In the body of any person there is an amino acid - tryptophan, which is simply irreplaceable. Tryptophan levels in the body are replenished with food. A sufficient amount of tryptophan is found in any food rich in proteins (animal proteins). However, despite this, the use of protein foods does not provide an increase in the content of serotonin in the brain.
The reason for this is the blood-brain barrier, which limits the penetration of large molecules into the brain. During the digestion of protein-rich foods, several amino acids are released that are similar in size to tryptophan and compete with it to enter the brain. Therefore, no matter how surprising it may be, but in order for the brain to receive a greater amount of tryptophan, you must eat foods that contain complex carbohydrates (for example, rice, bread, pasta or pure carbohydrates: fructose or sugar).
Thanks to the food, which contains a lot of carbohydrates, insulin begins to be actively produced in the pancreas, which regulates the blood sugar level. In addition, insulin promotes the synthesis of proteins in body tissues from amino acids contained in the blood. As a result, amino acids competing with tryptophan go for protein synthesis, leaving the bloodstream. The content of tryptophan in the blood gradually increases and, as a result, the number of tryptophan molecules entering the brain increases.
However, it must be said that in some cases, regular carbohydrate food is not able to overcome the inhibition of the serotonin system. In such cases, they are used in order to restore the necessary tryptophan, medical preparations in the body. These drugs include the drug of the same name "Tryptophan". It is available in the form of capsules of 500 or 200 mg. In each package with capsules there is an instruction for the Tryptophan preparation. It describes all the basic properties of this drug.
Capsules "Tryptophan" gelatinous, solid, cylindrical. They contain a white or yellowish powder. In this case, the powder may be in pure form, or may be with small granules.
The instructions attached to the drug "Tryptophan" allows you to find out the composition of this medicine. Its active substance is L-tryptophan. Excipients: methyl cellulose and calcium stearic acid.
The instruction available in the packaging of the Tryptophan preparation gives the consumer the opportunity to find out all the details of interest to him about the mode of action of this agent. L-tryptophan reduces cravings for foods, especially those rich in carbohydrates, promotes effective management of food pleasure centers, and also helps to more quickly satisfy hunger. Thus, the active substance enhances motivation to maintain a diet, its observance becomes simpler and more natural.
Tryptophan has an antidepressant effect. Serotonin is formed from L-tryptophan, its deficiency in the brain is compensated, and as a result, mood improves. In addition, L-tryptophan overcomes feelings of anxiety, relieves nervous tension, acts as a mild sedative, and provides good sleep.
To learn about the indications for use, the instruction attached to the drug "Tryptophan" allows:
- sudden mood swings;
- depression;
- sense of anxiety;
- neurosis;
- headaches and migraines;
- chronic fatigue;
- comprehensive programs aimed at reducing body weight;
- increased aggressiveness and irritability;
- drug or alcohol addiction;
- treatment of sleep disorders;
- fibromyalgia.
Among the contraindications prohibiting the use of this drug is hypersensitivity to tryptophan. No side effects have been identified. Not described and cases of overdose with the drug "Tryptophan". The reviews of those who took this drug speak only about its effectiveness and benefits.