Andy Warhol: pictures. Portraits of Andy Warhol

In the sixties, Andy Warhol was considered one of the most famous artists in America. But ordinary people were attracted not so much by his work as by his lifestyle. Scandals, bold statements in the press. All this worked on the image of the king of pop art. It seemed that he was born and raised in this environment, where the eternal atmosphere of the holiday reigned, and new stars lit up every day.

Children and youth of the future celebrity

Only a few knew that about twenty years ago, Andy Warhol, whose paintings became insanely popular, was a completely different person. He was born in industrial Pittsburgh in nineteen twenty-eighth in a simple family of emigrants from Slovakia. And he often wondered why life was so unfair to him. Someone bathes in luxury, and he has to wear clothes for his older brothers. After all, he is no worse than the children of the rich. Moreover, nature awarded him talent. He was very good at drawing.

andy warhol paintings

In nineteen forty-seventh, the future artist Andy Warhol entered the Technical University at the Faculty of Design Art. Parents gave all their savings to his education. Andy was just happy. He finally got into a creative atmosphere.

Moreover, many fellow students and educators admired the talent possessed by Andy Warhol. His works were full of energy, they literally breathed life. And no one knew that this capable guy had far-reaching plans. He wanted not just to draw, but to make a lot of money from it.

The beginning of creative activity

Immediately after graduating from the university in nineteen forty-ninth, Andy moved to New York. It was a city in which, as he believed, everyone could become a star. And the first thing he did was to buy a white elegant suit and set about searching for work. Andy Warhol fulfilled all received orders talentedly and on time. And all his leaders were very pleased with him.

Suddenly, a modest young man showed another unique quality. He is better than many artists to catch market conditions. And he intuitively felt how to present an advertising image with talent and beauty.

picture of marilyn monroe andy warhol

His first professional work was creating illustrations for the article "Success". It was a job for Glamor magazine. A year later, he made a poster against drugs for a little-known youth radio station. The rating of the broadcast about youth problems immediately increased, and the poster itself was recognized as the best advertisement of the year.

Full image change

Andy's fees crawled up. But he wanted fame, public recognition and social life. Then Andy Warhol, whose paintings are by right considered the best in pop art, decides to completely change his image and style of work.

Now he did not miss a single fashion party. Soon he becomes his among the bohemian public. He was considered a funny guy, a promising artist. But Warhol did not like it. There were many like him, but he wanted to be the only one.

paintings by andy warhol photo

The emergence of a new direction in art

At this time, pop art began to emerge in America. The direction where anything could become an object for painting. Newspaper clippings, flashy commercials, or cartoon characters. Andy was never afraid of experimentation. And he began to work in this direction.

At nineteen fifty-second in New York, his first solo exhibition was held. But she was not successful. Andy did not despair. He continued to search for new looks and techniques, tried new color combinations and continued to attend numerous parties.

In nineteen sixty-second in Los Angeles, another exhibition of works created by Andy Warhol opened. The paintings on it puzzled many visitors who came. Expositions resembled supermarket shelves. On the walls hung drawings with images of Coca-Cola, dollars, cans of soups. And repeated repeatedly.

But shock instantly gave way to rapture. That was exactly what everyone was waiting for. Glossy product labels, American beauty. Oddly enough, but before Andy Warhol it never occurred to anyone to depict what millions of Americans bowed to: the world of money and things.

The birth of a new king

So in just a few hours, from a little-known advertising artist, even if he earned about one hundred and fifty thousand a year, Andy Warhol, whose paintings made a splash, turned into the king of pop art.

andy warhol work

Right at the exhibition, he was asked the question of what he intends to paint now. Andy, without hesitation, replied that perhaps even an electric chair. But painted by Marilyn Monroe. He chose acid paints for printing.

Famous paintings by Andy Warhol. Photo Images

The image of the actress turned out to be strange. Lemon hair, a deathly pale face and brightly painted lips. No one has ever painted the main sex symbol of Hollywood in this way. After all, everyone is accustomed to consider her a beautiful empty doll. But in fact, she was a deeply unhappy woman. The artist again subtly caught the mood of millions.

After death, Monroe became an idol. And all the objects depicting the image have become insanely popular, including this work - a painting by Marilyn Monroe. Andy Warhol inspired this idea, and he, deciding that he was moving in the right direction, created a series of portraits of idols of the sixties: rock and roll king Elvis Presley, actress Elizabeth Taylor, boxer Mohammed Ali and many other stars. People have turned into images.

Thousands of new portraits

He never made his models pose. Why spend long hours in the workshop if there is a Polaroid? Andy completely abandoned oil paints. What is the point when there is silk screen printing. The face made with this technique came out perfect. No wrinkles, no acne, no double chin. Just as the townsfolk like it.

portraits of andy warhol

Moreover, using this technique it was possible to make not just one portrait, but hundreds and even thousands. Portraits of Andy Warhol began to enjoy incredible popularity. And he did not hide the fact that he had a new goal. He wanted to put contemporary art on the conveyor. And in the nineteen sixty-third year he opened his factory.

Create your own factory

This room, painted in silver, was both a club, apartments and a workshop. Artists, musicians, directors and simply bright personalities came here. Someone was dancing, singing, others were just discussing the latest news, and Andy was creating at that time. True, the lion's share of the work was done by assistants. Stencils were cut out, paint was poured into them. Warhol only led the process.

artist andy warhol

He did not call anyone to his factory. They came there themselves and were happy if they could be at least something useful to Andy Warhol. Surrounding himself with strange people, he drew his inspiration from this atmosphere.

Once this indefatigable seeker of new ideas comes up with the idea of ​​filming his sleeping friend on camera. After watching the material, Andy decides to make a movie. Since that day, shooting at the factory has been ongoing.

Creative lull

And the seventies became years of calm for Warhol. He made portraits for wealthy customers and portrayed new idols: Lisa Minelli, Diane Ross, John Lennon and other stars. He continued to be the highest paid artist. He was called a man of legend.

Solo exhibitions of Andy Warhol were held in Italy, France, Holland. And in nineteen seventy-fifth he even visited Moscow, where a collection of contemporary art expositions was opened.

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