Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach. Biography and work of the Austrian writer

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach is a writer and playwright. Psychological novels belonging to her pen and published in the mid- 19th century instantly gained widespread popularity. Quotes from Maria von Ebner-Eshenbach are known even to those who have not read her books. After all, the writer is the author of many concise and witty statements.

Maria von Ebner Eschenbach

The biography of Maria von Ebner-Eshenbach is rather unusual. She became known as the first woman who wanted to master the skills of a watchmaker. Men's craft fascinated her . When Maria von Ebner-Eshenbach became the owner of the collection that every Viennese watchmaker dreamed of, she was completely immersed in writing.


Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach was born in 1830. From childhood she was fond of literature, which predetermined her fate. Maria’s childhood passed near Vienna, in her father’s estate, located in Moravia . At the age of eleven, the future writer received at her full disposal a huge library, which was in a family estate. So Mary plunged into the world of prose and poetry.

Maria von Ebner Eschenbach

She read all the books that at that moment seemed interesting to her. Parents did not control the girl. They did not recommend her this or that work, did not impose their literary preferences. They provided the daughter with the opportunity to develop independently.

Despite that, Marie got complete freedom in the choice of books, her upbringing and education were not allowed to go by her own. She was taught by a whole group of relatives and teachers: a grandmother from the mother's side, Aunt Helene from the father's side, French, German and Czech tutors . Naturally, the girl was fluent in several languages. From an early age, she spoke not only Czech and German. Marie was fluent in French, which, incidentally, was considered native. But preference was still given to German literature.

Being a representative of the Austrian aristocracy, Marie had by no means unlimited ideas about the mores and traditions of people at a lower social level. She was familiar with the realities of two worlds that were completely different from each other: the Moroccan peasantry and the Austrian aristocracy. She was interested in important political and social events taking place not only in Austria, but also abroad. When Marie began to write in the world of aristocracy, so close and remembered to her, she opened a new poetic line. Soon she showed a lot of teachers among colleagues.

maria von ebner eschenbach quotes


In 1856, Marie and her husband finally settled in the Austrian capital, where, to the surprise of relatives, she began to master her mastery. The chosen specialty in those days was completely atypical for women, but Ebner- Eshenbach forgot it a little. As in the story with the family library, she chose in life that she was really interesting. Marie completed her studies and began to collect watches from unusual companies. Now a rare collection can be seen in the Clock Museum, located in the Austrian capital.

Maria Von Ebner Eschenbach quotes and aphorisms

Literary debut

The heroine of today's story got married at the age of eighteen. Her chosen one was a military engineer who had nothing to do with literature or the theater. Nevertheless, it was in the first years of marriage that she decided to try her hand at dramaturgy. Composed of tragedy, comedy. She wrote what is called "on the table." The first play was published only in 1869. The work of a novice writer criticism ignored.


Over time, she completely devoted herself to literature. For almost two decades, Ebner- Eshenbach, inspired by Schiller's creativity, created tragedies. The Mary Stuart in Scotland, delivered to Karlsruhe, went unnoticed. It was followed by “Mary Roland”, “Doc. Knight”, and the comedy “Male Vernity”. However, these works were not used with great success. Then came her first novel, “The Divine Servant,” which interested the public. It was followed by Aphorisms and Village and Palace Stories, which became a real breakthrough in the literary career of the writer.

Throughout the German-speaking space, Marie Ebner- Eshenbach began to be spoken of as the first woman who managed to create works that are outstanding in depth of observation, objective image and humorous atmosphere. Her work today is little known outside of Austria. But the statements included in the book Aphorisms are known even to those who have never heard the name of a German-speaking writer.

Maria von Ebner Eschenbach


All her life, Marie struggled against the “usual” views of her time. Her work was not the result of the need to earn a living and to support a family. She wrote with the conviction that her works could change the thoughts and views of her contemporaries, bring to society the ideas of morality and humanism.

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach passed away in Vienna in 1916. Buried in the family crypt. For almost forty years, the portrait of the writer could be seen on Austrian stamps.

The following works were translated into Russian: “Exemplary Student”, “With Honors”, “Worldly Child”, “Oath”, “Old Dog”.

Aphorisms of Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

To be faithful is, according to the writer, a rare virtue, to know fidelity is a great honor. Quite witty, she spoke out of sincere friendship, calling it a rare phenomenon that does not have high demand. With regard to relations between men and women, the author of famous quotes and aphorisms - Maria von Ebner- Eshenbach - said the following: “The one who has the power to convince him of her feelings without giving herself to him has real power over a man.”

There are people, as if created in the Baroque style, they have so many wonderful details, but so little content - something like the Russian language will sound the famous statement of the Austrian writer, if translated from German. Nenne dich nicht arm, wenn deine Träume nicht in Erfüllung gegangen sind; wirklich arm ist nur, der nie geträumt hat is another wise saying of Ebner-Eshenbach . These words are relevant always and everywhere. Translated into Russian: “Do not say that you are poor if your dreams have not come true. Poor is one who does not dream. "

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