorta when the heart muscle contracts. But the diastolic (lower) is the blood pressure in the vena cava, which carries it to the heart at the time of complete relaxation of the myocardium.

Normally, the average blood pressure of a healthy person should be 120/80 mm Hg. Art. In this case, the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure should not exceed 30-40 mm RT. Art. But sometimes patients have low diastolic pressure with increased systolic. Why is this happening? How dangerous is this? What to do in such cases?

Diastolic blood pressure lowered? Causes and Risk Factors

Causes of Low Diastolic Pressure

You need to understand that any change in indicators (especially if it appears constantly) is extremely dangerous, because it makes the heart work in a different rhythm, which affects the state of almost all organ systems. Why is diastolic pressure lowered? Here are the most common causes:

  • The list of causes includes a decrease in vascular elasticity, as a result of which the blood flow slows down.
  • If the diastolic pressure is lowered, then this may indicate arrhythmias.
  • Valve defects lead to the same result, as a result of which part of the blood returns to the heart cavity when the myocardium relaxes. If birth defects occur, then they are usually diagnosed in infancy.
  • Risk factors include hormonal imbalance. Reduced diastolic pressure in a teenager may be the result of hormonal changes and rapid growth of the body. In adulthood, disturbances in the thyroid gland and adrenal glands lead to changes in pressure indicators.
  • Anemia is another possible cause.
  • In addition, the risk factors include a deficiency of B vitamins. This condition affects the functioning of the nervous system, in particular the vasomotor center.
  • Low blood pressure may indicate the development of cancer. In particular, adrenal cancer is associated with this symptom.
  • Anorexia, the general depletion of the body is fraught with the loss of body fluid and nutrients, which, of course, affects the functioning of the circulatory system.
  • Pressure drops sharply against the background of severe poisoning and toxic juice.
  • What does low diastolic pressure mean? It is worth checking the work of the kidneys, because it is the functioning of the vessels and the heart that largely depends on the functioning of the excretory system.
  • Potentially dangerous is dehydration. Against the background of acute fluid deficiency, pressure drops.
  • A sharp decrease in diastolic pressure sometimes manifests itself against the background of allergies, both in mild, seasonal forms and in extremely dangerous anaphylactic shock.
  • Do not neglect the state of the human psyche, because emotions and feelings are directly related to hormonal balance. Depression, neurotic disorders, increased anxiety, phobias - all this can lead to a decrease in vascular tone, which, in turn, is accompanied by a decrease in pressure.
  • If the diastolic pressure is lowered in an elderly patient, then this may be the result of impaired vascular patency, progressive atherosclerosis, or Alzheimer's disease.
  • Risk factors include internal bleeding.

As you can see, the causes of the development of pathology are by no means harmless. That is why you should consult a doctor and undergo a complete diagnosis.

The main symptoms of pathology

Symptoms of Low Diastolic Pressure

Symptoms of low diastolic pressure may be different, and the intensity of their manifestation may also vary. The most common are the following symptoms:

  • constant drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue even after a long night's rest;
  • fatigue, which is associated with a marked decrease in performance;
  • muscle weakness, rapid physical fatigue during movement;
  • decreased or completely disappeared appetite;
  • intermittent nausea;
  • heart palpitations;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the chest, periodically occurring pain in the heart;
  • susceptibility to weather changes;
  • increased anxiety;
  • emotional depression;
  • frequent, protracted headaches;
  • a recurring feeling of lack of air;
  • "Black flies" before the eyes;
  • noise in ears;
  • sharp bouts of weakness up to fainting.

Diagnostic measures

Low diastolic pressure

You already know what low diastolic pressure means and what symptoms the condition accompanies. That is why, if you feel unwell, you need to see a doctor. After a general examination, the specialist referred the patient for additional diagnostic procedures, including:

  • echocardiography (with suspected presence of heart and valve defects);
  • electrocardiography (helps detect heart rhythm disturbances);
  • blood test (both general and biochemical);
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder;
  • blood test for the level of certain hormones;
  • magnetic resonance imaging.

What complications can a decrease in pressure lead to?

Do not ignore the problem, because in the absence of treatment, an ailment can lead to extremely dangerous complications. For example, a list of complications includes angina attacks, the development and / or rapid progression of coronary heart disease. The most dangerous effects include strokes and heart attacks.

In old age, a chronic decrease in diastolic pressure is even more dangerous, because it can lead to the appearance of severe cardiovascular diseases. Since the blood flow is impaired, metabolic processes in the brain are possible, which is fraught with neurological and psychological disorders, the development of dementia. The most dangerous complications include severe impairment of consciousness. There are cases when the pathology for the patient ended in a coma.

What is the danger of a decrease in diagnostic pressure during pregnancy?

Complications of Low Diastolic Pressure

Unfortunately, many expectant mothers face a similar problem. And in this case, the situation is even more dangerous, because violations of diastolic pressure are fraught with complications not only for the mother's body, but also for the growing fetus. Due to changes in blood flow, blood circulation between the body of a woman and a child is disturbed, but the fetus receives oxygen and nutrients from the bloodstream.

The list of dangerous consequences includes placental insufficiency, as well as various forms of fetal hypoxia. Oxygen deficiency is fraught with developmental abnormalities. In addition, the new mother herself in the postpartum period may experience complications, including dysfunction from various internal organs.

First Aid Rules

Diastolic blood pressure lowered? What to do in such cases? Since the causes of this condition can be very dangerous (internal bleeding, anaphylactic or toxic shock), it is better to call a doctor. The patient at this time needs to be laid comfortably, providing an influx of fresh air.

Taking some pills is not recommended. The fact is that drugs from a home medicine cabinet can either lower or increase pressure, but at the same time both systolic and diastolic. If there are pains in the heart and tachycardia, then you can drink the tablet Anaprilina or Nitroglycerin, but you should not use any other means - itโ€™s better to wait for a specialist.

Methods of drug therapy

Low diastolic pressure treatment

What can a doctor recommend if a patient has low diastolic pressure? Treatment in this case directly depends on the causes of the problem. As a rule, in this situation, the patient requires complex therapy:

  • First of all, patients are prescribed medications that strengthen the vascular walls, improve blood circulation, and also prevent increased bleeding. Such drugs as Quercetin and Ascorutin are considered effective.
  • "Vazobral" is another remedy that can improve blood circulation processes. The medicine reduces the permeability of the vascular wall, affects the level of red blood cell aggregation, enhances the metabolic processes in the structures of the brain, and stimulates the vasomotor center. This drug should be used carefully, since caffeine is present in its composition, and this substance, as you know, causes increased arousal and sleep problems.
  • The therapeutic complex also includes tonic agents, in particular, tincture of lemongrass seeds, preparations with ginseng. Eleutherococcus tincture is also effective, which stimulates the activity of nerve cells, protects them from the effects of negative factors, and alleviates or at least alleviates the symptoms of neurosis and overwork.
  • If asthenic-neurotic syndrome occurs, then nootropic drugs can be used. They normalize the emotional background, improve the psychological state, eliminate lethargy, improve blood circulation (in particular, in vessels carrying blood to the brain), and increase performance. Effective and safe are such products as Pantogam and Phenibut. These drugs increase the stability of nerve tissues and oxygen deficiency, nourish and protect nerve cells, normalize metabolic processes.

Remember that it is categorically forbidden to arbitrarily take such drugs: the inept use of drugs can only aggravate the situation. The scheme of therapy will be made by your attending physician, guided by the presence of certain symptoms, as well as the results of diagnostic procedures and tests.

Proper nutrition for hypotension

Diet with reduced diastolic pressure

You already know why patients have low diastolic pressure. Causes and consequences, effective treatments and symptoms are important information. To date, there is no special diet for people with a similar problem, but some rules should be followed.

Doctors recommend drinking more fluid, eating often, but in small portions, making a menu so that the body receives enough vitamins and minerals. Patients with low diastolic pressure are recommended to include boiled potatoes (preferably in their uniforms), nuts, baked or boiled fish, low-fat meat and poultry, liver, fresh juices, boiled vegetables, and dark chocolate in the diet.

At the same time, beans and other legumes, garlic, spinach, milk (especially processed, low-fat), coconut oil and milk, salt, turmeric, raw almonds, coffee and cocoa, fatty and fried foods should be excluded from the menu.

What can you do yourself?

Prevention of Blood Pressure Problems

You already know what the causes of low diastolic pressure are. Treatment in this case lasts several weeks, or even months, especially when it comes to chronic hypotension. Some things can be done independently. As already mentioned, patients are advised to follow a certain diet, drink as much water as possible. There are a few more rules:

  • For starters, you should abandon bad habits. Both smoking and addiction to alcohol directly affect the tone of the vascular walls and the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole.
  • It is very important to observe the correct mode of work and rest. The patient should sleep 7-9 hours a day. If you are concerned about problems with insomnia, then inform your doctor: perhaps he will prescribe you soothing, relaxing teas or sedatives.
  • Follow a rational work schedule. Each person should have at least one day off per week. You shouldnโ€™t strain yourself either physically or mentally, you canโ€™t refuse lunch breaks, even if, in fact, you are not going to have lunch. If you work at a computer or because of a profession you are forced to spend most of the day in a sitting position, then take a five-minute break once an hour in order to walk, stretch your muscles, and activate blood circulation processes.
  • Experts recommend practicing feasible physical activity. It is possible that the patient is not able to chop wood or do hour runs, but there is always at least some kind of sport that he can do. Dancing, swimming, cycling, jogging, yoga, therapeutic exercises - any activity will positively affect the body.
  • A contrast shower has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole. Such a quick, affordable procedure helps activate blood circulation and tone the body. Naturally, it is worthwhile to understand that water procedures involving exposure to the body at low temperatures are contraindicated in inflammatory diseases, including colds, acute tonsillitis, cystitis, bronchitis, etc.
  • Do not give up on walks. In case of problems with pressure, it is recommended to spend at least two hours a day in fresh air (unless, of course, the weather allows). Walk after work, periodically get out into the countryside, refuse public transport if you can walk to the office / shop / house.

Of course, such events will not help to cure pressure problems, but they are, without a doubt, an excellent prevention. In addition, a measured lifestyle increases the effectiveness of drug therapy and significantly accelerates the healing process. In any case, a healthy lifestyle will always benefit.

Alternative methods of treatment

If the diastolic pressure is lowered, then you can try to bring it back to normal at home. There are a huge number of recipes for traditional medicine, but we will consider the simplest and most harmless:

  • Effective is tea from blackcurrant leaves. It is prepared simply: a teaspoon of crushed dry leaves of the plant, mix with the same amount of usual black tea and pour a glass of hot water. Cover the mug and let the drink brew for 15 minutes. The resulting product must be filtered and drunk after eating.
  • The assistant will be chicory. Two tablespoons of the crushed roots of the plant, pour 500 ml of water, bring to a boil, then keep on low heat for 30 minutes. After the broth has cooled, it must be filtered. It is recommended to be taken three times a day for 1/3 cup. The course of treatment lasts no more than 3-4 weeks.

Despite the fact that these teas are safe, you can not use them without consulting a doctor in any case. After a thorough diagnosis, only a specialist will be able to understand why diastolic pressure is lowered and what therapeutic methods should be used. It is strictly forbidden to use any means without the knowledge of the attending physician.

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