Chiari-Frommel syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment

Chiari-Frommel syndrome is a disease that combines chronic galactorrhea, amenorrhea, as well as hypotrophy associated with impaired reproductive organs. Previously, this disease was attributed to complications after childbirth, but at the moment, cases of the disease are also known in women who have no children.

Chiari Frommel syndrome

Causes of the disease

At the moment, the exact causes of the problem have not been identified. One of the triggering factors is called the release of prolactin by a pituitary tumor. However, according to the results of modern research, it becomes clear that the problem can occur due to any damage to the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland. Sometimes a similar pathology is formed due to prolonged use of hormonal drugs.


The occurrence and development of the problem is due to a violation of the prolactin production process. Such a failure often occurs due to pregnancy, as well as due to tumors. The disease is also accelerated by a complex pregnancy, a long lactation period and the use of hormonal contraceptives.

Some doctors believe that Chiari-Frommel syndrome is a pathology that causes damage to the hypothalamus due to endocrinological problems. It is possible that pathology occurs due to pressure on the organ, which is provoked by the development of the tumor.

at the doctor


The first symptoms, as a rule, appear in 17-35 years. As already mentioned above, the syndrome can occur due to pregnancy or for completely different reasons.

Symptoms of a pituitary tumor in women correspond to the symptoms of the described syndrome, if it is caused by a pathological process. Body weight changes, there is a constant headache, the girl feels tired, her hair grows quickly and actively, meager menses do not appear at all, sexual desire decreases, her mood becomes unstable.

Sometimes when examined by a doctor, you may notice atrophy of some organs of the reproductive system. The mucous membranes are depleted. In some patients, visual changes are invisible.

Chiari Frommel syndrome treatment


Chiari-Frommel syndrome occurs due to malfunctioning of the hypothalamus. We are talking about the destruction of those structures that are necessary for the production of a certain type of hormone. This happens when the pituitary gland stops functioning normally. As a result, the last organ begins to produce in excess hormone, which activates the lactation period. What complications can develop because of this?

In the body, the level of estrogen decreases, the menstrual cycle goes astray, atrophic processes occur in the organs of the reproductive system. In addition, changes in the psyche and in behavior can be noticed.

If you do not start treatment for Kiar-Frommel syndrome in time, then sooner or later, such processes will lead to infertility.

Chiari Frommel Syndrome Gynecology

Diagnose a problem

During the diagnosis, the doctor always interviews the patient for a recent pregnancy and abortion. It is necessary to conduct additional research and accurately describe all the strange symptoms.

The doctor sends for an x-ray or tomography of the area where the pituitary and hypothalamus are located. In addition, ultrasound of the pelvis and chest is often performed.

If we talk about laboratory tests, then scraping is necessarily done from the walls of the vagina and uterus. Also, the doctor will direct you to donate blood from a vein to check the level of hormones in the body.

If hormonal levels are reduced, but prolactin levels are increased, then the patient develops Chiari-Frommel syndrome. In gynecology, such a problem is not so rare. Of the additional signs, it should be noted the absence of an ovulation period, atrophy of the mucous membranes and an increase in the hypothalamic zone, or the presence of a tumor near it.

hospital treatment

Disease treatment

The described problem is easily treatable. How exactly the therapy will be carried out depends entirely on the root cause. In the event that the syndrome appeared due to a violation of the hypothalamic cells, then hormone-containing drugs should be taken. If treatment is started late, it may be delayed due to severe atrophy of the mucous membranes.

It should be noted that if a woman developed infertility due to Chiari-Frommel syndrome, then it is not treated separately. Upon elimination of the problem, all child-bearing functions will be restored. If the case is severely neglected, then, most likely, some drugs will have to be taken until the end of life.


If a woman is diagnosed with the described disease, then it is necessary to use some medications.

Bromocriptine is a medicine that must be taken to suppress prolactin production. The daily dose is from 5 to 10 mg. Therapy lasts up to 8 months. If the patient has arrhythmia or constantly reduced pressure, then the drug can not be used. It is forbidden to take medicine together with alcohol.

From hormonal drugs, those are also prescribed that well suppress the symptoms of the pituitary tumor in women.

  • Menogon is a drug that contains LH and FSH. Dosage - no more than 2 ampoules per day. The dose can be prescribed and regulated only by a doctor.
  • "Puregon" is a hormone that is injected into the body via subcutaneous injection. You can use the drug only under the close supervision of a doctor, as complications can occur.

If it is necessary to maintain the content of those hormones that are produced by the ovaries, then the following drugs are prescribed:

  • "Estrogel." The gel contains estradiol. It must be applied to the stomach in a dosage of not more than 2.5 g per day.
  • "Crinon" is a drug with a high content of progesterone. You can use no more than one dose per day.

Vitamin complexes are used to maintain the reproductive system. Those preparations that contain A and E are excellent. Take no more than one capsule per day. It is advisable to do this after eating. How long the therapy will last depends entirely on the causes of Chiari-Frommel syndrome. Be sure to consult a doctor.


The disease can be easily overcome if treatment is started at the initial stage. It is necessary to follow all the doctor’s instructions, and then complications after the disease will be as simple as possible to avoid.

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