Cause of baby smell and restoration of fresh breath

A healthy child always has fresh breath. But sometimes, the pleasant baby smell starts to change, which is an alarming call for parents. A healthy body radiates health in everything, and a changed smell indicates the appearance of any infection in the body. What is the cause of a baby’s bad breath and how to treat the baby in this case?

cause of bad breath in a child
About 60 percent of the total population is concerned about this problem. Bad breath from the mouth is halitosis. American scientists found that bacteria provoke the emergence of a negative process. In the process of their life, some bacteria secrete sulfur components, the focus of which is localized mainly in the child’s tongue. In other words, the bacteria break down the proteins, which is why some sulfur-containing compounds are formed, which are the main provocateurs of the baby’s stale breath.

When examining a child, these microbes in most cases are not detected. Multiple reproduction of these bacteria is restrained by saliva, which contains a microbe such as salivary streptococcus. If the salivary streptococcus content is within the normal range, then it “eats” the sulfur compounds formed and normalizes the smell. With a deficiency of salivary fluid in the mouth (drying out), the process of decay can begin, which develops not only in the oral cavity, but also in the nose. A tooth problem is another cause of a baby’s bad breath.

Self-medication in this situation, as in all cases of problems in the children's body, is unacceptable. If the child has a bad smell from the oral cavity, you need to visit a pediatrician, who will prescribe the appropriate tests in order to understand what is the cause of bad breath in the child.

treatment of bad breath
Pediatricians conduct an examination based on the results of urine, blood, feces and ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. It should be recalled that the treatment of bad breath takes a long time due to the fact that it is not always easy to establish the root cause of this problem. After identifying it, you can begin procedures that restore fresh breath.

What do parents need to do to protect their baby from bad breath? Systematically change his toothbrushes and toothpaste. Be present with the baby when brushing your teeth in order to monitor the process of proper cleansing of the mucous membrane. Visit with your child not only the pediatrician, but also other specialized specialists. The use of edible components that can briefly eliminate spoiled breathing will not save the main problem. Help your baby learn how to use dental floss.

from bad breath
The baby's mouth should always be wet. This does not mean that the child needs to be given liquid in unlimited doses. A healthy body produces enough saliva in its mouth. Recall that the main reason for the smell of a child’s mouth is a lack of saliva, which contributes to the reproduction of microbes.

In order for the child to always have fresh breath, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of childhood diseases and regularly visit a pediatrician. Now you know what the main cause of bad breath is in a child.

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