"Dufalac" for children: reviews, instructions for use, effectiveness, tips

Due to the unripe intestinal microflora, many babies suffer from stool disorder. Abdominal pain, moodiness, lethargy - all this indicates violations of the digestive tract in a child. You can correct the situation with the help of Dufalac. Instructions for children, reviews - all this information should be studied before starting therapy. It will not be superfluous to consult a pediatrician.

Composition and form of release of the drug

Duphalac is available in several dosage forms. Reviews for children up to a year show that the medication is better to use in the form of a syrup. The role of the main active ingredient is lactulose. This is a product of deep processing of milk (milk sugar). If we consider the physical characteristics, lactulose is a white powder that does not have a pronounced smell. This substance was first bred relatively recently, in 1929.

The drug Dufalac

Lactulose has a wide range of positive properties for humans. First of all, this substance activates bifidobacteria, due to which the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized. As a result of research, it was possible to find out that daily use of lactulose for two weeks allows increasing the number of bifidobacteria in the intestine almost three times. Against the background of the growth of beneficial bacteria, the number of pathogenic microorganisms is significantly reduced. People with a large number of bifidobacteria are less likely to suffer from acute respiratory infections and other diseases of an infectious nature. Therefore, it will not be amiss to give Duphalac to a month-old baby. Reviews of specialists about this drug can be heard for the most part positive.

With regular use of lactulose, the absorption of minerals increases significantly. If rickets is suspected, Dufalac can also be prescribed to children. Reviews show that taking the drug promotes active absorption of calcium.

Incorrect bowel function leads to the accumulation of ammonia in the body. As a result, the liver loses its ability to remove toxins from the body. And here again lactulose comes to the rescue. This substance helps neutralize ammonia. As a result, the liver begins to work correctly, and the overall health improves.

Additionally, the composition of the medicine includes purified water and plum flavor. Can be given undiluted "Duphalac" to children. Reviews show that kids like a sweet medicine.

pharmachologic effect

Most often, Dufalac is prescribed for children from constipation. Reviews show that the medicine begins to act almost immediately. The active ingredient (lactulose) causes a change in the flora of the colon. As a result, the chair becomes softer, the child can safely go to the toilet. Peristalsis is also stimulated by an increase in acidity. The plus is that the laxative effect develops without negative effects on the mucous membrane. In most cases, experts give a positive answer to the question of whether Dufalac can be given to newborn children. Reviews of doctors show that lactulose is completely safe for children from the first months of life.

Under the influence of the main component, the production of nitrogen-containing components in the colon is also reduced. This helps to reduce bloating. In addition, lacticulosis inhibits the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Along with this, the number of beneficial bacteria, on the contrary, increases.


Quickly enough means "Dufalac" begins to act. Reviews for children 3 years old and older show that relief comes within 10-15 minutes after taking the medication inside. In newborns, a positive effect can be observed a little later.

After ingestion of lactulose by passage, it penetrates the colon. Here, the substance is metabolized by sugar-breaking bacteria. As a result of simple biological processes, organic acids are formed (lactic, acetic, formic). The main part of lactulose is excreted unchanged with urine.

Indications for use

Why can the drug "Dufalac" be prescribed to children? Reviews of experts show that drug therapy is most often carried out with prolonged constipation in small patients. Parents can suspect violations if the lack of stool is observed for a day or more with normal nutrition. Statistics indicate that about 30% of preschool children suffer from constipation in one form or another.

Doctor and patient

The prevalence of the problem among children in the first months of life is most often due to the lack of natural breastfeeding. Incorrect selection of the mixture leads to disruption of the digestive tract of the baby. The number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine is significantly reduced. In this case, the drug "Dufalac" is prescribed to children. Reviews show that the medicine in newborns is most often used as part of complex therapy. It is important to choose the right nutrition for the baby, monitor his general health.

Functional constipation due to impaired colon motility is more difficult to treat. At the same time, stool delay will be observed for 5-7 days. The use of a laxative alone is not enough to alleviate the condition of the child. As a rule, such constipation is caused by a violation of the central nervous system. In addition, the pathological process can develop against the background of rickets, gastric ulcer, malnutrition, etc. Before prescribing Duphalac, the doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient. It is important to find out what provokes a violation of intestinal motility.

Special attention should be paid to conditioned reflex constipation, which occurs most often in children of the first year of life. The disease causes neuropsychogenic causes. The child feels pain or discomfort, is afraid to defecate. Problems can develop with diaper dermatitis, colon fistulas, anal fissures. One use of the drug "Dufalac" in this case is also not enough. Initially, it is necessary to eliminate the pathology that causes discomfort in the baby.

A medication can be prescribed to soften the stool during preparation for surgery on the colon. Also, if a child suffers from an acute pain syndrome (is afraid to go to the toilet), a medicine in the form of a syrup can be used.

Another indication for the use of the drug is hepatic encephalopathy. Lactulose is used as a prevention of hepatic coma.


Almost all drugs have their contraindications. The drug "Dufalac" is no exception. Reviews for children up to a year show that the medication must be used with extreme caution, under the supervision of a doctor. Constipation can easily develop into diarrhea, which will entail dehydration of the body of a small patient.

“Dufalac” should not be used with intestinal bleeding. The outflow of blood in a child from the lower parts of the digestive tract can be observed against the background of Crohn's disease, polyps. Often the pathological process is caused by foreign bodies that are swallowed by babies. As a result, bowel obstruction also develops. In this case, saving a child’s life is possible only through surgical intervention.

Baby in arms

Some babies may develop hypersensitivity to lactulose. Before starting therapy, it is recommended to give the drug to a child in a reduced dosage. If there are no negative reactions of the body, the tool can be used in accordance with the instructions.

Other contraindications include: suspicion of appendicitis, ileostomy, hypersensitivity to lactose.

Tips for Proper Dosage Calculation

Lactulose helps to normalize the natural physiological rhythm of bowel movement, softens the stool. However, a positive effect on the body will be observed only if the dosage of Dufalac for children is correctly calculated. Reviews show that for children of two years, 5 ml is enough to normalize the intestines. But newborns should not be given more than 3 ml, otherwise the child may develop diarrhea. For children 7-14 years old, it is already necessary about 10-15 ml to restore normal stool.

The dosage of the drug may vary depending on the diagnosis, as well as the stage of treatment. The exact daily rate can be calculated by the doctor. After a few days of therapy, the dosage can be reduced by one and a half times.

Dufalac for children

Proper administration of the drug also matters. The syrup is quite sugary. It is not forbidden to drink it with a small amount of water. With prolonged treatment, taking the drug is recommended at the same time. If the doctor’s prescriptions are followed, as well as the instructions, a significant relief of the child’s condition will be observed from the first days of therapy.

Possible side effects

Before using the drug, you should definitely study the instructions and reviews about Dufalac. With constipation in children, this drug is the most effective remedy. Reviews show that side effects most often develop with the wrong dosage of the medication. Most often, unpleasant symptoms develop from the digestive system. Almost always in the first days of treatment there is flatulence (increased flatulence in the intestines). Against this background, abdominal pain appears, children behave uneasily.

Stomach ache in a child

When using the drug in an increased dosage, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract may develop. Often there is diarrhea, less often - nausea and vomiting. If such symptoms appear in a child, you must immediately seek medical help.

With prolonged therapy with the drug "Dufalac", a violation of water-electrolyte metabolism is often observed, and dehydration of the body develops. In no case should you give medicine to a child without consulting a pediatrician.

The most dangerous side effects when dosage is not observed can develop on the part of the nervous system. In babies, headache and dizziness may appear. With the development of seizures, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance.

With lactulose intolerance, children develop allergic reactions to the skin - small rashes or urticaria.

Under no circumstances should Duphalac be given to infants. Reviews show that many parents use the medicine for any disorders of the stool in the baby. Such actions can only do harm.

Drug interaction

It is not recommended to use the drug "Dufalac" simultaneously with broad-spectrum antibacterial agents. Failure to comply with this recommendation will lead to a significant reduction in therapeutic treatment.

Newborn child

Taking lactulose can slow down the effect of enteric drugs. If you need to give your child any medicine at the same time as Duphalact syrup, you should consult your doctor.

How to replace "Dufalac"?

If it was not possible to find a medicine in the pharmacy, the doctor will always be able to recommend a quality substitute. You can hear a lot of good reviews about Portalac. For babies, the product is also available in the form of a syrup. The role of the active component, as in the previous case, is lactulose. The medicine is prescribed for constipation in children and adults, after surgical interventions on the colon. Dosage is selected individually depending on the indications and age. For women, medication can be prescribed during gestation and breastfeeding.

The drug Microlax

Mikrolaks is a new generation drug that is also widely used for constipation. The role of the active components are sodium citrate and sorbitol solution. Additionally, the composition of the medication includes purified water and sorbic acid. The combined drug has a pronounced laxative effect and can be used from the first days of life. The medication is not contraindicated during pregnancy. Only in rare cases can an increased sensitivity develop, which will manifest itself in the form of a skin allergic reaction.

Patient reviews about the drug

There will be no side effects if it is correct to give the drug “Dufalac” to a child (2 years) with constipation. Feedback from experts is a confirmation of this. The medication is very well tolerated by small patients. Only in 10% of cases an allergic reaction develops associated with intolerance to the active component.

Reviews show that the drug "Dufalac" is completely safe and can be used for children in the first days of life. However, it is important to observe the dosage. It will not be superfluous to consult with a local pediatrician before starting therapy.

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