Preparations for edema during pregnancy: list, features of use, tips and advice

The tendency to swelling during pregnancy worries many women. Increased anxiety in this "interesting period" of every woman’s life is useless, because nervous tension can lead to premature birth. Drugs for edema during pregnancy will help to forget for a long time about this uncomfortable condition. With increased swelling of the legs, hands, or face, various medications may be required.

Causes of edema in pregnant women

Significant puffiness is characteristic of almost all pregnant women in the third trimester. Before you start a fight with them, you need to find out the reason for their appearance. In some cases, you can get rid of fluid stagnation without the help of diuretic drugs for edema during pregnancy:

  1. Significantly greater need for water than before pregnancy. For the formation of amniotic fluid, you need a lot of fluid, increases the volume of blood. As a result, the body tries to reduce its viscosity: with the help of hormones, it provokes a feeling of thirst, and the pregnant woman begins to use more fluid. Excess is inevitably concentrated in soft tissues. This is the most common cause of edema, which absolutely does not pose any danger to the health status of either the mother or the fetus.
  2. If before pregnancy a woman suffered from varicose veins, then with a high degree of certainty we can say that she will suffer from swelling of her legs in the third trimester. Preparations for edema during pregnancy, which are provoked by varicose veins - "Troxevasin", "Troxerutin", "Lyoton".
  3. Often women do not even suspect that they have chronic kidney diseases. These are pyelonephritis, sand and stones in this organ and bladder. During pregnancy, these diagnoses inevitably pop up, as the body experiences a high load. With such diseases, the kidneys simply can not cope with the release of fluid. Preparations for edema during pregnancy, which can be taken in this case - "Kanefron", "Renel", "Fitolizin".
  4. Quite often, pregnant women have gestosis - a disease in which, in addition to excessive fluid retention in the body, there is also an increase in pressure and a high concentration of protein in the urine. This is a complex condition, treatment with it is necessary complex and it can only be prescribed by a therapist or gynecologist, based on the individual characteristics of the patient and the course of pregnancy.
swelling of the hands during pregnancy

Varieties of edema in pregnant women

There are two main types:

  • latent edema (in some cases dangerous, they can be recognized by a sharp increase in body weight);
  • obvious edema is immediately noticeable: most often appear on the hands, wrists, feet, ankles, face.

Doctors distinguish three stages of edema during pregnancy:

  • “normal” puffiness is characterized by the absence of sudden jumps in weight, normal levels of sugar in the blood and protein in the urine;
  • the "middle" stage needs therapy, most often diuretics are used for this in case of edema during pregnancy;
  • The "severe" stage most often occurs due to gestosis - a pregnancy pathology, which consists in the formation of substances in the placenta that literally "corrode" the vessels, make holes in them through which protein is washed out of the blood and into the urine.

What drugs are most effective during pregnancy and edema, you will learn below.

swelling of the feet

Medicines that can be used by pregnant women in the fight against puffiness

Self-medication during pregnancy is prohibited. Before using any, even with the most harmless composition, medication, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. Before prescribing drugs for edema during pregnancy, the gynecologist will give a referral to a consultation with a phlebologist, endocrinologist and nephrologist to clarify the causes of the condition. The therapy will depend on the final diagnosis.

Before prescribing drugs for edema during pregnancy, doctors will advise the patient to stabilize the water regime and adjust the diet. Salty foods and fast food, as well as carbonated drinks, should be completely eliminated. If after these measures puffiness does not decrease, you will have to use an arsenal of drugs for edema during pregnancy. Treatment most often passes easily and significantly improves the well-being of a pregnant woman.

"Fitolizin" from edema: instructions for use

Release form - paste or capsules. The drug is unique in its natural composition:

  • horsetail grass;
  • goldenrod;
  • onion;
  • hernia
  • parsley fruit extract;
  • birch leaves.

It is conditionally approved for use by pregnant women. This means that if the expected benefits of taking "Fitolizin" overlap the predicted problems, then it can be used.

The composition of the drug, which is replete with the names of natural components and extracts, can be misleading and seem completely safe. This opinion is erroneous. Herbal components often cause serious allergic reactions, up to Quincke's edema. So, if a pregnant woman is going to use "Fitolizin" for the treatment of edema, you must definitely notify your doctor.

"Fitolizin" from edema in pregnant women

Kanefron for pregnant women

Another diuretic that is widely used by herbalists. Given the light antibacterial effect of Kanefron, nephrologists began to appoint it in recent years. The drug has a pronounced healing effect for the kidneys, despite the herbal composition. "Kanefron" is the only drug for edema during pregnancy, reviews of which are almost all positive.

Release form - dragees of orange color. Active components of Kanefron:

  • root lovage officinalis;
  • rosemary leaf extract;
  • grass centaury ordinary.

Indications for use of the drug are cystitis, urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis, uric acid diathesis, swelling. "Kanefron" is allowed for use during pregnancy, but it is necessary to discuss the duration of administration and dosage with a nephrologist.

"Kanefron" from edema in pregnant women

"Hofitol" and "Holosas" from edema during pregnancy

If swelling is provoked by gestosis or a violation of the outflow of bile, or liver diseases, it is worth drinking a course of choleretic drugs. Since swelling due to impaired liver function is a rather rare occurrence, these drugs are not often prescribed for pregnant women.

Both Hofitol and Holosas have a mild choleretic effect. The main active ingredient is processed chopped artichoke leaves. As a side effect, quite often in patients appears urticaria, skin itching, dermatitis.

Hofitol is able to effectively relieve symptoms of toxicosis (this issue is relevant for many women during pregnancy): nausea, dizziness, vomiting. So, when taking this medicine, you can immediately kill “two birds with one stone”: get rid of the manifestations of toxicosis and reduce swelling of the body.

After consultation with the attending physician and in the absence of contraindications, Hofitol or Holosas preparations for edema during pregnancy can be used as prophylaxis.

"Hofitol" during pregnancy from edema

Reception of "Eufillin" from puffiness during pregnancy

One of the causes of swelling in women in position is gestosis of pregnant women. This is a serious condition that develops due to spasms of blood vessels due to changes in blood circulation and hormone balance.

With this process, "Eufillin" is the best drug for edema during pregnancy. The peculiarities of its action is that it dilates blood vessels and helps normalize blood circulation in the body. It also helps to avoid the adhesion of blood cells and the formation of blood clots, which is also common during pregnancy.

Release form "Eufillina" - capsules for oral administration and ampoules with liquid for injection. For pregnant women, a tablet form is preferable, since an injection leads many people to a state of increased anxiety, which is unacceptable in such a critical period.

Antispasmodics for puffiness

The main goal of antispasmodics is not to get rid of the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body. They relax muscle fibers, thereby reducing the tone of the uterus and prevent the development of pain. The most popular antispasmodics in gynecology are No-shpa and its cheap counterpart called Drotaverin.

drotaverin for edema

Antispasmodics quite effectively help with swelling of the legs, feet, ankles. Swelling in the lower extremities is often associated with varicose veins. Antispasmodics reduce leg muscle tension, which helps accelerate blood circulation. So, this class of drugs indirectly affects the reduction in the severity of leg edema.

Gels and ointments that reduce the severity of edema

If swelling of the legs and feet during pregnancy is caused by varicose veins, then it is not necessary to take tablets. Facilitate the condition of ointments and gels that accelerate blood circulation, prevent blood clots and dissolve the accumulation of fluid under the skin:

  • "Troxevasin" is sold in the form of ointment and gel, they have a different percentage of the active substance. The main component is trolamine, it prevents blood stagnation and accelerates the fluid in the subcutaneous fat.
  • Troxerutin is a cheap analogue of Troxevasin. Contains the same active substance, but in a lower concentration. This is why the cost is lower than that of the analogue.

Dry chopped herbs and teas from edema, which can be purchased at the pharmacy

What drugs for edema for pregnant women contain only herbs, and nothing more? Here is a list of medicinal teas and drinks that have a diuretic effect due to exclusively herbal ingredients:

  • "Fitonephrol" has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects;
  • "Karkade" is not only a diuretic, it is able to normalize blood pressure;
  • "Oolong" is a fermented tea that has pronounced diuretic properties.

Pregnant women should not be relaxed by the fact that such phyto teas have a completely natural composition. Herbal components often cause the development of an individual allergic reaction.

Diet for the prevention of puffiness during pregnancy

Before taking drugs for edema during pregnancy (3 trimester), you should always adjust your diet for one to two weeks. Often this is enough to get rid of the accumulation of fluid in the subcutaneous fat.

proper nutrition from edema during pregnancy

These simple rules are:

  • Try to almost completely eliminate salt from the diet. Salt only liquid dishes and side dishes. Chips, salted nuts, crackers, salted fish and snacks are excluded completely.
  • Normalize drinking regime: drink at least one and a half liters of clean water, but not more than two.
  • Try to limit the intake of coffee and black flavored tea.
  • Exclude carbonated drinks completely.
  • Minimize the intake of mayonnaise and other hot, fatty, sugary sauces.
  • Try to eat fatty meat (pork, beef tenderloin) as little as possible.

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