The best way to pickle mushrooms

Marinating any mushrooms is not a complicated process, since they absolutely do not require additional preparations, for example, both different oils and small mushrooms. But here the most important thing is to strictly observe the basic proportions to the maximum, the cooking process, complete cleanliness, accuracy and of course all the necessary ingredients.

Naturally, the main products without which you simply cannot pickle are naturally the mushrooms themselves. Ideally, pickling should take one kilogram of any mushrooms that can be found in the forest, but you can certainly buy - but you must admit - the effect will not be the same. It is important that all mushrooms are of the same species.

It is worth noting that the mushrooms are small and neat - but this is not necessary. After that, you need to rinse them thoroughly, having cleaned them of dirt. But to learn more about how to properly pickle mushrooms, you should go to the site where everything is very detailed.

And now, when the mushrooms have already been cooked, you need to put water from the tap before boiling and rows, put water in an ordinary teapot and put a jar on it for sterilization. Both banks must be thoroughly rinsed thoroughly - not only inside but also outside. And it is worth noting that 5-7 minutes of sterilization will be enough.

It is necessary to boil the marinade in the pan, but here it is important to know that the marinade is transparent and can change color only when spices and other things are added to it. Although many cook it until it changes color, it is useless.

It is worth noting that in order to prepare the marinade, you need for one liter of pure water, put two or three tablespoons, a teaspoon of powdered sugar, a little clove, a few peas of any pepper (no more than 7 - 10), 5 bay leaves and of course cinnamon. All this is boiled for 15 to 20 minutes. As a result, you get - 200 ml. marinade per one jar of mushrooms.

After that, you need to add one teaspoon of eighty percent of the vinegar essence to the marinade you prepared together with the mushrooms. It is worth noting that one cannot overdo it with vinegar, since excessive vinegar can cause heartburn.

If you want to keep your pickled mushrooms for as long as possible, for example, for more than six months, then the essences should be added a little more and it is necessary to fill in at least a little bit of sunflower oil inside each jar (it is very important that the oil was not pasteurized, but real). After that, the closed jars are put in a large pot and boiled, after which they are completely closed (for this it takes literally 25-40 minutes).

If you started pickling in the fall or spring, but at the same time plan to eat them in the winter, then re-sterilization can not be carried out. And it will be enough that the inverted liter cans are simply wrapped up literally for a few - 5 - 7 hours, for example, in the most ordinary old jacket or an unnecessary blanket.

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