Pills "Cyston": reviews of doctors and patients

In the article, we will consider reviews about "Cystone" with kidney stones and cystitis, as well as instructions for the use of this drug.

It is a multicomponent medication that has two effects at once: antimicrobial and nephrolytic.

The nephrolytic effect is that calculi dissolve from the kidneys, salts that promote the appearance of stones (oxalates, urates, phosphates) are excreted. The antimicrobial effect is manifested in the inhibition of the activity and growth of pathogens that are responsible for the occurrence of an infectious and inflammatory process. The drug is used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

cystone reviews for kidney stones

The instructions for use describe the features of using a herbal multicomponent preparation. It is recommended to prescribe it in the presence of infectious pathologies of the urinary tract. The drug is manufactured by the Indian pharmaceutical company Himalaya Drug Co, specializing in the manufacture of medicines made from natural herbal ingredients.

Reviews about "Cystone" are abundant.

Dosage Forms

Currently, the drug is produced in only one dosage form - in the form of tablets for oral administration. They are manufactured by an Indian company known for using herbal ingredients and natural raw materials.

Due to the natural composition, the medication is often considered not a drug, but a phytopreparation.

Reviews and analogues to "Cyston" will be presented at the end of the article.

Features of the composition of the drug

Extracts of medicinal plants, which are part of the drug, have a unique ability to dissolve stones, as well as remove sand from the body. The active substances of "Cyston" are the following:

  • double-stalked stalk;
  • Saxifraga reed;
  • hearty madder;
  • Ashen Vernonia;
  • filmy son;
  • onosma bract;
  • rough strawflower.

In addition to these components, there are other substances treated with steam:

  • sweet basil;
  • horse bean seeds;
  • teak;
  • bashful mimosa;
  • horsetail;
  • aromatic pavonia.
cyston reviews for cystitis

Therapeutic effect

Due to its unique composition, the drug “Cyston” is characterized by a whole range of therapeutic effects:

  • nephrolytic;
  • diuretic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • antispasmodic.

We will consider each of these actions in more detail.

The diuretic (diuretic) effect allows you to eliminate stagnation of urine and ensure its timely removal from the body. Due to this, salts do not form a precipitate, do not turn into crystals, and therefore stones simply have nothing to form from.

Regarding the nephrolytic effect, it must be said that even in the presence of formed large stones, it is able to dissolve them, and to grind smaller stones and remove them in the form of sand. This is confirmed by reviews of "Cystone" with kidney stones.

There are physical and chemical bonds between substances that participate in the formation of stones, and therefore the drug helps to weaken these bonds, they are split off. As a result, the stone takes on smaller dimensions.

Among other things, you need to remember that in the urine there are various kinds of substances that allow crystals to form and grow into calculi, and “Cyston” neutralizes them. The drug, in fact, is an excellent prophylactic and eliminates factors that can result in the future in urolithiasis.

Also, "Cyston" is also effective for the reason that it reduces the severity of the inflammation process and suppresses it in principle.

The antispasmodic effect is another significant point in the therapeutic course. The medicine relaxes both the bladder and the urinary tract, so that the discomfort during urination disappears. Finally, the possibility of destroying pathogenic microorganisms that cause the process of inflammation and nullify it. Reviews about the cyston tablets are mostly positive.

The following pharmacological characteristics of the drug are distinguished:

  • the medicine removes small stones, uric acid, phosphates and oxalates from the body, the formation of which occurs in the kidneys;
  • prevents the appearance of cracks and small wounds on the mucosa;
  • substances such as calcium and oxalic acid affect the appearance of stones, while a medication reduces their number;
  • magnesium, potassium and sodium, on the contrary, reduce the likelihood of calculus formation, and Cyston helps to increase the concentration of these substances;
  • a substance such as mucin, covering the calculus, due to the drug decreases in density, and the stones eventually disintegrate into pieces, and some dissolve altogether;
  • "Cyston" allows the muscles of the urinary tract to relax;
  • urine is separated normally.
cyston reviews analogues

Regardless of the acidity of the urine, the medicine has its own therapeutic effect. The patient does not need alkalization or acidification of urine. Reviews about the use of "Cyston" are of interest to many.

Areas of use of the drug

A medication can be prescribed with the following diagnoses:

  • If defects in litholysis of calculi formed by urates with uric acid (oxalate or phosphate stones) were detected. From the outside they do not appear, several types of similar stones are described in the studies, as well as the degree of development. With a small number of formations (small sizes), there are no pronounced symptoms. Usually people do not go to the doctor if nothing bothers. Everything appears later, when the size and number of stones increase.
  • As part of a comprehensive treatment for diseases of the urinary system directly infectious in nature (for example, non-specific pyelitis, urethritis or cystitis). "Cystitis" in tablets can help as an antibacterial agent with a calming effect against irritation.
  • With gout.
  • As a mild preventative measure after surgery to prevent the formation of stones in the urinary tract.
  • For urinary incontinence (for women).
  • With sialolithiasis.

Below we consider the reviews of "Cystone" with cystitis in women.

Instruction manual

Tablets do not need to chew or grind, they are swallowed whole. It happens that a person cannot swallow them completely, and in such a situation, as an exception, you can divide the medicine into several portions and swallow them one by one.

Along with the use of "Cyston" we must not forget about the use of fluid. You need to drink up to two liters a day, and not only natural water, but also fruit drinks, teas, etc. are taken into account. However, the liquid that is in the dishes is not taken into account in this case.

cystone stone reviews

It is also undesirable to use the drug when the stones are too large in size, since their promotion can clog the ureters, which will cause serious urination defects.

Of course, you should not expect that after the first use the patient’s condition will improve and the disease will recede. You need to understand that, like any herbal medicine, Cyston will work gradually and slowly. The maximum manifestation of the therapeutic effect is observed approximately two weeks after the start of use, and therefore it is better to take the drug for at least two weeks.

Over the next 2-4 weeks after the course of treatment, the medication still retains its therapeutic effect.

This is confirmed by reviews of "Cystone." A photo of the drug is presented above.

Drug dosage

The drug should be taken in accordance with the appointment of a specialist, in which there may be differences depending on factors such as:

  • main pathology;
  • speed of recovery;
  • the severity of the disease process;
  • age of the patient.

For example, with pyelonephritis and cystitis, adults are prescribed this course: two tablets three times a day, for children under the age of eleven, one tablet with the same multiplicity is enough.

The duration of therapy for infectious and inflammatory processes of the urinary tract varies from seven days to the complete recovery of the patient.

With urolithiasis, the dosage is almost the same, while the duration of treatment increases to one month or more.

When "Cyston" is prescribed as a preventive measure, you need to take it three times a day, one tablet for five months. A similar dosage is required for all patients, regardless of age.

According to reviews, "Cyston" with stones is very effective.

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The specifics of treatment during pregnancy

In its composition, the drug has only herbal components, unable to harm either the woman or the child, in connection with which "Cyston" is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

The drug is prescribed during pregnancy, not only in the presence of urinary tract infections, but also with difficulty urinating due to several reasons:

  • inflammation process;
  • spasm due to the presence of kidney stones;
  • strong pressure from the uterus on the bladder.

Regarding dosages, they are the same as for the treatment of adult patients. Women at this time can neither increase nor decrease the amount of the drug.

Side effects

According to reviews, “Cyston” patients tolerate well, and side effects occur in rare cases. However, cases of allergic reactions are still recorded:

  • Rashes on the epidermis.
  • Itching
  • Bronchospasm.
  • Hives.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use for "Cyston" and the reviews of doctors.

Contraindications and threats

Medicinal plants have long been used in folk medicine due to its healing properties. However, these unique characteristics also have a downside. As recent studies show, many plants have a rather complex composition, and therefore every time they open up more and more new properties, that is, many of them are still not fully understood.

In medicinal plants, there are biologically active components that can cause the appearance of allergic reactions.

cyston reviews for cystitis in women

The instructions for the drug indicate that it is forbidden to take with colic kidneys.

Some are seriously mistaken when, noticing the ability of Cyston to have an antispasmodic effect, they begin to use the drug at their own risk. By such actions, patients only miss the time and often bring the body to the emergence of serious pathological complications, since it takes a certain time to start the action of the drug.

"Cyston": analogues

The drug "Cyston" has a healing combined composition, in connection with which it has no structural analogues. However, a specialist can replace it with another drug with a similar therapeutic effect. Among the medicines that are used to dissolve stones, the following are especially popular: “Afala”; "Fitolizin"; "Kanefron"; Rovatinex.

Many people ask which drug is better - Kanefron or Cyston, and how do they differ? Both medicines are safe phytopreparations based on extracts and extracts of medicinal plants. Indications for use are the same, as well as the scope of the therapeutic effect. “Cyston” and “Kanefron” are used to prevent and treat urinary tract infections and re-formation of stones.

It also depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. Canefron is more suitable for one patient, while Cyston seems to be a better and more effective solvent for urinary calculi. Reviews of doctors in this regard are available. Another plus of this particular drug is its stronger antimicrobial effect, and therefore, in the acute process of inflammation, Cyston is preferred as part of complex therapy.

Doctors recommend that patients with a tendency to allergies choose Kanefron, as it is safer in this regard. Another advantage of the herbal remedy is its ability to inhibit the secretion of protein with urine, which is especially important for women during pregnancy. Thus, such a category of patients, it is necessary to choose "Kanefron."

Reviews about "Cyston" from doctors

For a long time, the drug proved to be a high-quality and effective tool that is widely used by nephrologists and urologists around the world. The medicine has good lithokinetic, aseptic and antispasmodic qualities. For all its merits, he has a small number of side effects.

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Medication is taken for a long time. It enhances the effectiveness of antibiotic exposure. Its plant composition makes it possible to appoint pregnant women. Reviews about "Cystone" with cystitis are also available. People claim that the drug has rather weak anti-inflammatory properties, but side effects are almost completely absent.

Among the shortcomings, experts note a not too strong antimicrobial effect, as well as the fact that the price could be not so high.

Patient Reviews

Almost all reviews of "Cystone" from patients are positive. When people used pills to dissolve stones, they noted their high effectiveness and, as a result, getting rid of pathology without surgery.

Regarding patients who took pills for pyelonephritis and chronic cystitis, it should be said that the drug helped prevent relapse.

There are also single negative reviews due to the fact that patients did not get the desired result in a few days, but the instructions say that quick results should not be expected. In addition, negative opinions are associated with allergic manifestations in response to the plant components of the product.

We reviewed the reviews for "Cyston" with cystitis and kidney stones.

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