The drug "Dolobene" refers to combined medicinal medicines with anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic and antithrombotic effects. The tool effectively accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, has antiexudative properties. That is why it is often prescribed for the treatment of a variety of joint diseases. However, the price of the medicine is quite high. That is why the question often arises: is there an analogue of Dolobene cheap? Let's get it right.
The drug "Dolobene"
What is the original tool? Only after determining what effect the medication has on a person, it is possible to choose a cheap Dolobene analogue.
The drug is available in the form of ointments and gel, intended for external use.
Its effect is dictated by the active substances contained in the medicine:
- Heparin. The substance effectively accelerates tissue regeneration, has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
- Dimexide. The substance provides improved penetration of the active components into the body. It has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory effect. Provides local anesthesia.
- Dexpanthenol. During local use, transformation to vitamin B occurs. The substance promotes the healing of damaged tissues, stimulates regeneration, and accelerates the granulation process in the body.
The drug is widely used as an adjuvant in the treatment of joints and spine.
Most often, the medicine is prescribed in therapy:
- hematomas, edema, inflammatory processes, bruises in the area of soft tissues and tendons;
- closed injuries;
- bursitis, tenosynovitis, tendonitis;
- joint injuries in which there is a sprain of ligaments and tendons;
- various forms of neuralgia;
- inflammatory processes in the area of the shoulder joint.
The main contraindications to the use of the drug "Dolobene" are:
- severe violations in the work of the kidneys, liver;
- bronchial asthma;
- impaired functioning of the cardiovascular apparatus;
- children under 5 years old;
- pregnancy, lactation.
The cost of the gel (50 g) varies between 280-327 rubles. This amount is far from affordable for everyone. Therefore, there is a need to choose the drug "Dolobene" analogues cheaper. Consider what is presented on the pharmacological market.
The main analogues
Many effective medicines have been developed that can compete with the original medicine. However, most drugs differ in budget price.
The most effective drugs are Dolobene analogues:
- "Hepatrombin."
- Heparin ointment.
- "Hepatrombin C".
- Venolife.
- Gevkamen.
- Trombless Plus.
- Troxevasin Neo.
- Venabos
- "Venetian forte."
- Comfrey Ointment.
Among them, you can find both foreign drugs and domestic ones. If you are interested in Dolobene medicines, the Russian analogue, then pay attention to the following medicines:
- Heparin ointment.
- Venolife.
- Trombless Plus.
- Comfrey Ointment.
- Gevkamen.
Let's consider some drugs in more detail.
The medicine "Hepatrombin"
If you need to choose an analogue "Dolobene" cheap, then pay attention to this tool. Its cost for a tube of 40 g is 162-187 rubles.
The drug "Hepatrombin" is a combination agent. It has anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic effects, perfectly stimulates tissue regeneration. The product is used for topical use.
The composition of the medication includes:
- Heparin.
- Allantoin. The substance has anti-inflammatory properties, stimulates the metabolism.
- Dexpanthenol.
- Prednisone. It is a glucocorticosteroid with anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-exudative effects.
- Lauromacrogol. It differs in local anesthetic properties and perfectly scleroses hemorrhoidal nodes.
Heparin ointment
This is a cheap analogue of Dolobene. The price of the drug is 84.50 rubles.
The combined agent has an antithrombotic and moderately anti-inflammatory effect. Heparin ointment promotes the resorption of already formed blood clots and protects against the emergence of new ones. In addition, the medicine contains benzocaine (a local anesthetic), which effectively reduces the severity of pain.
Ointment is recommended for:
- thrombophlebitis;
- post-traumatic hematomas;
- thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins;
- phlebitis provoked by intravenous injection.
Medication "Troxevasin Neo"
The combined product is a cheap analogue of Dolobene (gel). The cost of the drug "Troxevasin Neo" is 236 rubles.
The gel contains the following active substances:
- heparin sodium;
- dexpanthenol;
- troxerutin.
The latter substance is an angioprotector that provides a decrease in vascular tissue permeability and prevents capillary fragility. It normalizes microcirculation and trophic tissue, reduces congestion in paravenous tissues and veins. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and antiexudative effects.
Prescribe the drug "Troxevasin Neo" for the treatment of:
- venous insufficiency;
- soft tissue injuries (edema, hematomas, sprains, dislocations);
- trophic ulcers in the regeneration stage.
Medicine "Venitan Forte"
This is another good analogue of Dolobene ointment. This product is available in the form of a gel. It has a venotonic effect. The medicine has a local anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect.
The drug “Venitan Forte” is prescribed for the following pathologies:
- Venous insufficiency. It effectively relieves swelling of the legs, eliminates night cramps of the calf muscles, reduces pain and a feeling of heaviness. Reduces skin itching.
- Varicose veins.
- Post-traumatic hematomas, injection-induced infiltrates. The medicine stimulates the resorption process.
- Swelling of the soft tissues caused by bruises, sprains.
People who are prone to thrombosis should use this drug with extreme caution and only after consulting their doctor.
The cost of medicine for a tube of 50 g is 250-287 rubles.
The drug "Venolife"
Continuing to consider the medicines "Dolobene" analogues, you should stop at this tool. This is an effective domestic medicine.
Its main components are:
- troxerutin;
- heparin sodium;
- dexpanthenol.
The medicine has antithrombic, venotonic, angioprotective properties. The tool perfectly stimulates tissue regeneration.
The composition of the drug includes phenylethyl alcohol (preservative-antiseptic). This substance gives the drug a fungicidal and bactericidal effect. Therefore, Venolife gel is an excellent prophylactic that protects wound surfaces from infection.
The medicine is recommended for use with:
- Edematous-pain syndromes, microcirculatory-trophic disorders provoked by venous insufficiency. The medicine is prescribed for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis (acute, chronic), lymphostasis, postthrombophlebitis syndrome.
- Soft tissue injuries. The medicine helps with dislocations, sprains, bruises.
- Trophic ulcers during regeneration. The medication accelerates epithelization and granulation.
This tool should not be used on open infected wounds or surfaces on which abundant exudation is observed.
The cost of Venolife medicine (40 g) is 273-316 rubles.
Trombless Plus Medication
The medicine is in the form of a gel. The tool has antiproliferative, anticoagulant, decongestant, anti-inflammatory and local analgesic properties.
Domestic remedy is intended for the treatment of:
- hemorrhoidal vein thrombosis;
- trophic ulcers;
- localized edema;
- subcutaneous hematomas;
- injuries, bruises;
- aseptic infiltrates.
The price of Trombless Plus (30 g) is 276 rubles.
The drug "Gevkamen"
What else can replace "Dolobene" - ointment? The analogue is cheaper, and at the same time quite effective, is the medicine "Gevkamen". Its price is 31 rubles.
The ointment is based on vegetable oils. It is distinguished by a local irritant and a small local anesthetic effect.
The drug serves as a "distracting" anesthetic in therapy:
- arthralgia;
- neuralgia;
- myositis;
- myalgia.
However, contraindications to the drug should be taken into account. The drug is not used for dermatological ailments, violations of the integrity of the skin cover. Do not use the product for persons under 12 years of age.
In addition, carefully monitor your health if you are using the "Gevkamen". Some patients may develop side effects during therapy. Often they manifest as an allergic reaction. Pay attention to tingling sensation of cold, burning sensation in the area of application. Such manifestations indicate the presence of an allergy to the medication.
The drug "Comfrey"
Trying to choose a cheap Dolobene analog, consider this option. The medicine, which has another name "Zhivokost", is presented in the form of ointment, cream and balm.
This is a herbal medicine. It is created on the basis of medicinal herb Gallivus (or comfrey).
It is this plant that endowed the medicine with many useful substances:
- Vitamin E
- essential oils;
- chondroitin.
Since ancient times, it is known that the livestock is a powerful anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent.
The drug "Comfrey" has a number of beneficial effects:
- strengthens and restores joints;
- slows down the destruction of cartilage (therefore recommended for deforming osteoarthrosis);
- beneficial effect on the course of mineral metabolism;
- strengthens bone tissue;
- relieves joints from swelling;
- improves calcium-phosphorus metabolism;
- provides analgesia.
However, it should be remembered that the larkspur is a poisonous plant. It is strictly forbidden to use it inside! The product is intended exclusively for external use.
The cost of medicines based on grass zhivostok varies from 70–100 rubles.