Frontitis is a serious and very common disease, which is a pathological process, accompanied by inflammatory processes in the frontal sinus. It belongs to the group of sinusitis, and of all the existing forms, it is it that has the most complex form of the course. And now we should talk about the symptoms and treatment of frontal sinusitis, since the topic is really relevant.
The disease does not occur just like that. There are certain provoking factors that cause inflammation of the mucous membrane. From what exactly contributed to the formation of the disease, its shape and severity depends.
The most common causes include:
- Prolonged rhinitis is a syndrome of inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It can be both allergic and infectious.
- Curvature of the nasal septum - both congenital and acquired.
- The focus of infection, which appeared as a result of infection of the body with streptococci, staphylococci and other bacteria.
- Allergy. Due to vasomotor rhinitis and bronchial asthma, swelling of the mucous membrane is formed. As a result, the opening is blocked, which facilitates the entry of fluid from the frontal sinus.
- Foreign bodies or polyps in the nose.
You should also know about which pathogens provoke the formation of viral frontal sinusitis. Usually these are adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses and respiratory syncytial viruses.
Signs of the disease
They must be listed before moving on to the principles of diagnosis and treatment of frontal sinusitis. Symptoms of this ailment can be distinguished in the following list:
- Excruciating, unbearable headaches. The cause of their appearance is pus, accumulating in the damaged sinuses. The condition is alleviated by taking a horizontal position. Just because of this, the accumulated liquid is evenly distributed in the cavity.
- Unpleasant sensations of a bursting nature observed in the nose bridge zone. During the day, their growth is observed. Initially, the pain is localized, but over time, its focus is "dispersed". Therefore, many feel pain when bending or turning the head.
- Strong tension and pressure in the frontal sinus affected by inflammation. In advanced cases, pain is also felt in the temporo-occipital and occipital areas.
- Discharge from the nose with an unpleasant odor. They are usually mucous and transparent, but often contain a certain amount of pus. Stand out when a person is in an upright position. In some patients, a complete nasal congestion is observed - in such cases, this symptom is absent, since the outflow of contents is difficult.
- A sharp increase in temperature. May reach 39 Β° C.
- A cough that bothers a person even at night.
- Fatigue and fatigue. A person gets tired even if he does nothing.
- Deteriorating appetite, trouble sleeping and persistent, persistent apathy.
The most common symptom is pain in the temples, eyes and forehead, which manifests itself most clearly in the morning. If a person is faced with this after waking up, then he should start to worry.
Symptoms of a chronic form
It is necessary to tell about them separately. The principles of treatment and symptoms of chronic frontal sinusitis in adults are somewhat different from the disease of the acute form mentioned above.
It is worth mentioning that the disease passes into this stage in the event that poor-quality cleansing of the frontal sinuses has been done. Often, it is chronic frontitis, the symptoms and treatment of which we are going to discuss now, becomes a provoking factor in the appearance of inflammation in other sinuses.
So, the signs of an ailment of this form are:
- A runny nose, which is simply impossible to eliminate. In a chronic disease, only one sinus is affected, therefore, discharge also comes from only one nostril.
- The deformation processes that form in the nasal cavity. They arise due to the pressure of pathogenic contents.
- Conjunctivitis.
- Significant deterioration in smell. Sometimes a person completely loses the ability to recognize odors.
- Swelling of the eyelids after awakening. This suggests that the inflammation spread to the walls of the orbits.
- A persistent cough. It cannot be stopped, no matter how powerful expectorant or antitussive drugs are used.
- Sprawling neoplasms and polyps in the nasal cavity, which become an additional cause of breathing problems.
In addition, there is a deterioration in immunity and increasing weakness.
Catarrhal frontitis: symptoms and treatment
In adults and children, this is the initial stage of the disease. It is very easy to diagnose. The most important thing is to pay attention to the signs in time and consult a doctor.
At the time when the disease is only developing, there is no purulent discharge. Symptoms are minimal:
- Slight runny nose.
- The growth of the nasal mucosa.
- Labored breathing.
All three signs appear simultaneously. If a person immediately goes to the doctor with symptoms of sinusitis (frontal sinusitis), and treatment is started in a timely manner, then small victims can be dispensed with. The disease will pass quickly and without complications.
Therapy will be aimed at eliminating pain and discomfort and getting rid of inflammation. Usually, vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed for this. They facilitate breathing and eliminate the discomfort experienced by the patient.
At this stage, combination agents with essential oils may be effective. But if the disease was triggered by an allergy, then antihistamines will be needed.
Frontitis in pregnant women
Everyone knows that a woman in a position needs to follow special medical recommendations, since many drugs and antibiotics can harm the fetus. Therefore, discussing the causes and symptoms of frontal sinusitis, it is also necessary to talk about the treatment of this disease in pregnant women.
Specificity concerns mainly diagnostics. As in the case with each patient, pregnant women take an X-ray of the skull. It is necessary. But this procedure is carried out exclusively with shielding the abdomen with a lead apron. In addition, a special X-ray mode is activated.
To treat the symptoms of acute frontal sinusitis and its symptoms, drugs from the safest groups are selected. These are macrolides, cephalosporins and penicillins. The main thing is that a woman respects the dose and duration of the course. If you stop drinking drugs immediately after the relief of manifestations, there is a risk that the symptoms of the disease will be erased, and it simply goes into a chronic form.
Many women are afraid to drink medicines, for fear of harming the fetus, and decide to get by with folk remedies. That's only in the natural components may contain substances that are completely contraindicated to her. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to resort to self-medication. In addition, in a hospital, she will always be under the supervision of specialists.
Effective antibiotics
Even after recognizing all the listed symptoms of frontal sinusitis, it is not recommended to prescribe treatment to yourself. Only a doctor can prescribe medications that really help to cope with the disease. But as a rule, the following funds are prescribed:
- Semi-synthetic and synthetic preparations of amoxicillin. The most popular are Amoxicillin, Ampisid, Amoxiclav, Augmentin and Flemoxin. These drugs disrupt the synthesis of parasitic bacteria and neutralize their detrimental effect.
- Third generation cephalosporin antibiotics. This can be said to be an almost equivalent alternative to penicillin. The most effective drugs are Aksetil, Cefotaxime, Cefaclor, Ceftriaxone and Cefuroxime. Almost all of them are available as a solution for injection, so they are prescribed for complications or for severe illness.
- Macrolide antibiotics. They are prescribed if a person has intolerance to the above drugs. The best are Sumamed, Siramycin, Roxithromycin and Macropen. These are effective drugs that practically do not affect the intestinal microflora. In addition, the components of these medicines have an additional anti-inflammatory effect and affect intracellular microbes.
- Antibiotics for topical use. These include swabs, drops and nasal sprays soaked with a medicinal substance, as well as aerosols. Bioparox, Isofra, Polydex, and Levomekol are best suited for treating symptoms of acute and chronic frontal sinusitis.
In fact, it is very important to combine the intake of tablets acting from the inside with the use of sprays that help to quickly alleviate the external manifestations of the disease. They include substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect, covering all spectra of the causative agents of the disease and reducing the amount of nasal discharge.
Other drugs
In addition to antibiotics, and for the relief of symptoms and for the treatment of sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis), the following drugs are prescribed:
- Homeopathic medicines. They help both in the acute stage and during the recovery period. Most often, doctors prescribe Sinuforte, Engistol, Echinacea Compositum, Traumeel and Lymphomiazot. These are good effective drugs that have immunomodulatory, decongestant and antimicrobial effects.
- Vasoconstrictor drugs. Their use helps eliminate swelling of the nasal concha and mucous membrane. As a result, the communication of the nasal cavity with the frontal sinuses is restored. The best remedies for restoring normal breathing are Vibrocil, Nazivin, Galazolin, and Naphthyzin. But they can be used no longer than one week.
- Antipyretic drugs. Above, in the discussion of the symptoms and treatment of frontal sinusitis, it was said that with this disease, the temperature rises, which can stably stay for a long time. Then you need to start taking Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Efferalgan, Tylenol or Panadol. These drugs not only reduce the temperature, but also produce an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. However, the course lasts a maximum of 3 days.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs. They effectively complement therapy. Erespal, for example, reduces the formation of biologically active substances, which are responsible for inflammation. In addition, such medications improve the passage of mucus from the frontal sinuses. In addition to Erespal, Flixonase, Proposol and Nazonex are also prescribed.
With the appearance of symptoms of frontal sinusitis in adults, treatment with antibiotics and other previously listed agents, as mentioned above, is not suitable for everyone. These drugs also have contraindications. Therefore, what kind of person can be consumed is determined by the doctor.
Folk remedies
They can not be ignored, talking about the symptoms and treatment of frontal sinusitis. Many people consider folk remedies to be very effective, and therefore often try to get rid of this disease with their help. And this is really advisable, but only if you combine their use with the treatment prescribed by the doctor.
Most resort to rinsing the nose. You can prepare one of the solutions to choose from:
- In a glass of warm boiled water, dilute a pinch of soda, ΒΌ teaspoon of salt and add a few drops of tea tree oil. Mix thoroughly until the components are dissolved and use.
- Two tablets of furatsilin dip in warm water (0.5 l). Wait until it dissolves, stir. Furatsilin is a well-known antiseptic, and it perfectly copes with bacteria, not allowing those to gain a foothold on the walls of the sinuses.
- In a glass of boiling water, brew a mixture of hypericum and dried chamomile (1 tsp each). Insist for 45 minutes in a thermos, strain, cool, and then use.
You can also do inhalation. They help not only to eliminate the symptoms of frontal sinusitis. Prevention of consequences will also be effective through their application. Here are some recipes:
- Two potato tubers peel, boil in water. Knead or cut into pieces and then immediately begin to breathe in pairs.
- Boil six bay leaves and boil for 5 minutes over a fire. Allow to cool slightly and use.
- Chamomile flowers in the amount of 2 tbsp. brew two glasses of boiling water and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Wait 15 minutes - and you can do inhalation.
- Grind three large garlic cloves. Place in a saucepan, pour a glass of boiling water, add 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Stir and use.
- Fill the pan halfway with water. Add a little bit of Zvezdochka balm, wait until it dissolves, and then inhalation.
It was with such means that the treatment of adults and children decades before, when there were no modern devices for physiotherapy and powerful antibiotics, was performed when symptoms of acute frontal sinus appeared. There are many other ways, but these are the most popular.
A disease such as frontal sinusitis (sinusitis), the symptoms and treatment of which continues to be discussed, does not pass without consequences.
In the vast majority of cases, the disease becomes chronic, and the infection, concentrated in the sinuses, spreads to the upper respiratory tract. The consequences are usually:
- Acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis), manifested in inflammation of the tonsils. The main symptom is a persistent cough.
- Bronchitis, in which the lesion usually affects the entire thickness of the wall of the bronchi. Symptoms are the same as in the case of angina.
- Osteoperiostitis, which is an inflammatory process in the bone with damage to the periosteum. The development of this disease can be found by swelling of the superciliary part of the face and the appearance of conjunctivitis.
- Inflammation of the lungs, which is a serious damage to the respiratory organs.
- Meningitis. Perhaps one of the most serious consequences that manifests itself in inflammation of the spinal cord and meninges. The sinuses are too close to it. So pathogenic bacteria can enter the meninges over time, when the immune system, the body and its systems are weakened. Meningitis is accompanied by a sharp headache, vomiting, hallucinations and impaired consciousness.
A person may encounter other consequences. After surgery, indicated in severe cases of frontal sinusitis, fever and nose discharge may occur for several days. But these are normal residual effects, passing through 2-3 days.
Finally, it is worthwhile to pay attention to this topic, since we are talking about the symptoms, causes and treatment of frontal sinusitis. Prevention of the disease, as noted above, can be carried out using some folk remedies. Most importantly, it should be aimed at maintaining the normal anatomy of the nasal cavity and free breathing.
It is also important to timely treat yourself for SARS, rhinitis, and even a mild cold. It is still necessary to direct measures to restore immunity and increase the body's resistance to various harmful factors. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to normalize the sleep mode and optimize nutrition.
It is recommended to enrich your diet with calcium products. These, in addition to sour milk, include tofu, sardines, salmon, oatmeal, greens, almonds, Chinese cabbage, asparagus beans.
Vitamin C (citrus fruits, grapes, blackberries, red peppers, spinach, tomatoes), vitamin E (dogrose, whole nuts, pike perch, barley groats), zinc (pork, lamb, pine nuts, turkey and duck), vitamin A ( parsley, sweet potato, apricots, fish oil).
Still worth drinking tea based on St. John's wort, a string and chamomile, freshly squeezed juices from carrots, cucumbers, spinach and beets, mineral water. But the spicy, spicy and salty must be abandoned. Like smoking with alcohol.
Following these recommendations will not only help to alleviate the symptoms and treat frontitis. Complications in adults and children, as well as relapse of the disease, will also be avoided, and this is most important. By the way, it is periodically recommended to be examined by a doctor.