Tatar Azu in a slow cooker: simple recipes

Since time immemorial, man has been using various types of meat for food. Meat production had a significant impact on the development of physical strength, the formation of the brain, the development of society. Probably, every nation has a meat dish recognized as national. Such foods can also be attributed to Tatar basics, consisting of fragrant fried pieces of meat (usually used beef, veal, lamb or young horsemeat), then stewed with a lot of onions, tomatoes or tomato sauce, sliced ​​pickles, spices. According to some recipes, potatoes and carrots, cut into large pieces, are also put into the total mass. In principle, the ingredients are quite affordable, the recipe is simple. Why not try making it for us as well?

Tatar basics in a slow cooker

From the history

The very word "azu" comes from "azdyk" (which means "food", "food"). It has Persian roots. For a long time such a dish was cooked at the stake, in a special cauldron, but even now in public catering establishments (and not only Tatar) it is very popular. For the first time in culinary literature, the basics were described by Yunus Akhmetzyanov in the book of the Kazan publishing house, although this recipe came to Tatar cooks from the depths of centuries.

The slow cooker is a miracle device!

This appliance appeared in modern kitchens not so long ago, but it has already earned all sorts of praises from our housewives who love to experiment with cooking. In principle, Tatar-style basics in a slow cooker are prepared almost the same as in a cauldron. Fortunately, the design of the device allows this to be done more successfully than in a simple frying pan with high edges. And various operating modes make cooking a real pleasure. Try to make the basics of Tatar in the pan-cooker "Panasonic" or "Redmond". And soon you will see that it’s not so difficult!

Tatar basics in the redmond crock-pot

Ingredient preparation

For the classic version of the preparation of Tazu in the multicooker, we need:

  • 800 grams of meat;
  • 300 grams of onions;
  • one large spoon of tomato;
  • 0.5 kilograms of potatoes;
  • three medium-sized pickles;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • two large spoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt and spices to taste.

As meat for cooking Tatar-style aza in a slow cooker, we take beef (tenderloin) or veal. Pork is too fat, and according to the classic Tatar recipe, of course, it is not used. You can take lamb, but it has a specific smell, which not everyone likes. If you do not like the combination of meat with potatoes, this vegetable can not be used at all.

the basics of Tatar in the multicooker Panasonic


Cut the meat into small pieces, onion - in half rings. We combine the meat with onion, put it in the multicooker bowl (4.5 l) and overcook it in vegetable oil. The device is in the “Baking” mode with the lid open. The process will take about 20 minutes. After this time, put the cucumbers, cut into cubes, and tomato paste. Mix. Fry for another five minutes.

Grind the garlic (a few cloves), throw into the total mass. Fill with water and put the device in the "Extinguishing" mode. Stew for about two hours. Half an hour before the dish is ready, add the potatoes, coarsely chopped. We continue to extinguish. Before the readiness we put salt, spices, a slice of chopped garlic.

A delicious aromatic dish - Azu in Tatar - in a slow cooker is done without much difficulty! Serve it to the table, sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs.

Tatar-style Azu in a mutton Redmond crock -pot

Actually, cooking is not much different from the previous version. As an additive to the ingredients, we use ghee and broth. Instead of beef, we suggest using lamb. We replace tomato paste with natural tomatoes. The remaining components do not change (see the recipe above).

Tatar basics in the redmond crock-pot

Cooking lamb

The meat, previously cut into small pieces, is fried in ghee (Baking mode) for about fifteen minutes. It should not let the juice go. We spread the meat from the bowl. In the bowl we put the chopped onion (there should be a lot of it), fry in a small amount of melted butter until golden. Put the meat back into the bowl, mix with the onion, add the mixture of ground peppers, salt. Fresh tomatoes (0.5 kg) are peeled, cut and poured into the total mass. Add the glass of broth there. We put the slow cooker on the "Extinguishing" mode and cook for forty minutes. During this time, we prepare potatoes and cucumbers.

In some recipes, vegetables are fried separately in oil, and then added to the dish. But if you use a slow cooker, you can not fry them, but simply add to the total mass and simmer for another half hour. We take cucumbers for cooking only salted, barrel, without the addition of vinegar. In the meantime, preparing a delicious dish - Tatar-style asza - in the Redmond slow cooker, you can cut fresh herbs and make tea. Serve the basics with hot, sprinkled with herbs, with fresh cakes. You’ll just lick your fingers. Enjoy your meal!

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