In the treatment of various diseases, painkillers are often prescribed. The list of such drugs includes novocaine ointment. The medication is intended for external use only. Ointment has a generating effect on nerve impulses. Thanks to this ability, the drug quickly and effectively eliminates acute pain in a person.
Novocainic ointment: composition and action
The medicine contains one main active ingredient - novocaine. On sale, you can find an ointment containing 5% or 10% of the active analgesic substance.
Excipients are also used:
- soft white paraffin;
- emulsifier;
- mineral oil;
- specially purified water.
These components do not have a therapeutic effect and are necessary for the formation of an ointment and a specific concentration of the drug.
The effect of the drug is based only on the active ingredient. Novocaine quickly reduces myocardial excitability and automatism. At the same time, the spasm of smooth muscles is reduced, the ganglion blocking effect occurs and the excitability of the motor zones that are located in the brain is suppressed. The drug has a pronounced anti-shock effect. Novocaine ointment, getting on a diseased organ, has a local anesthetic effect. In this case, polysynaptic unwanted reflexes are suppressed.
Properties of ointment and drug reviews
Novocaine ointment is designed to quickly alleviate the condition of a patient who is experiencing an acute pain syndrome. As the reviews show, the condition normalizes literally in the first minutes of applying the product, which is due to the specificity of the active component. Novocaine, which is part of the drug, quickly begins to act, penetrating the skin and blocking impulses passing from the nerve endings to the brain. The substance is almost immediately absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore, as patients' responses show, the pain syndrome disappears and relief comes. Experts attribute this to a decrease in the excitability of peripheral systems and to a reduction in the formation of acetylcholine from nerve endings.
The substance is completely excreted by the active work of the kidneys with urine. It is known that unchanged novocaine enters urine in an amount of not more than 2% of the initial state.
In which cases it is necessary to use
It has a wide spectrum of activity and helps to reduce the pain of novocaine ointment. The prescription for the purchase of this drug must be taken from a doctor, since the medicine is not available for sale in pharmacies. The medication is indicated in the following cases:
- for local anesthesia, including spinal and conductor type;
- arterial hypertension;
- to enhance the effect of the prescribed anesthetic drugs as part of general anesthesia;
- pain syndrome of various origins: with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, back problems, gastrointestinal tract, oncological diseases;
- violation of the swallowing reflex;
- narrowing of the walls of blood vessels;
- neurodermatitis;
- vasospasm;
- elimination of pain in the presence of hemorrhoids.
Anesthetic ointment with novocaine eliminates vascular hypertonicity due to the arrest of nerve impulses in the fibers. Therefore, the medicine is able to effectively and quickly relieve even severe pain.
Hemorrhoid treatment
As patients' reviews and the practice of doctors show, ointment with novocaine is successfully used to eliminate pain in hemorrhoids. The drug is able to remove the unpleasant sensations of burning and pain, it also helps to eliminate complications such as:
- inflammatory process of the rectal mucosa in an ascending type;
- anal bleeding;
- fistulas and fissures in the anus;
- clogged vessels bulging hemorrhoids.
The use of novocaine ointment helps the patient cope with pain, reduce the number and size of cones.
Watch out for time
Experts say that the drug helps a lot in the treatment of hemorrhoids and other problems associated with the inflammatory process of the anus. It is known that such diseases already 3-4 years after the first signs are able to degenerate into a cancerous tumor. The main mistake of any person is delaying and not going to the doctor. Many are simply shy, while others hope for self-healing. At the same time, hemorrhoids can be treated, it is novocaine ointment that contributes to an overall improvement in well-being. For therapy, it is necessary to treat the inflamed areas with a small amount of the drug.
Novocaine ointment: instructions for use
Ointment must be used on inflamed areas and skin, where there is a focus of pain. So that there is no overdose, you should focus on the following data: the area of ββthe treated skin 10 X 10 cm requires squeezing a strip of ointment of about 1 cm. It is allowed therapy with the drug up to three times a day. If necessary, the doctor may permit the use of the drug in large quantities, however, it is necessary to monitor the general condition.
The most common area of ββapplication of novocaine ointment is hemorrhoids, while the product must be squeezed onto the finger (strip from 1 to 2 cm) and applied to the affected area. If the pain syndrome bothers deep inside the anus, then you can use a special applicator.
Strict contraindications
Clear indications and only the appointment of a doctor requires novocaine ointment. The instruction also implies contraindications when the medication is forbidden to use:
- patients prone to an allergic reaction to the incoming components of the ointment;
- individual intolerance to any component of this drug;
- age to 18 years.
The medicine can cause an allergic reaction, which patients often complain about. Therefore, before the first use, especially inside the anus, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, a small amount of ointment should be applied to the elbow or wrist. If after eight hours an undesirable reaction in the form of redness, burning and swelling did not occur, then you can safely use the medication for therapeutic purposes.
Possible consequences
Based on paraffin, novocaine ointment is produced. The manufacturing technology of all ointments involves the inclusion of fusible components. As a result, the drug quickly penetrates the skin, mucous membranes and is absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore, during treatment, the patient may be disturbed by the following side effects:
- muscle weakness:
- nausea, vomiting;
- confusion, migraine, tinnitus;
- lowering blood pressure;
- disorientation in space;
- swelling, rash, redness, itching at the site of application;
- anaphylactic shock.
As patients' reviews and medical practice show, one of the most frequent side effects is migraine. Therefore, if there is a similar problem, it is important to report it to your doctor.
Dangers of overdose
When using novocaine ointment, it is extremely important to be careful and the dosage recommended by a specialist. With excessive enthusiasm for the pain medication, the patient may experience:
- uncontrolled vomiting;
- spasm of the lower extremities;
- increased nervous irritability;
- difficulty breathing
- Strong headache;
- convulsive syndrome;
- acute heart failure.
The first sign of an overdose is increased excitability of the nervous system. It is necessary to stop using the medication and consult a doctor.
Analogues of the drug
Novocainic ointment has analogues in action and properties. The anesthesin ointment is the closest in therapeutic effect and effect . This drug is an analgesic whose action is based on the substance benzocaine. The ointment is indicated for use with the same pathologies as novocainic. However, it is much more often used in the relief of acute pain with various injuries.
Also, the medicine can be replaced with drugs, which include the analgesic substance lidocaine. Among such funds, Oflomelide is distinguished.
If the remedy necessary for pain relief for hemorrhoids is selected, a drug with:
- dikain;
- benzocaine;
- lidocaine;
- combined anesthetics.
Despite the pronounced therapeutic effect of novocaine ointment, most experts prescribe more modern medicines with complex effects. Such drugs, in addition to relieving pain, can eliminate inflammation, have an antibacterial effect and relieve fever. These drugs include Finalgon, Menovazan and Oflokain.
Use during pregnancy
It is known that novocaine ointment can be used during pregnancy. However, they are prescribed it with great care. If necessary, a specialist can recommend a drug for symptomatic pain relief, if the benefit significantly exceeds the possible risk.
Important notes
The instruction contains information on the combination of some drugs with novocaine. If the patient takes blood thinners (Warfarin or Heparin), then the risk of bleeding increases significantly. Therefore, such patients require special supervision by a doctor.
Reviews about the drug
Novocaine ointment has long been used in medical practice and has established itself well among a wide range of specialists and their patients. Confirmation of this fact are numerous positive reviews.
Often, ointment is prescribed for hemorrhoidal pain. According to patients, the tool really quickly relieves pain and greatly alleviates the condition. The medicine is convenient to use and does not require complex manipulations. The effectiveness is not inferior to many tablets, which often have a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The ointment is used for radiculitis and other back pain. Efficiency is pronounced, but it is necessary to strictly observe all the recommendations of the doctor so as not to provoke side effects and not cause an overdose.
Novocaine ointment has been used successfully to relieve acute pain. It is often prescribed for back pain and hemorrhoids. However, the drug requires special conditions of use and strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations.