Analysis "Oh, how deadly we love" Tyutchev. The story of the creation of the poem

The depiction of one’s own feelings, love experiences is an integral feature of absolutely all poets: great ones like Pushkin, middle peasants, and even those who use versification as an outlet, knowing that their creations will never be printed ...

Among all kinds of sonnets, odes, elegy, simply poems, telling about a great and wonderful feeling, there is one thing - “Oh, how dearly we love” (F. Tyutchev). It is a kind of monument carved from beautiful lines about the forbidden, condemned by the society of the poet's love for Elena Denisieva. The analysis “About how deadly we love” by Tyutchev, as well as the story of the creation of the poem will be considered in our article.

analysis about how deadly we love tyutchev

A tangled ball of feelings

Analysis of the poem “Oh, how deadly we love” Tyutchev should begin with a historical digression. Denisyev came from a noble family. Her aunt, an inspector of the Smolny Institute, was engaged in her upbringing , since Elena's mother died early, and her father remarried. At the educational institution of a relative, Denisyeva was on a special account. The austerity inherent in her aunt did not extend to her niece. Elena was quickly brought to light, she visited rich Petersburg houses, where the atmosphere of bohemia reigned.

At the Smolny Institute, the daughters of Tyutchev from their first marriage were also trained. The poet more than once came to an educational institution, visiting offspring. In turn, Denisyeva, along with her aunt, visited the Tyutchevs' house more than once. When a love feeling arose in Tyutchev’s soul, it’s hard to say. One thing is certain for sure: during the poet’s trip with his daughter and Elena to the Valaam Monastery , a romance was already developing between the lovers. That was in August 1850.

Is love a “fatal duel”?

In the eyes of Petersburg society, the relationship of the poet and the girl acquired the character of a real scandal. And this scandal lasted no less than fourteen years, until the death of Denisieva. Elena and Tyutchev had three illegitimate children who, although formally bearing the name of their father, had no civil rights related to his origin. The poet’s passion turned into serious consequences for Denisieva: a hypocritical society ostracized her. Even her father denied her. Aunt Elena was forced to leave the school and move with her niece to the apartment.

analysis of the poem about how deadly we love tyutchev

Analysis "Oh, how deadly we love" Tyutchev

As for the poet, the fatal connection practically did not hit him. He continued to pursue a career, and thoughts for the sake of Denisieva never left his lawful wife. The latter comforted her husband when his lover died of tuberculosis.

The poems, which reflected the poet’s complex feelings for Elena, form the Denisian cycle, which contains “Oh, how deadly we love”. An analysis of the poem by Fyodor Tyutchev testified to how deeply the poet was worried, sincerely repenting that Elena had passed so many trials because of him. Tyutchev suffers: his love "undeserved shame" fell on the girl's life. He is horrified by this paradox, this mockery of fate: we destroy, first of all, that which is "dear to our hearts." As for Denisieva, her beauty prematurely faded, unable to withstand public humiliation. To describe the state of his heroine (and his own lyrical "I"), the poet uses a very accurate description: "Everyone was scorched, burnt out tears." This makes the beloved, besides her will, sadly ask: “Where have the roses gone?”

oh how deadly we love f tyutchev

Were there moments of bliss in their novel, simple enjoyment of each other? Yes, but this time passed quickly, as they trampled into the mud "what blossomed in her soul." The answer to this was the "evil pain of bitterness", which settled forever in the soul of the lyrical heroine. And indeed, the novel was very emotionally draining to Denisyev: she became exalted, very nervous and irritable.

Trails and stylistic figures

However, the analysis of the poem “Oh, how deadly we love” by Tyutchev would be incomplete without considering his poetics. The author applies rhetorical questions and appeals that emphasize the extreme emotional richness of the lyric lines. From the paths one can distinguish comparisons (comparing short moments of joy with the northern summer), avatars (“charm gone”) and epithets.

about how deadly we love the analysis of the poem by Fedor Tyutchev


However, any work of art - be it lyrics or epic - is interesting to readers not only as a valuable testimony from the life of a writer, but also as a kind of universal formula applicable to everyone. The analysis of “Oh, how deadly we love” by Tyutchev showed that the poet’s tragic message to Denisieva fits perfectly with his concept of love as a fateful duel. And this is a new, original look at the great feeling. Attraction is portrayed as "blindness of passion." Her test is fraught with terrible suffering, which falls primarily on the lot of women. All that remains for her is to keep the ashes left from love, this product of emotions and chaos not subject to man .

Thus, the analysis “About how deadly we love” by Tyutchev allows us to consider the poem one of the best examples of Russian love lyrics the century before last due to the refined language and originality of the problems.

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