Yeshua Ga-Nozri. Yeshua Ga-Nozri: characteristic. Bulgakov, "Master and Margarita"

Most people read Bulgakov’s incredible novel, The Master and Margarita. Critics have a different opinion about the work. And the people who read it, have mixed reactions to the book, at the same time, each person experiences completely conflicting feelings and emotions.

yeshua ga nozri

The uniqueness of Bulgakov’s novel

Today, readers have the opportunity to watch a movie, which was shot based on the novel "The Master and Margarita", as well as visit the performance in the theater. For a fairly long time, critics tried to determine the type of work, to understand what idea it should convey to the reader, but they did not succeed. This is because the book written by Bulgakov combined many genres and various elements. Surprisingly, the myth novel was not published during the writer's life, as it was considered mediocre and hopeless. But exactly twenty-six years have passed since the death of the creator of the book, as many became interested in it, and she saw the light in 1966. It is incredible that all this for a long time Bulgakov’s wife kept the manuscript and believed that one day she would become a real bestseller.

yeshua ga nozri characteristic

Favorite hero

Many people, reading the novel "The Master and Margarita", have their favorite characters. Especially interesting is Yeshua Ga-Nozri. His writer identifies with Jesus Christ and gives him a particularly sacred appearance. Nevertheless, the plot twists so that Yeshua is completely different from the image of the gospel saint.

Yeshua Ga-Nozri in Hebrew means Jesus. The meaning of the unusual nickname is still incomprehensible. The unique name was not invented by Bulgakov, he only borrowed it from one of the characters in the play of Chevkin. The writer wanted this righteous man to be considered and to be the main character of the novel. In our time, many people think that the main place in the book is occupied directly by the Master and Margarita, as well as the dark forces.

yeshua ga nozri image

Becoming the hero of Yeshua

Mikhail Bulgakov spent a lot of time thinking about the image of the hero whom he so wanted to describe. As a basis, he took some chapters from the Gospel that passed his own test and thorough processing of the information contained in them. Thus, the writer wanted to make sure that he was right. This is how Yeshua Ga-Nozri arose, the image of which many, and Bulgakov himself, compared with the person of Jesus.

In addition to information from the Gospel, the writer drew some plots and details from fiction. Perhaps that is why "The Master and Margarita" has an indefinite genre, since the foundation is based on science fiction, satire, mysticism, parable, melodrama and much more.

Mikhail Bulgakov, creating the image of Yeshua, first of all relied on his preferences, thoughts about a full-fledged, morally healthy person. He understood that society was filled to the brim with dirt, envy and other negative emotions. Therefore, Yeshua is a prototype of a new person who is true to his beliefs, fair and honest by nature. In this way, Bulgakov decided to influence society and each individual person separately.

yeshua ga nozri quotes

Character Character

Bulgakov pays great attention to Yeshua Ga-Nozri and specifically emphasizes the significant difference between his beloved hero and Jesus Christ. The similarity between the characters is reflected in some points. For example, Yeshua was also betrayed by Judas and was crucified on the cross, but otherwise he is a completely different person. He looks like an ordinary tramp who loves to philosophize and may experience a natural fear of physical pain. Jesus is shrouded in mysticism and portrayed as a deity, something holy and inaccessible to the ordinary mortal.

Mikhail Bulgakov tried to create a completely different Yeshua Ga-Nozri. Characterization of the character is quite simple, but extremely interesting. This was a man from Nazareth who called himself a wandering philosopher. The heroes themselves, namely the Master who worked on his own novel, and Woland, described Yeshua as a prototype of Jesus Christ. Thus, Yeshua Ga-Nozri and Jesus have some similarities, a similar fate. But otherwise they are too different from each other.

The place of Yeshua Ga-Nozri in the novel

The key character in the novel is a symbol of Light and Good. He is the exact opposite of Woland, who is considered the master of Darkness. Yeshua is present in almost all storylines. Bulgakov writes about him at the beginning, he is also mentioned in the main text and at the end of the book. The bottom line is that Ga-Nozri does not play the role of God. In general, throughout the entire novel, Bulgakov never wrote about heaven or hell. All this is relative to the creator of the book, and there is no question of a single God.

The ideology, taken as a basis, is more similar to the Gnostic or Manichaean. In this regard, the parties are clearly divided into good and evil. As they say, the third is not given. At the same time, it is evident that representatives of both spheres act in the book. From the side of good, Yeshua Ga-Nozri stands, the representative of evil is Woland. They are completely equal and do not have the right to interfere in the existence and activities of each other.

Yeshua Ga Nozri and Jesus

Unpredictable plot

It was noted above that good and evil cannot interfere in each other's affairs. But in the novel you can meet the moment when Yeshua begins to read the book of the Master. He has an unusual liking for the work, and he decides to send Levius Matvey to Woland. Yeshua's request is to free the Masters and Margarita from evil and reward them with peace. Yeshua Ga-Nozri, whose image is as if woven from good, is decided on an unpredictable act, because the agreement on non-interference in each other’s affairs was concluded many years ago. Thus, Good risks and opposes active Evil.

Execution of Yeshua Ha Nocri

Yeshua's abilities

In addition to the fact that Yeshua Ga-Nozri, whose quotes were remembered by almost all people, was an excellent philosopher, he possessed great power. This is clearly displayed on the pages of the novel when the philosopher cured Pilate of a headache. Yes, he had a real gift, but at the same time he was an ordinary person, on which Mikhail Bulgakov emphasizes. In the novel "The Master and Margarita" everything was described in a completely different way than in the Bible. This is evidenced by the scene that happened according to the plot: Yeshua looked in the manuscript of Matthew and was horrified, because almost everything that was indicated there was untrue. Some events coincided with reality, but only by half. So Bulgakov wanted to convey to people that the Bible is not a standard and, perhaps, half of what is written there is a lie.

In addition, the writer points out that Yeshua died without ever lying, not betraying his principles and beliefs. It was for this that the whole nation was grateful to him and admired the sacred person. Yeshua became unusual only because he was real, fair and courageous. Bulgakov tries to emphasize all these qualities and convey to people: here he is - the ideal of a real person.

Character execution

After the case was opened against Yeshua, Pontius Pilate decided to deal with him without violence. In his report, he wrote that a wandering philosopher poses no danger and is generally considered insane. As a result, Yeshua was sent to Caesarea Stratonova in the Mediterranean Sea. This was due to the fact that with his speeches the man caused excitement in the crowd, and they simply decided to eliminate him.

Roman Bulgakova master and Margarita

As a prisoner, Yeshua wrote a report to the prosecutor, in which he expressed his opinion about the actions of the authorities - that they make people prisoners, and without them people will live in a completely different world, that is, in a place where justice and truth reign. After reading the report, the prosecutor decided that the execution of Yeshua Ga-Nozri was inevitable. He argued that the man insulted the ruler, and this can not be justified.

At the same time, Pontius Pilate shouted that the best, fair and honest power that can only be on earth is the rule of the emperor Tiberius. At this point, Yeshua's case was closed. After this, the execution of the hero took place, the most terrible and difficult - he was crucified on a wooden cross. With the death of Yeshua, everything around begins to plunge into darkness. At the same time, residents, whom the philosopher considered his friends and believed in, show themselves from a completely different perspective. Citizens come to admire the terrible execution, the picture that they see, leads some to delight. Thus ends the earthly path of Yeshua Ga-Nozri, the characteristic of which allows us to evaluate all its severity.

Instead of an afterword

To form an opinion about the hero, you must independently read Bulgakov’s unique masterpiece. And only after that you can watch a film shot based on his motives. The time allotted to get acquainted with the characters of “The Master and Margarita”, their fate, will not be wasted, but will bring great pleasure.

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