Liver - what is it, what is its use, how to cook it?

The word “liver” does not seem strange or unusual to many people long ago. What is "liverwurst sausage", everyone knows. But I wonder where the name comes from? This word came to our speech from the Latin language (from liver) and literally means “liver”. It is interesting that in medicine, it is often not used at all to refer to diseases and conditions of this organ, although most of the terms come from ancient Latin words. But in the case of the liver, doctors around the world use the Greek triplet hepar and its derivatives (for example, “hepatitis”, “heparin”). And the “liver” familiar to our ear is most often applicable in cooking.

Liver - what is it and what does it eat with?

Professional chefs often use the definition of "offal". A simple hostess in the old way say "liver." And they both mean not only the liver, but also other internal organs of animals: kidneys, heart, lungs.

liver what is

Favorite Recipes

From time immemorial, sausage, brawn, saltison have been cooked in Russia. A cleaned intestine or a made stomach was stuffed with meat or viscera, after which it was cooked, fried, smoked in smoke, and baked in an oven. Today, such anciently beloved products are manufactured on an industrial scale.


Sausage made from the liver is traditionally called "liverwort". Although it is often composed of other products. There are a lot of recipes for this dish. Here is one of them:

  • liver and other offal - 500 g;
  • fresh pork lard - 300 g;
  • semolina - 3 \ 4 glasses;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Liver and fat are cut into cubes, knead thoroughly, add semolina and egg, salt and pepper. Let stand for 20 minutes, so that the semolina "bloom". Using culinary film we form sausages. You can use cellophane bags, only the shape of the finished product will not be sausage. Boil liver sausages in boiling water for about an hour. Let cool, and only then remove the film.

Minced meat

And who did not hear such names as “pies with liver”, “pancakes with liver”? Offal is an excellent filling for a wide variety of pastries and dumplings. For reasons of economy or variety, you can add mashed potatoes or boiled rice, fried or green onions, mushrooms. To prepare liver minced meat, boil offal (required separately), pass through a meat grinder. It is convenient to store such a workpiece in a refrigerator in glass jars, pouring melted lard on top.

The special popularity of such dishes is also due to the fact that liver is not so expensive. The recipe for navy pasta, pies, dumplings will be much cheaper if the meat in it is replaced with offal. And his taste will not suffer at all.

liver recipe

Benefit for health

Speaking about offal dishes, one cannot fail to mention what benefits the liver brings to health. What is low hemoglobin, many residents of modern cities know. But if you regularly eat beef or pork liver rich in iron and minerals rich in iron, you can solve the problem without any medicine at all!

And also these products have a positive effect on the blood forming organs, circulatory system, and heart function.

This useful product can be introduced into the children's diet. Moreover, kids are so eager to discover the world. And they will certainly be interested in not only the taste of the product, but also the word “liver”, what it means. Well, what to answer a curious child, you already know.

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