The salmon family has several species of fish. Pink salmon among them are small in size. The largest individuals reach 68 centimeters.
Great tastes are dishes made from pink salmon. It is boiled, fried, baked with vegetables or in dough. But the fastest way to cook is salting. Ready-made red fish can be purchased at a store or market. But more delicious and nutritious will be salting, cooked with your own hands. Such a dish will cost much less than a similar product purchased in a store.
How to salt pink salmon at home? Salting red fish is a simple process. Cooking it is not difficult. Salt the humpback salmon in whole or in portions.
How to salt whole pink salmon?
For this recipe you will need:
• small fresh-frozen fish carcass;
• pepper;
• salt;
• sugar;
• Bay leaf.
For cooking, the fish is not completely thawed. Butcher the carcass, while removing the head, fins and tail. Thoroughly clean fish entrails. The cut fish is washed well and slightly dried. Gently prying with a sharpened knife, remove the skin, cut the fish lengthwise into two parts. Carefully remove the ridge and bones. Two layers of pink salmon in this form are used for cooking.
For salting fish , a mixture of twenty-five grams of sugar, sixty grams of salt and pepper is prepared, which each housewife adds to taste. Ready salted pink salmon. Both salted fish layers are placed in a deep enameled container. If desired, several bay leaves are placed between them. Salting with this seasoning will turn out fragrant. The container is covered with a lid and left for salting for a day. Cooking pink salmon does not take much time. In a day, the dish is ready to eat. Salted layers are cut into thin slices and used to prepare all kinds of snacks or eat as a delicacy. If the fish is too salty, it is washed with water before cooking.
Red fish is salted not only in its entirety, but also in portions. How to salt pink salmon in separate pieces? To prepare you will need:
• fish carcass;
• salt;
• sunflower oil.
Butcher the fish in the same way as in the first recipe. Layers of fish are cut into separate pieces. They should be small and thin enough. Pink salmon is placed in an enameled container in layers. All layers are poured with salt. Stacked fish on top should be covered with a thin layer of sunflower oil. A container with pink salmon is kept for five hours in a cool place. After this time, the fish delicacy can be used for cooking all kinds of dishes.
Each hostess herself chooses how to salt pink salmon - in whole or in portions. Both recipes are quite simple. Salted pink salmon is a product that is not stored for long. This dish is best consumed within two days. For longer use, the salted container is placed in the freezer.
Salted pink salmon is the decoration of any festive table. It is used for making sandwiches, salads and as a filling or snack.