Why are heels cracking, what to do in this case?

To paraphrase the famous classic’s dictum about the “beauty of nails”, it’s worth adding that keeping your soles in perfect condition will not be out of place. However, not everyone can boast velvety skin of the heels. A rather unpleasant and painful sensation when the heels crack, what should I do in this case?

First of all, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the body to make sure that there are no diseases of the internal organs. Since the heels are an external reflection of the state of the laboratory of the human body - the liver, then, perhaps, you will have to start the work with it. Although the cause can be both normal dry skin and vitamin deficiency, malfunctions in the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus, gastritis, etc.
In the case when heels crack due to insufficient care, what should I do? You need to catch up and ennoble your heels with the help of foot baths, relaxing massage, scrub, the use of softening and moisturizing creams and gels for the feet. With deep cracks, in order to avoid the occurrence of fungal infections, you need to consult a dermatologist, and he will advise which antifungal agent is better to use and which drugs to take orally.
Foot soap baths with the addition of baking soda and ammonia help well when the heels crack. What to do with rough skin? It must be removed after steaming with a pumice stone or a special file; if the cracks are painful, carefully cut with pedicure scissors at the cracking site. After the procedure, you can rub corn or olive oil, a special fat cream, wrap the feet with polyethylene, put on your socks and leave until the morning, then make a warm bath again, treat the heels with a pumice and apply a nourishing cream. Perform every other day 10 times.
A highly effective compress is onion, in the case when the heels crack. What to do and how? Immediately after the soap-soda bath, half of the bulb pre-scalded with boiling water is applied to the heels, covered with plastic wrap on top and bandaged, left overnight. And in the morning they make a warm bath, treat the heels with a pumice stone and rub in a greasy cream. If you do not attach importance to the onion smell, then after just a few procedures, the skin will become smooth and soft.
Animal cream “Zorka”, sold in veterinary pharmacies, is widely used, which perfectly heals cracks on the heels. Excellent results can be achieved with the help of such a "talker": mix 1 tbsp. tablespoon of vegetable oil, 1 chicken egg with one tablespoon of 70% vinegar essence. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. After 15 minutes steaming, the composition is applied to a napkin and applied to the sore heel, put on top of the socks and left until morning.
Sometimes there are cracks in the hands, what to do and how to prevent such a nuisance? Careful daily care along with the use of protective gloves will help to avoid pain and unsightly appearance due to possible cracks that even the most sophisticated manicure can not hide. In this case, the Dermasan solution, which brings quick relief, heals small wounds, and has an antipruritic effect, can be considered an indispensable tool. If you apply this mixture after each hand wash, literally a week later you can forget about problems with the hands. In addition, there are many different protective, prophylactic and therapeutic drugs, as they say, for every taste and budget.
Especially unpleasant when lips crack, what to do to avoid this? Again, the reason the doctor can determine is important. It is important not to start treatment so that a number of possible diseases (herpes, candidiasis, autoimmune diseases) do not cause chronic cracking on the lips. Cracks usually appear due to dry skin of the lips or mechanical damage, most often under the influence of weather conditions in the cold season. Care products in conjunction with the elimination of irritating factors contribute to the rapid restoration of the skin on the lips.
To avoid problems with the skin, you need to eat right. A balanced diet that includes foods such as butter, carrots, lettuce, green onions, cheeses, liver, asparagus, tomatoes, dairy products with a high content of retinol and tocopherol (vitamins A and E) will prevent cracking on the skin. A thorough care will make the skin of the whole body smooth, healthy and irresistible.

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