Dizziness is a symptom that is characteristic of many types of diseases. At such moments, a person has the feeling that all surrounding objects move around him. Some patients report that, as if from under their feet the earth leaves, their balance is lost. In some cases, a peculiar manifestation of trembling or staggering is possible, it may seem that the head is thrown back, there is an inconsistency in the work of the organs of vision and the nervous system.
In medicine, there is the term "vertigo". It means a state when people have the sensation that everything revolves around them or their body revolves around something. In fact, this is dizziness. There are three types of vertigo:
- Peripheral. It is characteristic of pathologies of the inner ear or vestibular apparatus.
- Central. Most often occurs against the background of brain damage. It may be a tumor or trauma.
- Unsystematic or physiological. Such dizziness may occur amid overwork, depression, or stress. It can be observed with a lack of glucose or starvation.
There are times when vertigo is absolutely not associated with disease, just a person got out of bed very quickly or got sick of it. Such attacks pass on their own. They are associated only with the fact that there is a mismatch of physical sensations and the observed picture.
What to do when vertigo appears
First aid for dizziness - lay the person on a flat surface on his back. It is desirable that the head, shoulders and neck are elevated. Pose avoids overbending the spine. Until the condition improves, head turns should be excluded, a damp cloth can be placed on the forehead, or moistened with a weak solution of vinegar with water (1: 1). In the room where the person is located, free access to fresh air should be provided.
Next steps
First aid for dizziness does not end there. The patient should measure the pulse. If it exceeds 100 beats per minute, if there is nausea and vomiting, you should definitely call the ambulance team, because such symptoms can indicate severe pathology.
Medical preparations
If vertigo is often worried, then such a person should always have medications with him, allowing him to provide first aid with severe dizziness to himself.
If the problem is associated with arterial hypertension, then the patient should have with him medicines - blockers or diuretics.
The antiplatelet agents are used in the presence of problems with the circulatory system, it can be "Betaserk" or "Tiklid".
When dizziness is not a consequence of any pathology, antihistamines can be used. It can be Pipolfen or Diphenhydramine. Sedative medicines, such as Andaxin or the sedative Lozarepam, will help relieve symptoms.
If vertigo is accompanied by nausea, then use Metoclopramide or Tserukal. However, do not forget that such pharmaceuticals fight only with symptoms, but do not eliminate the root cause.
You can give first aid for dizziness and nausea to yourself, that is, do self-massage. It is best to do the procedure in a supine position. Its duration should be from 2 to 10 minutes.
Massage includes the following:
- Circular movements of a finger at a point above the bridge of the nose.
- Then you need to press several times on the point at the base of the nose.
- Grind earlobes.
- Massage the tragus area (protrusions on the outer ear).
- Finish all procedures by massaging the back of the head.
As a preventive measure, he recommends several foot massage procedures. This is useful for any cause of dizziness.
Vertigo amid stress and strain
First aid for dizziness should be known to people who lead too stressful lifestyles. Such people quite often have stresses, against the background of which vertigo suddenly appears without any reason.
The first thing they need to do is drink a cup of sweet tea (coffee is excluded). You need to sit in a chair, put your feet on the floor, grasp the armrests with your hands and look for a few minutes at an immovable object.
To prevent this symptom from happening again, it is necessary to review the regimen of the day and nutrition. Products containing a lot of phosphorus should be present in the diet. Labor should be replaced by rest, you can not constantly work.
Arterial hypertension
It is unfortunate to admit, but today, many people suffer from high blood pressure. There are more and more patients with hypertension every day. One of the reasons for this condition is vegetative-vascular dystonia.
First aid for dizziness with VSD - complete rest. If possible, you should immerse your feet in a hot bath. You can put mustard on the back of the head. A good tool is sulfate magnesia. Itβs easy to cook. To do this, dilute 10 grams of the substance in half a glass of warm water. Then you can take medications prescribed by your doctor for high blood pressure. It should not be forgotten that with such a disease it is recommended to limit the daily dose of sodium chloride.
If there are no hypotensive drugs at hand, you can take a deep breath and hold your breath as much as possible. Repeat the procedure several times.
Low pressure
Along with hypertension, a large percentage of the population has low blood pressure. First aid for severe dizziness if a person has arterial hypotension - a cup of strong tea or tincture of Eleutherococcus.
It is recommended to have a neck massage (preferably with essential oils of rosemary, sage, thyme or black pepper). Oils can be mixed with olive oil.
Good qualities are possessed by tinctures of ginseng, lemongrass and tansy.
Recipes of folk healers
The problem of vertigo is encountered not only by modern people. A similar condition was observed in our ancestors, so today there are a number of folk ways to normalize the condition. They do not require special preparations and special manipulations.
As traditional healers advise, first aid for dizziness at home is to rub the whiskey with slices of the onion. If the causes of vertigo are not known, but often repeated, then before each meal it is recommended to use dried seaweed (1 teaspoon).
A quick piece of chocolate or sugar will help relieve symptoms. This "medicine" will act faster if you put a drop of anise oil on it.
You can use mustard plasters. Small pieces of this remedy need to be applied to the bridge of the nose. Whole mustard plasters can be applied to the calves of the legs. As soon as a person has dizziness, the patient needs to ensure peace, relieve stress.
You can drink tincture from the fruits of plantain. For 2 glasses of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of fruit will be required. Dry raw materials can be brewed like regular tea. Drink tincture about 30 minutes before eating throughout the day.
Basil tincture helps, but on condition that nausea, headache and dizziness are not the result of traumatic brain injury. For one tablespoon of medicinal herbs, 1 cup of boiling water is required. Prepare in the same way as tincture from the fruits of plantain.
Dizziness in children
Young children often suffer from poisoning, as they pull everything to the genus. In adolescents, such problems with the digestive tract are also often observed. First aid for dizziness in a teenager with poisoning - cleaning the stomach with saline laxatives. You can put an enema. After the procedure, you should put the child in bed and provide him with peace.
If the symptoms are manifested against the background of an increase in the acidity of the stomach, then it is recommended to use tincture of peppermint or linden blossom. Tincture should be consumed 100 ml after a meal.
Most often, in childhood, dizziness is associated with motion sickness (for example, in transport), therefore, it recommends in such cases to resort to the medical elimination of symptoms.
Elderly age
In people older than 50, they often encounter vertigo. It can appear against the background of a number of diseases. These can be disorders in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, disorders in the spinal cord, injuries, malfunctions in the hormonal system, and others.
First aid for dizziness in women after 50 years old is Cinnarizine or Scopolamine tablets, if it is clearly known that there are problems with the vestibular apparatus.
For problems with cerebral circulation, you can use Piracetam or Phenibut, Glycine. In the case of "oxygen" starvation, "Vazobral" is used.
You can use folk methods. Ginger helps a lot. It is available in almost every store. The root is ground to a powder and consumed in a quarter teaspoon three times a day. Ginger should be washed down with warm water.
Symptoms can be removed as quickly as possible using hawthorn grass. It helps if dizziness is associated with spasms of blood vessels. For 4 tablespoons of inflorescences will require 1 liter of boiling water. It takes only 15 minutes to insist. It is recommended to use tincture 3 times a day, before meals.
Bearing a baby is a touching and exciting moment, but for nine months a woman may experience a number of unpleasant symptoms, including vertigo.
First aid for dizziness in women during pregnancy, as a rule, does not involve the use of medications. If the doctor permits, you can use "Tserukal" (if vertigo occurs against a background of nausea, up to fainting).
At the first symptoms, lie down, place a pillow under your head. It should calm down and restrict movement. It is recommended that women with such symptoms consume tea with lemon balm and mint. You can use the balm "Asterisk", which need to rub the weight. You can also make mint compresses.
If vertigo is accompanied by profuse vomiting, you must immediately call the ambulance.
If dizziness occurs against the background of heat and stuffiness, you should open the windows or turn on the air conditioning. You can make a cool compress on the forehead.
Daily Rules
It is very important to know how to provide first aid for dizziness, but there are a number of rules that will maximize the elimination of symptoms with improvised means.
If vertigo is taken by surprise from time to time, be sure to keep mint candies with you. The candy should be immediately put in the mouth as soon as the first symptoms appear.
If an attack begins, you should not panic. You should calm down, sit down or lie down. Sitting on a chair or chair, you need to put your head on your knees and close your eyes. In this position, a person will never faint.
To increase blood sugar and blood pressure (this condition is typical for a person who just got out of bed), you must definitely drink a cup of sweet tea and have breakfast.
On days when tormented by dizziness, it is necessary to stop smoking and taking alcohol.
We examined the rules of first aid for severe dizziness.