Herpes on the inside of the lip: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, prevention

Imagine this situation: wake up in the morning, going to a business meeting or a date, go to the mirror and ... Oh no! Again herpes on the lips! After what arose? Where did it come from? The situation is clearly not pleasant. Probably, there are no people who would never have encountered a cold on the lips or in the corners of the mouth. But few people know the cause of this disease. Here we will talk about the causes, symptoms, treatment methods and what needs to be done so that this sore does not bother. It is quite simple to treat herpes on the inside of the lip, the photo of which is below. The main thing is to follow the doctor’s instructions.


Statistics say that about 95% of the inhabitants of our planet are carriers of this disease. This is due to the fact that herpes is already well adapted to the environment. If earlier it was transmitted only by contact (kisses, sex, hold hands, through personal belongings), now it can be transmitted as SARS - by airborne droplets. It should also be noted that a person can become infected at birth. If the mother during childbirth, herpes is in the active stage of the disease, then the child, passing through the birth canal, can also become infected. This virus can be in the body for a long time in sleep mode and not manifest itself in any way. But against the background of a decrease in immunity, namely due to diseases, lack of sleep, fatigue, it can come into active action.

herpes on the inside of the lip photo

First of all, herpes is manifested on the mucous membranes. On the genitals or on the lip. Less commonly, it affects the skin. It depends on the type of virus. There are eight of them. Herpes, which appears on the inside of the lip, is a type 1 virus. There are two types of disease development.

First type

The active stage is when a person first became infected with herpes and his body has not yet encountered this disease. As a rule, this stage is very painful. There may be fever, fever, chills. During this period, there is a high probability of contracting from a sick person, as rashes form on the lip in the form of vesicles, in which pathogenic microbes are located.

Second type

The second stage is latent. This is when herpes goes into sleep mode. This stage is less painful. The body already knows the virus and has adapted to it. At this stage, a person is not contagious.

herpes on the inside of the lip how to treat

Features of the course

After infection with this virus, up to two weeks can pass by the time of its manifestation. Usually this is preceded by certain symptoms: itching, burning, slight swelling of the lips, tingling, and so on. After that, a bubble is formed on the inside of the lip, in which fluid is collected. In this fluid are the viruses of this disease. The number of bubbles can reach up to 12 pieces. It is important to note that herpes on the inside of the lip heals much faster than on the outside. This is due to the fact that inside the mouth it is constantly washed with saliva, preventing the appearance of pathogenic microbes, and from the outside it can crack and bleed.


Symptoms of each person with such a disease are individual and depend on your immunity. It is possible that the virus may be accompanied by weakness throughout the body and even an increase in temperature. This disease proceeds in 5 stages:

  1. You may notice slight itching or tingling on the lips. If you start treatment at this stage, then you can prevent the appearance of bubbles.
  2. After a couple of hours, swelling, redness and irritation can be seen on the lip.
  3. After a couple of days, the same bubbles form, which are called herpetic eruptions.
  4. A few days later, the bubbles burst, and a liquid flows out of them, which consists of the microbes of this virus. During this period, the patient becomes dangerous to others, since you can get infected from him by airborne droplets.
  5. A little later, the wounds begin to heal, and after about ten days, complete healing occurs. The virus goes into a latent stage and becomes not dangerous.

This virus should not be underestimated, as it can go into more dangerous diseases. Bursting bubbles and the fluid in them can cause stomatitis. This disease is very difficult, especially in children. The herpes virus also has a negative effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver and nervous system. Carriers of this virus are especially susceptible to colds. And in the acute period, herpes can provoke an allergy. It is especially dangerous to transfer this disease during pregnancy, since its active stage in the first trimester can have a negative effect on the formation of the fetus. It is for this reason that many women are sent to take an analysis for this virus before planning pregnancy.

cold sore treatment on the inside of the lip

How to treat cold sores on the inside of the lip?

As mentioned above, it is completely impossible to cure this virus, since it settles and lives in the human body forever. But to put it in a state of remission for a long time is quite possible. First of all, you need to monitor your immunity. It is very important to follow a diet that should be high-calorie. It is important to avoid the use of products that irritate the mucous membrane of the lips: alcohol, sweet, salty, fatty, caffeine and so on.

In cases of severe herpetic disease, complex therapy with the use of peculiar symptomatic and pathogenetic agents is rational.

cold sores on the inside of the lip

The criteria characterizing the rationality and effectiveness of the complex treatment of herpes on the inner side of the lip are:

  • The duration of the medical course of the disease.
  • The appearance of a vesicular rash or the elimination of its occurrence.
  • The presence of granulations indicating the end of pathogenesis.

Doctors compare the marked criteria before the start of therapy and after a comprehensive treatment has been done. In addition, the timing of remissions between exacerbations and the frequency of complications are taken into account. A more responsible approach will require the treatment of complicated forms of labial herpes.


If nevertheless you found herpes on your inner lip, then you need to use antiviral agents. Ointments such as Acyclovir, Zovirax, and so on are usually prescribed. Of course, due to the fact that herpes is inside the lip, the ointment may not be effective enough due to the constant release of saliva. But, despite this, it is necessary to lubricate and rinse your mouth as often as possible, about 7-8 times during the day.

cold sores on the inside of the lip


Mouthwashes are also prescribed. The most famous drug is Stomatidin. It is prescribed as an anesthetic and antiviral agent. Use it undiluted. It should never be swallowed. "Stomatidine" is contraindicated in children under 5 years of age and women during pregnancy. On average, cold sores on the lips last one or two weeks. With a decrease in immunity, it can drag on for longer. The herpes virus is a serious enough disease that can harm your body, so you should not self-medicate, but it is better to consult a doctor. After conducting the necessary examination, he prescribes treatment for you, based on the characteristics of your body.

cold sores on the lips at home

When is it not necessary to treat?

It is not necessary to use pharmaceutical substances for labial herpes in the following cases:

  • Herpes is less common 3 times a year.
  • Symptoms are limited to lesions of a minor lip area.
  • The disease lasts up to 5 days.

In such options, it is rational to use folk remedies, especially before the first sores, immediately, as soon as you feel a distinctive tingling, irritation and swelling on the lips. The most easily accessible and repeatedly tested tool is earwax. One-double coverage of the itchy place with earwax often prevents the occurrence of sores.

The following herbal remedies are recommended for curing herpes on the lips at home:

  • Tea tree essential oil (cedar, fir).
  • Kalanchoe juice.
  • Tincture of white wormwood.
  • Garlic (clove slice).
lips after herpes


Based on the read above, we can conclude that in order not to get sick with herpes, you need to monitor your health, and most importantly, your immunity. Since if it is weakened, then a person is at daily risk of infection. To prevent this, it is easy to observe the following rules:

  • do not use other people's things, namely mugs, towels, toothbrushes and so on;
  • observe personal hygiene rules (brush teeth regularly, wash hands when we get home from the street);
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • increase immunity (proper nutrition, exercise);
  • during exacerbations, take antiviral drugs as directed by a doctor;
  • also according to certain indications vaccination can be carried out;
  • it is necessary to maintain the microflora of your body.

Take this disease seriously. Consult a doctor, lead a healthy lifestyle and be healthy.

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