The value of fairy tales for children. "White duck" - Russian folk tale

Tales - this is what helps the baby develop his imagination and understand such difficult categories as good, evil, justice, bad deeds and punishment for them. By the example of the heroes of Russian folk tales, parents introduce a child to a big world where people do different things and make friends or foes.

white duck Russian folk tale

"White duck"

Russian folklore is rich in fairy tales, whose heroes become literary friends for children and role models. “White Duck” is a Russian folk tale about disobedience and treachery, about good and justice.

a fairy tale for children 5 years old

It can be divided into 5 parts:

  1. In the first part, the prince married a young beauty, and after a while he went to distant lands. The basis of the first part is the prince’s order to his young wife not to leave the tower and not to get acquainted with bad people.
  2. The next part tells how a woman came to the princess and persuaded her to first walk through the garden, and then swim in spring water. Tired of expectation, the young princess decided that there was nothing wrong with taking a walk in her own garden. But it so happened that the woman turned out to be a witch, who turned the princess into a white duck, and she took on her appearance and met the prince.
  3. During the third part, the duck hatches three testicles, from which her sons appear. Two sons are healthy, and the third is a weak miscarriage. Curious kids grew up and began to move farther away from the lake, where their mother was, until they were in the prince's court, where they were scented by the witch.
    short tales for children
  4. In the fourth, climax part, the witch decided to destroy the boys, for which she ordered to make bonfires and boil water in the boilers. She wanted to euthanize the children, but the frog, which the stronger brothers hid, did not sleep and answered her instead. So that they fell asleep in a dead sleep, she passed the dead man's hand around them, and the children died.
  5. In the final part, a white duck flew into the yard, where they put her dead children, and began to moan over them. The prince, hearing her words, decided to check, caught her in his arms, found a spindle under her wing, broke it, and she again became a red damsel. The witch was punished, and justice triumphed. The prince and the princess began to live together with their children.

This fairy tale for children of 5 years in each of its parts carries a teaching to the kids. At this age, children already understand what bad and good deeds are, so you can discuss the behavior of each hero with them.

The moral category of a fairy tale

White Duck, a Russian folk tale, gives kids some useful lessons:

  • You always need to obey and do what someone who loves you so much asks you to.
  • Do not trust strangers.
  • Good and truth will always triumph.
  • Evil is punishable.

This kind of short fairy tale for children allows the child to immediately cover the content, think about it and draw conclusions with the help of parents. It is important that the discussion be shared. Since this helps the child learn to reason and creates trustful relationships with his parents.

The advantage of short tales

Read short stories for children, especially small ones, more correctly. They can understand the content and remember it. In Russian folk art there are many examples like White Duck.

Such tales help develop memory, imagination and the ability to retell read. It is not for nothing that acquaintance with folk art begins with such simple stories as “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”.

A tale for children 5 years old can be more difficult, for example, about a white duck. Here the child gets acquainted with such concepts as bad deeds and their consequences. In this tale, all the heroes perform actions. By the way these actions affect other heroes, a child can highlight positive characters and villains.

"White duck", a Russian folk tale, belongs to this category.

Themes of fairy tales

Russian folk tales at its core always carry some kind of moral teaching. The main concepts that a child remembers who read such tales is that good deeds, friendship and love always win.

Most of the folklore works, even scary at first glance, are actually full of positive and have a happy ending. "White duck" (Russian folk tale) is a confirmation of this. Here bad things happen to the main characters, but goodness and justice still triumphed.

fairy tale themes

The themes of fairy tales can relate to any magical adventures, both dangerous and funny, but their happy ending is inevitable.

The importance of fairy tales for a child

Reading a fairy tale to a child from early childhood is an excellent educational process in which adults help him, using the example of heroes, decide on the right actions.

The fact that the truth always comes out, and the villains get what they deserve, gives the right orientation for the baby, how to act and be responsible for their actions. Discussing together with the children of the heroes, you can find out which ones they like best and due to what qualities.

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