The list of antibiotics for the genitourinary system for men and women

Urogenital infections are a fairly common pathology. The reasons for its development often lie in the inability of the body to withstand extraneous influences. This is due to improper lifestyle and low immunity. Taking antibiotics for the genitourinary system allows you to get rid of the manifestations of the disease, but it is not always possible to completely forget about the problem, since after a while the infection may recur. Only on condition that measures are taken to increase the body's defenses and lifestyle changes, a long-term remission can be achieved.

Antibiotics for inflammation of the genitourinary system - a necessary element for recovery. If pathogenic microflora has settled in the tissues of the organs, the disease will worsen until it gives life-threatening complications.

List of the most common urinary tract infections

In nephrology, urinary infections are called inflammatory processes that developed due to the introduction of pathogenic microflora into the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The most common ailments are pyelonephritis, urethritis, vaginitis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis. The causative agents are most often E. coli, staphylococcus. Provoking factors are diverse, depending on the patient’s lifestyle and his attitude to his own health.

genitourinary antibiotics
  1. Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the parenchyma and tubular system of the kidneys. It occurs more often in women (both very young and aged). Often it is a consequence of urethritis or cystitis, when pathogenic microflora in the tissues rises up to the kidneys. Such a process, as a rule, occurs in the absence of proper treatment. If women begin to use antibiotics for the genitourinary system in time, the infection will be neutralized. Pyelonephritis is dangerous because it often takes a chronic form of the course and after a few years leads to the development of chronic renal failure. This disease requires either a lifetime visit to the hemodialysis procedure, or a donor kidney transplant.
  2. Cystitis is an infectious disease of the bladder. It is diagnosed more often in women due to physiological characteristics: in men, the urethra is longer, so infections to reach the bladder are not so simple. The disease is manifested by severe burning and pain during urination. For treatment, antibiotics are used for inflammation of the urogenital system in women. After a course of well-chosen medicine, the disease recedes. If a woman observes the rules of prevention, then cystitis does not return.
  3. Urethritis. This is an infectious lesion of the urethra (urethra). It occurs in both women and men. Antibiotics for the genitourinary system will help to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms associated with the disease within a few days: burning and pain during urination, the inability to completely empty the bladder. The patient is forced to (often literally every ten minutes) use the toilet. but it does not bring relief. In the absence of proper treatment, the infection rises to the bladder and then to the kidneys in a few days. Very often, pathogenic microflora passes to the tissues and mucous of the genital organs. As a result, the disease is complicated and can lead to life-threatening conditions.

Causes of the development of pathology and symptoms

You should be careful if the pain and pain during urination do not go longer than one day. In parallel, the temperature rises, the patient becomes weak, his performance decreases. This is a natural condition for infectious diseases, since all the forces of the body are aimed at combating the infection.

antibiotics for inflammation of the genitourinary system

The most common causes of such pathologies of an infectious nature:

  • Hypothermia of the legs and lower back.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners, unprotected sexual intercourse.
  • Alcohol abuse is a powerful factor in reducing local immunity.
  • Diabetes.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Lack of proper nutrition (deficiency of amino acids, vitamins and minerals).

Penicillins in the treatment of urinary infections

These are the very first antibiotic drugs that began to be used in medicine. To date, some bacteria have adapted to the action of penicillins and have developed resistance to their effects. However, nephrology still uses these antibiotics for the genitourinary system after laboratory tests, which prove the possibility of effective treatment with their help. It all depends on what type of pathogenic microflora has caused the development of the disease.

  1. Ampicillin is a semi-synthetic antibiotic for the genitourinary system that acts bactericidal by blocking the biosynthesis of the cell wall. Its activity against Escherichia coli is especially high, which often causes the development of pyelonephritis and cystitis. It is characterized positively by both doctors and patients, has a relatively low number of contraindications for use.
  2. Amoxicillin is similar in principle to Ampicillin, however, it is characterized by increased acid resistance. Due to this, it is actively used in nephrology and urology as tablets for oral administration. The patient can conduct a course of treatment at home, since there is no need for injection of the drug. Its analogues "Flemoxin" and "Hiconcil" are also used quite actively in modern medicine. The clavulanate drug is also popular as an antibiotic for inflammation of the genitourinary system. It is a compound of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.
genitourinary antibiotics

Use of cephalosporins for infectious diseases

These antibiotics for inflammation of the genitourinary system in men and women for decades are deservedly considered the means number 1. There are a number of drugs for oral administration as well as for injection from a number of cephalosporins. Each of them has a slightly different structural formula, but the principle of destruction of the bacterial cell wall is the same in each case.

Cephalosporin List

The list of the most effective antibiotics for diseases of the genitourinary system from a number of cephalosporins:

  • "Cephalexin" is often prescribed due to its good tolerance and a small number of contraindications.
  • "Cefaclor" is produced in tablet form and belongs to the new generation of cephalosporins, it is prescribed relatively rarely.
  • "Cefuroxime" is produced in several dosage forms, prescribed mainly to women with urethritis, vaginitis, cystitis.
  • Ceftriaxone is a representative of a relatively new generation of cephalosporins, most often used in the form of intramuscular injections. There is also a powder on sale for the preparation of a suspension for the treatment of adolescents and children (only the attending urologist or nephrologist can prescribe the required dosage).
  • "Cepepim" refers to the group of the fourth generation of cephalosporins. It is produced in tablet form and is used for diseases of the genitourinary system. Broad-spectrum antibiotic. It can be used to treat children and adolescents, as well as pregnant women (only as directed by the attending physician).
genitourinary antibiotics for men

Fluoroquinolones and their use in infectious processes in the kidneys

Also indicated for sexually transmitted diseases, a variety of mycoses of the genital area. This class of antibiotics for the treatment of the genitourinary system is almost never used in the treatment of children, adolescents and pregnant women because of the rather high toxicity. In parallel with the course of fluoroquinolones, it is necessary to take probiotics and means to restore microflora in order to prevent vaginal candidiasis. Also, during the course of treatment, bed rest should be observed, overfatigue and hypothermia should be avoided - this is important for the complete destruction of pathogenic microflora and the prevention of relapse of the disease.

  1. Ciprofloxacin has many analogues. It is most often used orally, although other uses are possible. Effective against almost all types of bacteria that cause inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  2. Ofloxacin is used not only in urological practice, as it has a very wide spectrum of action. It has several analogues, it can be used injection and oral. It is quite toxic, so nephrologists avoid prescribing it to children and pregnant women in connection with the possible development of fetal pathologies.
  3. Norfloxacin is another broad-spectrum antibiotic popular in nephrology. The genitourinary system pretty quickly gets rid of the pathogenic flora due to this fluoroquinolone antibiotic. It can be used intravenously, intramuscularly and orally, depending on the severity of the patient's condition.
antibiotics for inflammation of the urogenital system in women

Aminoglycosides - antibiotic drugs for the treatment of genitourinary infections

A class of drugs that can be used as antibiotics for infections of the genitourinary system. Urologists and nephrologists prescribe these drugs relatively rarely (most often in cases where the infection is complicated by concomitant diseases). In addition, aminoglycosides are poorly absorbed by oral administration and strongly irritate the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the use of this class of antibiotics for the kidneys and the genitourinary system brings quite noticeable harm to the whole body.

  • "Gentamicin" is poorly absorbed by oral administration, so it is prescribed only in injectable form.
  • Netilmecin has a rather impressive list of contraindications. This antibiotic is more often used for infectious pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Amikacin is effective for urinary tract infections, but is prescribed relatively rarely. It is used, as a rule, only in the form of rectal suppositories or for injection.
antibiotics for diseases of the genitourinary system

Nitrofurans in the fight against symptoms in infectious diseases of the urinary system

These are broad-spectrum antibiotics for infections of the genitourinary system. Active against almost any pathogenic microflora, both gram-positive and gram-negative. Act due to the destruction of the cellular structure of bacteria.

Separately, the antibiotic "Fosfomycin trometamol" should be mentioned. Sold in pharmacy chains under the name "Monural". This is a very mild remedy that can be used both independently and as part of complex therapy for urinary tract infections in men and women. It is also often prescribed for children and adolescents. It does not have many side effects.

The best antibiotic for pyelonephritis and cystitis

Patients often ask nephrologists and urologists about which drug is best. They are not lazy every time when the usual symptoms appear, go to the hospital and carry out all the necessary laboratory tests. There is no answer to this question, since for each individual relapse of inflammation of the genitourinary system, an antibiotic is prescribed, which will be most effective.

You can try to be treated every time, for example, with Ciprofloxacin. This is a very good and effective drug. But do not be surprised that with its constant use, the effect will decrease. When treating in a hospital with the help of analyzes, you can compile a complete clinical picture of the course of the disease and use complex treatment until the pathogenic microflora is completely crowded out. After this, immunity should be restored so that with the slightest hypothermia or unprotected sexual intercourse, the symptoms of urogenital inflammation do not return again.

antibiotics for inflammation of the urogenital system in men

Rules for the use of antibiotic drugs

Some patients are afraid of taking antibiotics, preferring treatment with alternative methods. This approach often contributes to serious complications. Only antibiotic drugs can completely destroy the pathogenic microflora. Modern medicines do not bring any significant damage to the human body. You should follow some rules that will help make taking any antibiotic drugs completely safe:

  • In parallel, take probiotics and prebiotics.
  • Use suppositories to treat thrush.
  • Adhere to proper and proper nutrition.
  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • After a course of antibiotics, take immunomodulators to restore immunity.

Prevention of the development of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system consists in observing hygiene, refusing unprotected sexual intercourse, avoiding hypothermia, strengthening immunity.

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