Seafood is becoming more popular in our country, which is to be expected. In many countries, seafood is recognized as a mandatory food, and in the countries of the east they are a major source of energy and health.
One of the products that our people liked is clam meat. It is used in small snacks and salads. Rapan and mussels are used as meat. Let's start with useful features.
The great wealth of phosphatides (high-quality protein) is only the first obvious advantage that spicy clam meat has. This product is also endowed with “healthy” fat, which contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is they that contribute to better assimilation by the body of a wide range of vitamins, improve brain activity and restore visual acuity to vision.
Shellfish meat is rich in trace elements (cobalt, iodine, copper, zinc, manganese and others), vitamins (D, B6, B2, PP, B1 and others), and also contains about 20 amino acids. Shellfish are a pretty serious antioxidant, and this, in turn, is a significant step towards slowing the aging of the body.
The healing properties possessed by spicy clam meat have also been known for quite some time. Its constant use in food significantly reduces the risk of cancer. Mollusks are the best food that prevents a variety of joint problems (arthritis and many others). Mussels and raps, eaten, significantly strengthen the human immunity.
It is worth pointing out that juicy meat of mussels and rapans contains a considerable amount of biologically active substances, and nutritional value is comparable to chicken eggs. Spicy clam meat contains the whole spectrum of amino acids necessary for the human body.
The meat of mussels and rapans is slightly different in taste, but both are equally nutritious and have a similar assortment of useful properties. Juicy clam meat improves metabolic processes in the body, as a result, the tone increases and the general condition and immunity improve. The use of this "delicacy" is recommended for people who suffer from the effects of increased radiation, as well as suffering from ailments that are associated with the cardiovascular system.
As for the individual “useful” elements, it can be clarified that spicy clam meat (especially mussels) contains 10 times more cobalt than the liver of chickens and pigs.
The preparation of shellfish is a broad topic. The main method is considered to be pickling. Further, juicy clam meat is either added to the original salad or fried on a special grid or in small skewers. It is better not to put meat in the fire, since it is tender enough and keeping track of it is incredibly difficult - it will burn up, but the hot coals will be just right. They are also worth it to do the roasting.
Overseas delicacy is best combined with lemon juice and white wine. Such a selection is simply necessary to please the true gourmet.
There is raw clam meat, of course, originally, but doctors do not recommend this. Nevertheless, heat treatment significantly reduces the ingress of unwanted bacteria into our body.
It is a pity, but in our country, the knowledge about the taste of seafood in many people is limited only to fish and shrimp. In fact, marine life is not as exotic and inedible as it seems to most of us. Seafood with an appropriate approach to cooking can not only bring a range of new and wonderful tastes to your usual diet, but also add considerable benefits to food. Feel free to try a new one. Surprise yourself and your loved ones with new culinary delights.