"Frutolaks": instructions for use. How to use "Frutolaks" for weight loss

frutolax for weight loss
Everyone knows that if you eat right, then digestion problems will not arise. But, unfortunately, following this rule does not always work. Daily bustle and haste, lunch on the go, frequent stress at work and at home, and some also have a sedentary lifestyle ... All this harms our health and contributes to problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Many have constipation. How to treat them? Here you need a tool that will have a soft, but at the same time active effect. One of these drugs today is the frutolax herbal supplement. Instructions for its use are given in this article. You can also find the answer to the question of which ingredients are included in it. And consumer reviews will tell how effective it is.

Product Release Form

Laxative "Frutolaks" is produced in two versions: capsules of 30 pieces per pack and syrup 150 ml. Each patient has the opportunity to choose a more desirable form of this medication.

What does the medicine consist of?

frutolax tea
The properties and mechanism of action of this food supplement are due to its constituent components:

• Lactulose. It is a whey processing product. The last few decades have been used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly chronic constipation. Unlike lactose, it is not absorbed in the human intestines. The laxative effect is achieved by increasing the osmotic pressure in it, which leads to the passage of fluid into the lumen of the intestine and liquefaction of its contents. The substance is also often used to treat dysbiosis.

• Prunes. Known as a mild addictive laxative . Stimulates intestinal motility, promotes increased secretion of gastric juice.

frutolax syrup

• Fig. It contains a lot of pectin, which, getting into the intestines, absorbs water and forms a so-called gel. Repeatedly increasing in volume, this mass naturally leaves the intestine.

• Apricot. An irreplaceable source of potassium, the lack of which occurs when the intestines are weakened. It has general strengthening and laxative effects.

• Senna. Known as a powerful laxative for constipation. The leaves of the plant contain a large amount of anthraglycosides, which stimulate the receptors of the gastrointestinal mucosa and contribute to the improvement of its motor function.

• Dry sugar beet juice and pectin-cellulose complex of its fibers (fiber). Contained only in capsules of the food supplement "Frutolaks". The instruction for use states that the presence of this component is of great importance, since it helps to reduce the absorption of sugars from food in the intestine. In addition, this complex has a positive effect on the growth of beneficial microflora in it.

• Fennel. It helps to increase the secretion of the digestive glands, relieves cramping and abdominal pain, and is used as a carminative for increased gas formation.

Indications for use

frutolax laxative
It should be noted that the medicine is not "Frutolaks." For weight loss people often use products that contain only components of natural origin. This drug is a biologically active food supplement. In addition to the initial stage when losing weight, it is used in the following cases:

• with atony of the intestine (to improve its peristalsis);

• with constipation of various etiologies;

• to improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;

• with increased gas formation.

• to increase the functionality of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

The drug "Frutolaks". Instructions for use

frutolax instructions for use
It is immediately worth noting that this tool is indicated for use in treating only adults and children over 14 years of age. Small children are not recommended to give it. For them, there are other medicines with a laxative effect. A pediatrician will tell about them at an individual appointment. The use of this food supplement is as follows: syrup is prescribed for adults 2 teaspoons (10 ml) once during lunch or dinner (in the afternoon), and for teens over 14 years old - 1 teaspoon (5 ml). It is not recommended to add the product to tea. “Frutolaks" is a herbal preparation, therefore, when diluted in a hot drink, it may lose its healing properties. The general course should not exceed 2 weeks. Capsules should be taken as follows: for adults, 2 or 4 things, depending on the degree of manifestation of constipation, once during meals in the afternoon, for children over 14 years old - 2 things in the same way. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

The effectiveness of weight loss

how long does frutolax work
People who are struggling with excess weight know that the main thing with which to start this process is to cleanse the intestines. Slags and harmful substances accumulated there not only significantly slow down the metabolic processes in the body, but also reduce the absorption capacity of the walls of the intestinal tract. As a result, the lion's share of the nutrients that come with food is simply not used by us. What to do? To clear the intestines and the body as a whole of toxins and toxins through a laxative. In this regard, the Frutolax food supplement is the best fit. Its price is low and amounts to just over 200 rubles per bottle of syrup and about 100 rubles per package of capsules of 30 pieces. This is several orders of magnitude lower than often advertised products with a similar effect. It should be noted that this food supplement does not irritate the intestines and is not addictive. And this is very important when losing weight.


Many consumers are interested in the question: can everyone use the laxative “Frutolax”? The instruction for use states that it is contraindicated for people with intolerance to its components, as well as those who suffer from acute gastrointestinal disorders. And, of course, it is banned for treating children under 14 years old.

Pregnancy and lactation

Use the medicine "Frutolaks", it will be syrup or capsules, it is recommended not to all categories of people. You can not use it for pregnant and breast-feeding women. The manufacturer does not specify exactly why it is prohibited. But gynecologists do not advise taking it to these patients during these crucial periods of life. This can be seen from the reviews of women, which can be found below.

Positive reviews

If you look at the comments regarding this food supplement, you can see that many people trust it. Someone writes that he used it once to eliminate constipation, and someone decided to undergo a two-week course of treatment to restore normal digestion. Girls say that this medication helps to get rid of acne on the face. After all, as you know, often their appearance is associated with poor bowel function. For this, some of them used dietary supplements for a month, taking a break between two-week courses. At the same time, users noted not only an improvement in the quality and color of the skin, but also in mood. Often women successfully use this tool in the fight against extra pounds. Their positive reviews about him say that weight loss in the first days of use ranged from 1 to 2 kilograms. Losing weight noted a slow but persistent decrease in body weight. Many are interested in the question of how long does Frutolax work? Drinking it is recommended in the second half of the day. The laxative effect is observed in the morning of the next day. It is very convenient for everyone. At the same time, consumers note that they did not feel any cramps and pains from the use of this remedy.

Negative reviews

frutolax Price
How many people, so many opinions. There are also negative reviews about this drug. Some people write that they tried this remedy for constipation in syrup and capsules, but it did not help them at all. It is strange to hear such statements about the low effectiveness of dietary supplements with a huge number of positive comments in his direction. It is possible that there is an individual reaction to the body. It just didn’t suit someone. There are reviews in which consumers write that they took the medicine in the evening, and in the morning they observed quite noticeable pain and discomfort in the abdomen. It is possible that this is due to the presence in it of such ingredients as prunes and senna, which can contribute to the occurrence of such effects.


We found out whether it is possible to use the laxative “Frutolaks” for weight loss, and also examined its composition and principle of action. Our conclusion: despite the large number of positive reviews, the advice of a doctor is still necessary.

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