Next 3 (2003) movie - actors and features

Today we will discuss the film Next 3 (2003). Actors and roles are presented below. The television series is a continuation of the eponymous series of paintings. The director was Oleg Fomin. Camera work - Vasily Sikachinsky. Composers A. Gorin and Yu. Matveev. The tape was created by REN-TV.


next 3 movie 2003 actors

Let's discuss the plot of the movie Next 3 (2003). The actors are named in the following sections. The Lavra was once a "thief in law", now it is shedding parliamentary powers and is finally breaking ties with the past.

He is going to get married. In a private clinic abroad, the dowel “resurrects”. He got a new look after he underwent plastic surgery. The dowel is obsessed with the idea of ​​revenge; it kills everyone indiscriminately.

Main participants

next 3 movie 2003 actors and roles

Lavrikov and his son are the main characters of the movie Next 3 (2003). Actors Alexander Abdulov and Alexander Loye embodied these images.

Alexander Abdulov - actor, director. Gavriil Danilovich Abdulov - his father, moved to his son’s homeland from Ferghana. The family returned to Ferghana.

Alexander Loye is a movie actor. He inherited the surname from his great-grandfather. The latter was Ernst Loe, he was a German. In childhood, the actor starred in "Jumble" with Alexander Khmelik. He became widely known as Sidorov after taking part in the advertising of the Hershey-Cola drink.

Sancho and Klava are also among the main characters in the film Next 3 (2003). Actors S. Stepanchenko and N. Usatova transferred the characters to the screen.

Sergey Stepanchenko - actor, People's Artist. He was born in Tatarsk. He lived from two years and until he graduated from school in the village of Chernigovka. Sergey became a student at the Khabarovsk Institute of Physical Education. After him, he continued his education, enrolling in the Far Eastern State Institute of Arts, studied at the course of G.K. Sergey joined the Syzran Drama Theater.

Nina Usatova - actress, people's artist. She was born in the Altai Territory, studied in Kurgan in secondary school No. 30. Nina Usatova tried to become a student of the Schukin School at the Vakhtangov Theater. She worked in the city of Borovsk in a cloth factory called "Red October". She was the director of the House of Culture.

Other heroes

movie next 3 2003 actors

Olga Kirsanova and Mamykin were remembered by the audience of the movie Next 3 (2003). Actors Ekaterina Volkova and Valentin Golubenko played these roles.

Ekaterina Volkova is a Russian actress. Realized herself as a songwriter, performer and model. Catherine was born in Tomsk, grew up in Togliatti. She studied at the art school, choosing a piano class. Graduated from music school. Ekaterina became the founder of the brand of accessories Wolka. She is the mother of three children, divorced.

Valentin Golubenko is a Russian actor. He was born in Dnepropetrovsk. In childhood he was considered crazy and gloomy. While studying in the seventh grade, the young man left without the consent of his parents to conquer the virgin lands. Valentine returned with a profession and a diploma. Acquaintance with the theater happened by chance. A friend brought Valentine to a rehearsal of a drama club.

The dowel and Elizabeth Mikhailovna also appear in the plot of the film Next 3 (2003). Actors Oleg Fomin and Galina Petrova appeared in these roles. We will also talk about these people.

Oleg Fomin - was born in Tambov. Since childhood, dreamed of becoming an actor. Even at school he participated in amateur performances. At the same time he entered several theater universities in Moscow. Oleg chose the school of Schepkin. He studied in the studio of Yuri Solomin (course of Nikolai Annenkov). After graduation, he went to Riga. He joined the state theater of the young spectator of the Lenin Komsomol.

Galina Petrova is a Russian actress.

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