Alexander Vasilenko: biography and creativity

Our today's hero is Alexander Vasilenko. His songs are especially popular among the Ukrainian audience, so you should talk more about him. We are talking about the people's artist of Ukraine, academician, winner of the bass-baritone voice.

Quick reference

Alexander Vasilenko
Alexander Vasilenko is a singer who studied at the P.I.Tchaikovsky Kiev State Conservatory. In 1982 he graduated from this institution. From 1982 to 1992, he was the lead vocalist of the Kiev Philharmonic. He also managed to work at the Children's Musical Theater. From 1992 to 1994 he was a soloist of the State Brass Band of Ukraine. Since 1994 he performed as a member of the ensemble “Kyiv Camerata”. Since 2005, he became the chairman of the jury at the International Competition and Festival, which is dedicated to children's and youthful creativity and is called "Star Simeiz". Engaged in concert activities. His repertoire includes foreign and Ukrainian pop songs, compositions of peoples of the world, songs of past years, vocal music, works of classical composers. Performs with brass, folk and symphony orchestras. Also in his concerts take part pop groups. He is a laureate of numerous competitions and festivals. In 1994, our hero received the Gulak-Artemovsky Prize. In 2000, in Italy he participated in the International Festival under the name "World of Music", received a diploma and a Grand Prix. Awarded the Dmitry Lutsenko Prize.

Songs for children

Alexander Vasilenko singer
Alexander Vasilenko sings in 13 languages ​​- Hebrew, Yiddish, Hungarian, Azerbaijani, German, Italian, English. It is curious that when our hero entered the conservatory, his voice was called uninteresting. However, he loved to sing at an early age. Supporting any motives. I sang along to everything that sounded around. Especially successfully imitated Robertino Loretti, as well as other singers.


Alexander Vasilenko songs
The mother of our hero was a telephone operator, and his father was a simple worker. At the same time, the head of the family had a certain musical gift. He played the button accordion, balalaika, guitar and violin. From the army, the father of our hero brought a trophy mandolin. The family even had a clarinet. Father wanted his son to learn to play this instrument.


In the early years, Alexander Vasilenko spent a lot of time in Zhulyany at the airport. He liked to watch planes land and take off. He rode on the "corncob". The teenager in the future dreamed of becoming a pilot of sports aircraft. He led a healthy lifestyle and wanted to be strong. In winter, every day he went skiing after school for several hours.

Interesting Facts

Alexander Vasilenko photo
Our hero’s younger brother was called Yura. He was a wise little man. While studying in the first grade, Yura caught a cold and died. Alexander Vasilenko served in the army. After he began to work as a laboratory assistant. His activity was related to ultrasound technology. He worked at the Institute of Hydraulic Instruments. There he became interested in acoustics, began to study the sound of his voice. However, at that time I still did not think to connect my life with this matter. It all started with the mother’s birthday, where he sang for the audience and played the guitar. The very next day, he decided that he would be a professional musician. After a little training, he went to the conservatory. Listening to our hero took up Honored Artist of Ukraine Galina Sukhorukova. She also said that the voice of the future vocalist is close to the baritone, although he himself insisted that he had a tenor.

Alexander Vasilenko took up the study of playing the piano. I decided to enter the people's faculty. He independently took up the study of special literature and at this point was theoretically savvy. At the audition, he was told that his voice was uninteresting and that it was impossible to develop it. The teacher advised to test their strength in the choir. It was very difficult for our hero to hear such a decision, but he did not give up his dream. The choir of the future artist did not seduce. He decided to test his strength in a vocal studio, which worked in the House of Culture of the Bolshevik factory. She was just shortly before headed by Alexander Goloborodko - Honored Artist of Ukraine. He was very happy about the arrival of our hero, since Alexander Vasilenko became his first student. Honored Artist undertook to teach our hero everything that he could. After several classes, the mentor noted that his ward has an interesting voice, but he needs development. These words inspired our hero, and he set to work with even greater zeal. A year later, he again applied for admission to the conservatory. He managed to surprise the teacher, and although the set was already numb, he was accepted. One of the teachers, when he set the highest mark for our hero, loved to repeat that this was not his merit, but a gift.

After the conservatory, the artist changed his place of work several times, as he himself admits, the intrigues arising there were not to his liking. Now you know who Alexander Vasilenko is. Photos of him are attached to this material.

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