Klion tablets have an internationally better known name - Metronidazole. This dosage form is one. The tablets are available in white, slightly flat, have a chamfer and a notch on one side. The composition of the drug directly includes metronidazole itself and other components: talc, starch, glycerol, silicon, magnesium stearate. The medicine belongs to the group of antibacterial agents.
"Metronidazole" has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action. It enters the microorganism through passive diffusion. Once in the center of the bacterial cell, the nitro group becomes hydroxylomin, an active cytotoxic metabolite is formed, which, in turn, disrupts DNA replication, leading to cell death.
Klion tablets are very effective if a person was infected with some simple, anaerobic and obligate microorganisms. Ideally copes with bacteria such as gram-positive sticks, gram-positive cocci, gram-negative sticks, the drug perfectly fights facultative anaerobes and some spirochetes.
In the process of oral administration, the components that have the Klion tablets are perfectly absorbed. After about three hours, their maximum concentration is observed in serum. As shown by studies on sick and healthy people, Metronidazole quickly penetrates into the cerebrospinal fluid, and also quickly reaches a therapeutic concentration in the brain and lungs. The medicine has a large volume of distribution and is able to contact blood proteins by almost 20%. The drug enters the biliary tract, and there are achieved the same concentration as the composition of blood plasma.
About 70% through the kidneys, 15% through the intestines, the release period is about 8 hours, thus, the drug "Klion" is excreted. Instructions for use contain a list of diseases and infections when this drug is prescribed: genitourinary trichomoniasis, intestinal and extraintestinal amoebiasis, ulcerative stomatitis, the presence of rosacea, diarrhea and other infections that are sensitive to this drug. In addition, Klion tablets are prescribed as a prophylactic against anaerobic complications that may occur after gynecological operations on the large intestine and biliary tract.
The drug "Klion" the instruction advises to take during or after a meal, while you do not need to chew, just drink a little water.
There are some side effects from taking the medicine. Quite often, there are some disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. This can be nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, slight pain in the lower abdomen, after a long intake, a metallic taste in the mouth and plaque on the tongue can be observed . There are also some side effects from the hematopoietic system - leukopenia, from the nervous system: sensation of numbness of the hands or feet, cramps, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, blurred consciousness, ataxia. The effect of the drug on the body can be in the form of an allergic reaction: itchy skin, swelling, with individual intolerance, anaphylactic shock can occur . Very rarely observed phenomena such as dark urine, a slight increase in temperature. All of the above phenomena very quickly go away with a decrease in dosage or after completion of the course of treatment.
As for contraindications for taking this medication, this is an increased sensitivity directly to the drug itself and its components, it is also forbidden to take Klion in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation.
An important point is the fact that during the period of treatment the use of alcohol is strictly prohibited. This can lead to serious complications and side effects.