Charlotte with berries, pumpkin or apples? How to bake a real charlotte.

Everyone loves baking. Pies are one of the oldest culinary dishes. And therefore there are so many recipes. One of the easiest to prepare is charlotte with berries or apples. Practically in every country zealous housewives know how to bake this wonderful dessert.

How charlotte came about

Charlotte with berries in the oven
It is believed that charlotte came to us from Germany. In fact, the Germans borrowed it from the British. At first it was a pudding that was made from soaked bread. The crumb was laid to the bottom, then a layer of berries or apples was shifted. Sometimes the cake was layered. From above everything was covered with a layer of soaked bread and baked. Traditionally, charlotte was served warm along with cream or some sweet sauce. Classic German charlotte with berries or other fruits is made from white bread and custard. As a result of its culinary evolution, this cake was among the French. True, the Russian charlotte was invented in London, but by the French chef who prepared for Alexander I. And during the reign of I.V. Stalin, the dessert was renamed as an apple grandmother.

How to cook Russian Charlotte

charlotte with berries
Over the years of his journey from country to country, the recipe for this wonderful pie has undergone various minor changes. The simplicity of its preparation and always excellent result made charlotte the most popular delicacy. And in many cafes or restaurants you can find on the menu such an item as charlotte with berries. The recipe is simple and easy. For 4 eggs, one glass of sugar and flour is taken. When mixing, a teaspoon of slaked soda vinegar and a few finely chopped apples or a glass of berries are added. Charlotte baked with berries in the oven at a temperature of 170 degrees until browning. If you want to try the charlotte, which was prepared under the emperor, then replace the biscuit with cookies "savoyardi". Gently place it in a cake pan. Fill with Bavarian cream and leave until the dessert thickens.

Pie filling

Apples have always been the most popular filling, because the price for them has always been low, and they grow almost everywhere. But charlotte with berries or other fruits also turns out to be very tasty. If the berries are frozen, then they can be mixed with the mass, without waiting until they thaw. Sour fruits and berries are best sprinkled with sugar in addition. Pear, peaches, plums and apples cut into very thin slices: so they bake faster. You can experiment with exotic ingredients like bananas or mangoes. Some put jam or jam. Such a variety in the selection of toppings makes charlotte a unique pie. You can bake it constantly, and it won’t bother, most importantly, change the filling.

Charlotte with pumpkin

Charlotte with Berries Recipe
If you are bored with charlotte with berries, then try replacing them with pumpkin. This fruit is often used for desserts. Thin slices of pumpkin are laid out at the bottom of the baking dish. Then it is sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. And everything is filled with dough on top. Such charlotte is baked in the same way as apple or berry. It will be very tasty if you sprinkle the finished cake on top with icing sugar. Just wait until it cools down. Otherwise, the powder from the steam will stick together with a crust and will not be friable. And be sure to brew herbal tea: with mint, lemon balm, thyme. You can put milk on the table. The uniqueness of the recipe allows you to bake this cake not only in the oven, but also in the slow cooker and microwave. And if you are waiting for guests any minute, then do not waste time in vain. Turn on the oven and beat the dough. While your guests will be looking at family photos, the charlotte will have time to prepare. In the microwave, cooking time is reduced by three times. But before baking, be sure to check the instructions for your electronic assistant.

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