Actor Mikheenko Vadim Ivanovich: biography, films, roles

Mikheenko Vadim Ivanovich - Russian film and theater actor. He has a track record of 17 film projects. As an actor, he took part in the creation of feature films “Silva”, “Torpedo Bearers” and the series “The Life of Klim Samghin”. He worked with actors Alexander Susnin, Vera Glagoleva, Vitaly Solomin, Alexei Zharkov, Ada Rogovtseva and others. He came to the big cinema in 1970. The family of Vadim Ivanovich Mikheenko is creative. The artist’s son, Yegor Beroev, is a well-known Russian actor, his first wife, Elena Beroeva, is an artist of the theater named after Moscow City Council. By the sign of the Zodiac Mikheenko Vadim Ivanovich - Aquarius. At the time of writing, the actor was 65 years old. He is fond of poetry. He writes prose and poetry under the pseudonym Dima Kerusov.

Vadim Ivanovich Mikheenko

Brief biography of the actor

Vadim Ivanovich Mikheenko was born on February 4, 1952. In the early 1970s, he got a job in the Krasnoyarsk Youth Theater. Later he worked in the Riga Youth Theater, he served in the theater. Moscow City Council and the theater of the Soviet Army. He was the head of the St. Petersburg theater of dance and pantomime "Terra Mobile". He taught acting in European countries, such as France, Great Britain, Italy.

In his interviews in 2014, actor Vadim Ivanovich Mikheenko, whose photos are displayed here, spoke about his work and personal life.

Information was circulated in the media that the actor’s son, Yegor Beroev, did not communicate with his father, since he believed that he had betrayed him and his mother when he abandoned them. Talking about this situation, Vadim Mikheenko admits that he knows his son only by roles in films. According to him, before he constantly tried to contact his son, but the Beroev family did everything in their power. The actor of the theater and cinema thought that when Yegor grows up, he will understand everything, but this, he complains, did not happen.

Mikheenko Vadim Ivanovich photo

About his first wife

Vadim Ivanovich Mikheenko claims that with his first wife, Elena Beroeva, who served in the Moscow City Council theater, family relations ended after her mother, Elvira Shvareva-Brunovskaya, intervened. However, being divorced, he and Elena continued to meet. He exclaims that they had a crazy affair, and calls his chosen one a special woman who is "beautiful as an actress, mother and mistress."

In 2014, the actor states that he only tied the knot by marriage nine times, and each of his many chosen ones left her autograph on the ceiling of one of the rooms in his St. Petersburg apartment.

About youth

The actor tells about his first meeting with Elena that he then offered her a walk, and they went together to wander along the boulevards. According to him, they "met, fell in love and got married." He recalls reading to his wife, whom he called Lyalya, the book The Journey of the Blue Arrow when she was pregnant. The actor describes that period of his life with the words "fabulous and idyllic." In honor of his beloved, the actor then wrote songs and painted characters for her from her favorite books.

Mikheenko Vadim Ivanovich family

The actor admits that he was not ready for the birth of a child, and believes that children should appear by chance, and not according to plan. In those years, he was one of the Soviet hippies who, according to him, were the best in the world. He claims that domestic hippies, unlike the western one, could afford not to use drugs.

About his present life

In 2014, Vadim Ivanovich Mikheenko said that he lives on a pension of 7 thousand rubles, which are not enough to buy medicines. According to him, his friends help him, who give him money and products. The actor says that it is extremely embarrassing to accept this help, and he “does not know how and does not like to ask someone”.

The actor, who suffered several heart attacks and a stroke, in 2014 said that the current spouse, with whom he has lived for more than fifteen years, provides him, and he maintains the household, loves and knows how to cook. At that time, he lived in the village in which he bought a house after he had an attack of psoriasis. According to father Yegor Beroev, after moving to the countryside he immediately felt better and “the wounds healed almost completely”.

Mikheenko Vadim Ivanovich

Films with Vadim Ivanovich Mikheenko

In 1970, the actor made his film debut, playing a role in the short film "The Color of the White Sea." Then he played a partner Olga in the drama "Salute, Maria", which tells about the events from the life of the girl Mary, who fell in love with the Spanish sailor Pablo during the Civil War.

In 1975, appeared in Rodion Nakhapetov’s film “At World's End”, receiving the main role and becoming the partner of actress Vera Glagoleva. This is a melodrama about the heroes, Volodya and Sime, who are tired of parental edification and guardianship, who meet to begin the journey "to the ends of the world."

1980s roles

In 1983, actor Vadim Ivanovich Mikheenko portrayed one of the heroes in the movie "Torpedo bombers" - a military drama with Rodion Nakhapetov and Alexei Zharkov in the lead roles. At the center of this story, which is based on the work of Yuri German, are pilots of the naval aviation regiment, making combat sorties during the Second World War.

In 1983 he joined the ensemble of the television mini-series "High Standard" with Anatoly Kuznetsov and Ada Rogovtseva. Then there were roles in the detective "Trap for the Jackals", the musical "How to Become a Star", the historical drama "The Life of Klim Samghin" and the drama "Cracker" in 1987, after which the actor was no longer in the movies.

Vadim Ivanovich Mikheenko says that life is a play, and he himself appears in it as an actor who plays Hamlet, knowing in advance that he must die in the last act.

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