Along with cheesecakes, cuisines and cakes, mannick occupies its place of honor. This simple and uncomplicated pie has not only a peculiar taste - it takes a minimum of time to prepare it, which means that it can help, if necessary, quickly serve delicious pastries for tea. A good housewife needs to know how to cook manna. The recipe will definitely come in handy, since the ingredients for it will always be found in any kitchen.
Simple pieFor a pie for 8-10 guests, you need to take 1 cup of sugar, semolina and sour cream, 1 tsp. baking powder and 200 g of flour. Combine the sour cream with semolina, cover with a clean towel and leave for 1 hour to swell the cereal. Grind eggs with sugar, add sour cream mixture to them. Put flour with baking powder and knead uncooked dough. Lubricate the mold with butter and put the dough in it. Bake until golden brown in the oven for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. Let the cake cool, cut it into portions. If desired, various fruits and berries, dried fruits and pieces of chocolate can be added to such a manna when kneading dough. You can mix part of the dough with cocoa and make a "marble" pattern.
Mannick in the pan
No oven is needed for this pie, as it’s also quite possible to cook manna in a pan. First you need to cook thick semolina: on the stove boil 1 liter of milk, pour 2 tbsp. l sugar and 12 tbsp. l decoys. Stir everything quickly so that no lumps form, and cook until thick, constantly stirring. While the porridge cools, we make the filling from a pack of cottage cheese, 1-2 tbsp. l sugar and 1 egg. Mix everything, add a pinch of salt. We take a little cooled semolina porridge in our hand, form a cake, put a spoonful of curd mass and sculpt a pie. We also form all the other mannies. Fry on each side in a pan until golden brown. Now you know how to cook manic!
Cottage cheese recipe1 cup semolina pour a glass of kefir, add a glass of sugar and 3 eggs. All mix and leave to "rest" for 30 minutes. Then add 1 pack of cottage cheese to this mass, mix thoroughly. In portions, flour is introduced with a baking powder, so that the dough turns out like sour cream. Dried fruits, berries and even a sweet pumpkin are put at will. Bake manna in the oven for 30-35 minutes until golden brown. Since it’s easy to cook manna with cottage cheese, it is often prepared for children who do not eat sour-milk products.
Cooking secrets
Knowing how to cook a manna (a recipe for an oven and a frying pan is no secret to anyone), you can try to make it, for example, in a slow cooker or air grill. For this, it is usually enough to change only the cooking time. True, there are also a ton of other ways how to cook manna.
Baking is a unique activity in which you can fantasize endlessly. Knowing how to cook mannick, the recipe can be changed to your liking, and not only the amount of ingredients themselves, but also their composition can be changed. Sour cream can be replaced with kefir or yogurt. Sugar can be brown or replaced with fructose in general. Ready manna can always be poured with jam or chocolate icing on top.