Retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin that is widely used in cosmetology. It can be found in anti-aging creams, hair and nail treatments. Many acne lotions also contain vitamin A (retinol). But to use products with him without consulting a specialist is undesirable. The substance may cause harm to the body.
Discovery story
Vitamin A was discovered in 1913. Then a group of scientists came to the conclusion that chicken yolk and butter contain a substance due to which the growth of animals is accelerated. It does not react with alkalis and is not pollinated by fractions. The new product has been called the βfat soluble factor Aβ. Already in 1916, it was renamed Vitamin A (retinol).
In the first half of the last century, it was found that the lack of a sufficient amount of vitamin A in the daily diet leads to a decrease in immunity. Children grow slowly , and in adults, hair falls out and nails peel off, and vision is significantly impaired. Retinol began to be added to many medical and cosmetic preparations. Patient reviews showed that the state of health and appearance improved after a week of use.
The properties
In its pure form, retinol is a yellow crystalline substance. This vitamin is fat soluble. Vitamin is able to accumulate in significant quantities in the liver. Therefore, if you decide to use retinol, the instructions must be followed. In each case, the dosage will be different. But using retinol in large quantities to achieve a good result faster is not worth it.
Vitamin A is found in nature. For example, retinol is found in large quantities in carrots. Reviews show that daily use of this vegetable improves vision and skin condition. There are also varieties of vitamin A that can only be obtained artificially. Such synthetic isomers have practically no side effects, and are therefore widely used in cosmetology.
Effect on skin cells
The cosmetic properties of retinol are based on its effect on epidermal cells. Vitamin A leads to various skin changes. If you act correctly, these changes will be positive. But the independent use of retinol can lead to severe irritation and even a burn.
There are retinoid receptors in the skin cells. When interacting with vitamin A, a change in the metabolic activity of cells occurs. This means that it has a stimulating effect on skin cells. The regeneration process is taking place. It is no coincidence that retinol is used to treat acne. Instructions for the use of preparations containing this substance describe the steps and procedure for treating the skin. Before using the tool, you should definitely study the liner. The stimulating effect of vitamin A persists for another 4 months after the end of the course of its use. Therefore, it is impossible to use it continuously.
The substance helps to normalize the processes of keratinocyte differentiation, helps to cure acne and makes the skin more elastic. Patients manage to perfectly treat seborrhea using retinol. An oil solution is best used in the winter. Vitamin A may cause skin photosensitivity.
Retinoic Peeling
Vitamin A is widely used in both home and salon cosmetology. For women over 30, a procedure such as retinoic peeling is very popular. It can only be performed by a specialist in a properly equipped office. In order to remove small facial wrinkles, striae, traces of acne, retinol is used. The solution is prepared by a cosmetologist immediately before the procedure.
Retinoic peeling is completely painless. A special solution is applied to problem areas and wait a certain period of time. The duration of the procedure depends on the problem that needs to be solved. Strong striae or acne scars can be removed in just a few sessions. Retinoic peeling is recommended in the cold season. Immediately after the procedure, a slight redness appears on the skin, which disappears the very next day.
Retinol in a pharmacy
Vitamin A is presented in pharmacies in the form of Retinol Acetate. It is widely used and can be prescribed for both adults and children. Only the dosage will differ. For normal growth and development of the body, retinol is primarily needed. Instructions for use of the above funds describe its effect on the human body. An oil solution helps to increase the skin's resistance to harmful environmental factors, accelerates the regeneration process.
The drug "Retinol acetate" can be used both externally and internally. An oily solution in capsules can eliminate vitamin A deficiency, which was caused by malnutrition. For children, most often the drug is prescribed in early spring, during the period of vitamin deficiency. The drug helps to strengthen the bone apparatus, improve vision.
Without the advice of a doctor, it is not worth using products containing retinol. Instructions for the use of drugs with such a component in the composition describe the indications and dosage in various cases. But the individual characteristics of the body are also worth considering. Retinol is adsorbed in the small intestines and is eliminated from the body only after 9 hours. Since vitamin A accumulates in the body, it can only be used in courses.
Retinol Acetate. Method of use
The drug is intended for oral and external use. Patients suffering from hypovitaminosis should be taken orally. A retinol-containing capsule product is ideal. Its use should occur strictly according to the instructions. Adults are prescribed one capsule twice a day. The drug should be taken 20-30 minutes after a meal.
If you want to use acne retinol, it is better to choose an oil solution containing it. A few drops are applied to problem areas of the skin twice a day. Treatment for extensive acne can be supplemented with the use of vitamin A inside. In this case, the correct dosage will be determined by the doctor.
The substance is also successfully used in the treatment of burns. In this case, compresses with an oil solution are performed. "Retinol acetate" is applied to the affected area and covered with a gauze dressing. At the initial stage, compresses need to be changed several times a day.
Children and pregnant women
Vitamin A supplements are not prescribed for children under seven years of age. In rare cases, retinol may be used to treat skin diseases. The instruction for use states that for children, products containing this substance can only be used externally. The dosage will be minimal. For children older than seven years, it should not exceed 4 drops per day.
During pregnancy, the use of retinol is not prohibited. But it should be borne in mind that vitamin A can also come to the fetus with food. In order to avoid overdose, the daily dose of retinol should not exceed 1 drop of an oil solution. Studies regarding the use of vitamin during lactation have not been conducted.
Application in cosmetology. Reviews
Due to the fact that vitamin A promotes the regeneration of skin cells, it is widely used in various cosmetic products. Girls at home even add retinol to the cream. Reviews show that vitamin helps to quickly get rid of acne and the first signs of skin aging.
Professional beauticians reviews about retinol are mixed. On the one hand, this vitamin is simply necessary for the regeneration of cells and youthful skin. On the other hand, retinol should be used with caution. After all, it can lead to severe irritation. Therefore, the use of drugs containing this substance without expert advice at home is unacceptable. But quality creams with vitamin A, according to cosmetologists, will have a positive effect on the skin. And if a professional chooses the remedy, a wonderful anti-aging effect is provided.
The drug "Retinol acetate" for hair
Vitamin A deficiency affects not only skin health, but also hair. This is especially noted by the fair sex. In early spring, the hair becomes dull and brittle, begin to fall out. Retinol contributes to the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, accelerates the production of keratin, and it is this substance that is the main building material for hair.
The drug "Retinol acetate" for hair can be used in various ways. Masks with an oil solution are effective. 5 ml of solution are added to one liter of water. The product is applied to dry hair. Next, the head is wrapped with cling film and wait about an hour. The mask is easily washed off with warm water and shampoo. Additionally, the drug "Retinol acetate" can be used internally. It is very important to carefully follow the instructions.
Precautionary measures
Retinol cosmetics often cause dry skin and irritation. Accustomize the body to vitamin A should be gradual. If you use the cream with it, then first apply it only a few times a week. Cosmetics with retinol is applied in courses. Do not forget that vitamin A accumulates in the body.
Means with retinol should not be applied to the skin before going outside. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the substance oxidizes and becomes more aggressive. You can get a severe burn. In general, treatment using Retinol Acetate is best done in the cold season. If this is not possible, the drug is used at night.
How to store
Vitamin A molecules oxidize very quickly under the influence of environmental factors. Therefore, to store drugs, which include retinol, is in a place well protected from light. Particular attention should also be paid to packaging. The drug in a transparent container is undesirable to acquire. No one can know how the product was stored before it went to the pharmacy. Under the influence of temperatures, retinol does not change its properties. Therefore, there is no need to store preparations with its contents in the refrigerator.