Betalok ZOK: reviews of cardiologists, a description of the drug, instructions for use

This cardiological preparation is very popular in Russian-speaking countries mainly due to its affordable price. Betalok ZOK, reviews of cardiologists, which we will discuss in our article, are actively prescribed for the whole spectrum of cardiovascular diseases. But, despite the widespread use of this drug, like any medicine, Betalok ZOK has a number of contraindications and side effects. In order not to harm your health, before you start using these pills, you should carefully study the instructions for their use.

General description of the drug

Betalok ZOK, the price of which differs depending on the dosage and the number of tablets in the package, is classified as one of the types of cardioselective beta-blockers. Externally, these tablets are enteric coated. Betalok ZOK, reviews of cardiologists, whose action is mostly positive, is a drug of prolonged action. Due to its shell, the drug has a slow release. However, it does not have sympathomimetic internal activity.

The main active component of the drug is metoprolol - a substance that has the following effect on the body:

  • antihypertensive;
  • antianginal;
  • antiarrhythmic.

Also, this drug quite effectively reduces the excitability of the myocardium, lowering its oxygen demand.

The drug "Betalok ZOK": instructions, reviews

Regarding how to take Betalok ZOK, the following instructions are indicated in the official instructions for the drug: the medicine should be swallowed whole, without chewing, washed down with plenty of water.

The instructions also indicate that the medicine can be drunk both after eating and on an empty stomach. The time of admission does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Regarding the dosage, it must necessarily be agreed with the attending cardiologist.

In the official instructions for the drug, the principle of its action is described as follows: after taking the pill, the body blocks small doses of beta 1-adrenergic receptors of the heart. Due to this, the heart rate is reduced, myocardial contractility decreases. As a result, myocardial oxygen demand decreases. As a result of this action, taking the drug, there is a decrease in tachycardia, physical indices and general endurance increase, and angina attacks decrease. Also, after taking the medicine, a decrease in blood pressure is observed both in a state of stress and during physical exertion, and in a state of complete rest.

betalok zok instruction reviews

The claimed action is confirmed by reviews of people who take this drug. Almost everyone notes an improvement in overall well-being and increased performance. At the same time, in many reviews there is information that with a sharp rejection of the drug, health, on the contrary, can suddenly and significantly deteriorate. For this reason, people who took Betalok ZOK recommend stopping it gradually, daily reducing the dosage.

Indications for use

Based on the considered effect of the drug on the body, it is prescribed by cardiologists for admission with the following heart rhythm pathologies:

  • sinus and supraventricular tachycardia ;
  • supraventricular as well as ventricular arrhythmias ;
  • atrial tachyarrhythmia;
  • ventricular extrasystole ;
  • atrial flutter;
  • arrhythmia caused by mitral valve prolapse.

Betalok Zok

In addition to heart rhythm disturbances, the Betalok ZOK preparation, reviews of cardiologists about which do not cause concern about its effect on the body, can be prescribed for administration in the presence of such problems and diseases as:

  • unstable angina pectoris ;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • acute phase with myocardial infarction;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • functional disorders in the work of the CCC;
  • senile or essential tremor;
  • with complex therapy of thyrotoxicosis;
  • panic attacks.

Betalok ZOK medicine can be used during complex therapy in case of unreasonable anxiety, in cases of the occurrence of akathisia while taking antipsychotics. The drug can be prescribed to relieve migraines, as well as to reduce the symptoms of symptoms with the onset of withdrawal symptoms.

Release form

Betalok ZOK, reviews of cardiologists about the action of which confirm its effectiveness, is available in the form of biconvex white tablets. They have an oval shape and can be engraved or notched. The medicine is available in various dosages: there is Betalok ZOK 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg. Depending on the manufacturer, the tablets can be sold to the final consumer both in cardboard packaging and in plastic bottles.

betalok zok 25 mg

If a doctor has prescribed a dosage of 25 mg for the patientโ€™s intake, in the absence of it, you can safely buy Betalok ZOK 50 mg or 100 mg. These tablets are allowed to be divided in half. In this case, the prolonged effect of the drug is fully preserved. But at the same time they are strongly not recommended to crumble or chew.

The average cost of the drug

Betalok ZOK, the price of which depends on the number of tablets in the package and on the margin of the final seller, costs on average 130 to 460 rubles. The cheapest are 25 mg tablets, which are packaged in 14 pcs. in a pack. Their price is about 130-150 rubles.

betalok zok Price

The most expensive is Betalok ZOK with a dosage of 100 mg, which is packaged in 30 pcs. into the bottles. It costs about 420-480 rubles.

The principle of the drug

This medicine after administration continues its therapeutic effect on the body for 24 hours. Once in the liver, the substance undergoes oxidative metabolism. The lion's share (95%) of the drug taken is excreted from the body as a metabolic product. The remaining 5% is excreted with urine.

how to take betalok zok

Known contraindications

Like any drug, this drug has a number of contraindications. Doctors do not recommend its use if the patient has a history of the following diseases:

  • decompensated form of chronic heart failure ;
  • state of cardiogenic shock;
  • sinus bradycardia;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • acute heart failure.

Taking this drug under the supervision of a doctor is for people prone to allergies and with hypersensitivity to metoprolol. Cardiologists also advise taking this medicine with caution to people with problems such as:

  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • emphysema;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease
  • psoriasis;
  • liver failure;
  • impaired peripheral circulation.

Women are not prescribed this drug during pregnancy, since it can lead to a decrease in heart rate in the bearing fetus. Also, this drug is undesirable to take during lactation.

Feasible side effects

Before using this medication, information about all possible side effects should be carefully studied using the official instructions in the package. Since the drug directly affects the heart rate, in a short time it can significantly reduce the pulse and lower blood pressure, side effects from taking it should be taken seriously.

medicine betalok zok

Betalok ZOK can affect various organs and systems of the body, for example:

  • on the part of the sensory organs, visual impairment, dry eyes, tinnitus may occur;
  • possible disorders in the central nervous system, such as delayed motor and mental reactions, headaches;
  • when prescribing large doses of the drug, respiratory function disorders can occur - bronchospasm, shortness of breath, nasal congestion;
  • from dermatology, various rashes, skin itching, urticaria, photodermatosis, psoriasis-like reactions are possible.

In the event of any changes in well-being or with the manifestation of symptoms similar to those described above, cardiologists are advised to notify their attending physician.

Interaction with other drugs

Also, the doctor prescribing Betaloc ZOK should be informed about all the drugs that the patient is using at the time of the appointment. There are substances, the intake of which is strictly contraindicated when using Betalok ZOK. When taking it, it is strictly forbidden to inject a person with Verapamil injections. When using Betalok ZOK, it is very careful to prescribe drugs similar to Reserpine (which, by their action, reduce the reserves of catecholamines). Such a simultaneous appointment can provoke a patient with an attack of bradycardia and a rapid drop in blood pressure.

Reviews of doctors about this drug

In numerous forums, cardiologists speak quite well about this drug. One of its main advantages is the ability of the drug to effectively reduce blood pressure. Since this medication has a much lower cost than its analogues, for many hypertensive patients such a medicine becomes really a panacea.

betalok zok reviews of cardiologists

This drug also deserves good reviews from doctors because, according to the results of many studies, its main component, metaprolol, has the ability to prolong life. Despite the fact that cardiologists, this drug is in good standing, there is a certain category of people who, when taking these pills, doctors advise taking additional safety measures. Among these recommendations are:

  1. Regularly checking your blood glucose in people with diabetes. It is necessary to take into account the fact that, being a beta-blocker, Betalok ZOK can mask tachycardia, which occurs due to hypoglycemia. At the beginning of taking the tablets, it is recommended for every patient with cardiologists to measure blood pressure daily and monitor the pulse. In cases where when taking Betalok ZOK, the heart rate is less than 50 beats per minute, cardiologists strongly recommend seeking medical advice.
  2. For elderly patients who take this medicine, doctors recommend monitoring kidney function at least once every 6 months.

Existing analogues: which is better than Betalok or Betalok ZOK?

Substitutes for this drug can be considered medications, the main active component of which is metoprolol and the intake of which is designed to reduce heart rate, as well as lower blood pressure.

Among the most popular analogues of the drug can be identified:

  • Corvitol.
  • "Metazok".
  • "Vasocardine."
  • "Metocard."
  • "Egilok."
  • Lidalk.
  • "Metolol."
  • "Metohexal."

The name of another drug, Betalok, is misleading to many, and it becomes unclear how it differs from Betalok ZOK. In fact, this is one and the same medicine, the basis of which is the same substance - metoprolol. The only difference is that Betalok ZOK is available in tablet form, and Betalok in the form of a solution for injections. Intravenous Betaloc injections are indicated in the following cases:

  • when due to myocardial infarction the patient has tachyarrhythmia or a severe pain syndrome;
  • there are signs of myocardial ischemia;
  • supraventricular tachyarrhythmia is diagnosed.

Choosing which is better, Betalok or Betalok ZOK, for use at home, preference should be given to the tablet version.

what is better than betalok or betalok zok
Injections are absorbed much faster into the blood than drugs taken in the form of tablets, and this determines their faster effect on the body. For this reason, even if a cardiologist was appointed to receive Betaloc ZOK, you cannot change it yourself for Betaloc injections in any case. This drug can be administered parenterally only in the presence of specially trained medical personnel who, in the event of complications or adverse reactions, will be able to produce the necessary resuscitation measures.

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