"Anastrozole-TL": composition, instructions for use, review of analogues, release forms, reviews of doctors and patients

The drug "Anastrozole TL" consists of the same active element and auxiliary components that form the shell and improve the digestibility of the main substance. This drug has an antitumor effect and is prescribed for breast cancer.

The absolute analogue of this medication is the drug "Anastrozole". The difference between "Anastrozole" and "Anastrozole TL" is that the latter is enhanced by some components that provide its easier absorption and smoothing of side effects. Otherwise, these medicines are absolutely identical.

anastrozole t

The manufacturer of Anastrozole TL is the Russian pharmaceutical company Technology of Drugs LLC.

Features of the medication

A feature of the use of Anastrozole TL is its selective effect, within which it does not affect the secretion of other hormones, suppressing only the production of estrogen. This reduces stress for the body and eliminates the need to introduce corticosteroids into the therapeutic course to compensate for the negative effects of the drug. It is rapidly absorbed into the tissues from the digestive tract (in less than two hours), regardless of the time of eating. If the drug is taken with food, this can only slightly affect the process of absorption. Active substances do not accumulate in the body and do not have a tendency to cumulate. The medicine reduces the concentration of estradiol in the blood by 80%.

Application area

The scope of Anastrozole TL is quite narrow. It is prescribed exclusively for breast cancer, with menopause in the event that a relationship has been established between the level of estrogen and the progression of the development of neoplasms.


According to the instructions for "Anastrozole TL", treatment with a cancer drug has some contraindications:

  • reproductive age, lactation, pregnancy;
  • renal, liver failure;
  • the presence of other pathologies that cast doubt on the effectiveness of the upcoming therapy.
    anastrozole tl reviews

Adverse reactions

After changing the type of hormonal treatment against the background of severe stress, side effects can occur that differ in their intensity and severity for health. According to reviews of Anastrozole TL, the most frequently observed in patients are:

  • nervous disorders: dizziness, apathy, or, conversely, excessive agitation, headache, drowsiness, neurosis, insomnia;
  • digestive disorders: diarrhea, constipation, nausea, loss of appetite, dry mouth;
  • impaired coordination, worsening reactions of the nervous system to the influence of external factors;
  • dermatological manifestations: skin rashes, itching, burning, excessive sweating.

Other negative manifestations

Also, negative consequences such as partial baldness, back and chest pains, and uterine bleeding often occur. In most cases, this symptomatology is characteristic of the period when the drug is taken. Further, after a certain time, when the body gets used to the altered hormonal background, side effects become insignificant and invisible. This is confirmed by the instructions for use with Anastrozole TL.

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The list of analogues of this medication includes:

  1. "Egistrazole" is a strong and highly selective non-steroidal inhibitor of aromatase , an enzyme with which women convert testosterone and androstenedione into estradiol and estrone in the tissues. A decrease in the concentration of estradiol circulating in the blood in patients with breast cancer tumors has the necessary therapeutic effect. The main substance of this medication is anastrozole. It does not have androgenic, progestagenic and estrogenic activity, and in daily doses does not have an effect on the production of cortisol and aldosterone. When using anastrozole, corticosteroid replacement therapy is not required. This medicine is indicated for adjuvant treatment of early stages of breast cancer with the presence of hormonal receptors in postmenopausal women. Also, the drug can be prescribed for the treatment of metastatic or locally advanced cancer of the gland, with unknown or positive hormonal status and with progressive cancer after previous treatment with tamoxifen. It is made in tablets.
  2. Anastera is an anti-tumor medicine. It is a selective non-steroidal substance that inhibits aromatase production. In postmenopausal women, estradiol is formed mainly from estrone, which is synthesized in peripheral tissues from androstenedione (with the participation of aromatase). Decreased estradiol levels have high therapeutic efficacy in women with breast cancer. It can be prescribed exclusively to those women who are in the postmenopausal period. This medication is contraindicated in the period of premenopause, with severe renal failure, moderate and severe liver failure, during pregnancy, lactation, and hypersensitivity. This medicine is available in tablet form.
  3. β€œSelana” is a drug that has an inhibitory effect on the enzyme, which contributes to the conversion of androstenedione to estrone in postmenopausal women. The main element present in the composition of the medication has high antitumor effectiveness against estrogen-dependent neoplasms of the mammary gland. It has the same list of indications, contraindications and negative side effects as Anastrozole TL and the above analogues of this drug.
    anastrozole t instruction
  4. "Abitaxel" is a tool that is not a structural analogue of the medication in question, but has an identical therapeutic effect. It is an antitumor drug, an inhibitor of mitosis. The paclitaxel present in the composition binds to beta-tubulin of microtubules, which disrupts the depolymerization of this protein and helps to suppress the correct dynamic reorganization of microtubules. This plays a decisive role during the interphase period, without which cellular functions in the mitosis phase are impossible. In addition, this active substance causes the formation of abnormal bundles of microtubules during the entire cell cycle and the appearance of several centrioles during mitosis. This medication is prescribed for oncological diseases of the breast, ovaries, lungs, esophagus, bladder, etc. It is contraindicated in the development of neutropenia, pregnancy and high sensitivity to the active element. The drug is made in the form of a concentrate for the preparation of an infusion solution.
  5. "Belem" is an antitumor antiestrogenic medication. Competitively suppresses estrogen receptors in tumors and target organs. As a result of this, a complex arises that, after translocation into cell nuclei, prevents cell hypertrophy, which depends on estrogen regulation. The drug has an antigonadotropic property, inhibits the synthesis of Pg in tumor tissues, and inhibits the progression of the malignant process, which is stimulated by estrogens. The ability to block these hormones may persist for several weeks after taking a single dose. In addition, the drug can cause ovulation in women, stimulating the release of GRF from the hypothalamus. In men with oligospermia, it increases the concentration of FSH and LH, as well as estrogen and testosterone in the blood. The main substance and its certain metabolites are inhibitors of the oxidase function of the cytochrome P450 system in the liver, but the clinical significance of these effects has not been determined. This medication is indicated for breast cancer, kidney cancer , melanoma and sarcoma of soft tissues, malignant ovarian tumors, cancer of the endometrium, prostate gland, etc. Hypersensitivity medicine, pregnancy, lactation, eye diseases, hyperlipidemia, thrombophlebitis, leukopenia, hypercalcemia are contraindicated. thromboembolic disease.
    anastrozole t instructions for use

Drug interaction

The dosage at which Anastrozole TL poses a threat to life has not been established. In case of drug poisoning, symptomatic therapy is performed and measures are taken to resuscitate the patient.

The Anastrozole TL medicine is not prescribed with other antitumor drugs, as well as with estrogen-containing medicines due to their mutual substitution with combined use.

Clinical trials have shown that with the simultaneous use of this drug with substances such as antipyrine and cimetidine, drug interaction, which is due to the induction of microsomal hepatic enzymes, is unlikely.

Special recommendations

The medicine "Anastrozole TL" can not be prescribed as an independent therapy. Its reception requires a preliminary examination with a study of the patient's history. A strict prohibition of therapy is the suspicion of pregnancy. Laboratory tests are also considered mandatory, which confirm the state of menopause in women. The development of bleeding from the genital tract during treatment is the reason for going to the doctor.

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Other interactions

It is also proven that a medical product reduces the density of tissues of the musculoskeletal organs. It must be remembered that the effectiveness of therapy with the drug is significantly reduced with the parallel use of drugs containing estrogens. Reviews of doctors about "Anastrozole TL" in this regard are available.

The combined use of the drug with tamoxifen is not possible. In addition, it is not advisable to use "Anastrozole" in the development of cancerous tumors that are not estrogen-dependent, since such therapy will be useless.


This pharmacological agent is quite specific and is not often used. Only a qualified specialist should appoint it.

Patient reviews about Anastrozole TL contain a lot of positive information about its effectiveness. Women in the postmenopausal period, to whom the medication was prescribed, noted its positive effect, while the growth of a malignant tumor in the mammary gland quickly stopped. This was confirmed by laboratory blood counts and instrumental methods of diagnostic measures (for example, ultrasound).

The only thing that is a negative point in the treatment with this medicine, according to patients, is the numerous adverse reactions that occur after taking the first pill.

anastrozole and anastrozole tl contrast

Comments of experts

Doctors' comments about Anastrozole TL warn against self-administration of this drug, since, according to experts, this can be very dangerous for health. In general, doctors consider this medication to be quite effective and the most popular among analogues.

Now many have understood how "Anastrozole" differs from "Anastrozole TL".

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