Comedy "Marry Me". Reviews, plot description, information about the actors

Most theatergoers have already managed to get acquainted with Valery Sarkisov’s interesting romantic comedy “Marry Me”. This life story will undoubtedly distract the viewer from the daily hustle and bustle of everyday life, give minutes of fun, good mood and complete serenity. The hero of the play is literally torn between three women, knowing the price of love, happiness, fidelity and dreams. Watching the game of famous actors is a pleasure.

The play "Marry Me." Reviews

About creating a production

The entertaining comedy performance “Marry Me” is based on the famous play by Nadezhda Ptushkina entitled “I Cry Ahead a Million Bucks”. Saturated with funny comic situations, the play "Marry Me" (audience reviews point to this) is extremely popular. Many theaters have included this story in their repertoire, which offer the public their reading of this intriguing frivolous story. We will talk about the entreprise created by production director Valery Sarkisov.

What is this performance about?

The main character of the comedy play N. Ptushkina is no longer too young, rather, an elderly man named Mikhail. He is an actor and even that womanizer. At the moment, he has three women: a devoted wife, a pregnant lover and a lascivious business lady who is the sponsor of his performance.

"Marry me" performance, reviews

With all three, he has a rather difficult relationship. The play begins with a bed scene in which we see our hero in a matrimonial bed with a business lady, his sponsor Lipa. She hints at a night spent together and invites Mikhail to marry her, and in a year of living together he will receive a million dollars. Such a proposal puzzled the elderly womanizer. What to solve? How to be and whom to choose? After all, there is still a lover and wife. So what is this play “Marry Me” about? Reviews testify - about love! And that each person has her own, and everyone strives for it differently.

The difference between the first and second parts of the play

This entertaining entreprise consists of two parts, which are very different from each other in their mood. The events of the play take place on New Year's Eve, when anything can happen. The first part proves this, it looks like a plot of a not quite decent joke.

In the second part, we see a completely different mood. The plot and dialogs of comedy are now filled with something else, it is already sublime lyrics. Moreover, both the themes of human relationships and the theme of art are affected. Michael's monologue about the theater makes a strong impression on the audience. The audience who watched the play "Marry Me", descriptions, reviews leaves different, which was to be expected, because everyone in his own way perceives "food for the mind", which comes from the stage.

The play "Marry Me." Actors and acting characters

The play "Marry Me." Description, reviews

The main characters of the play "Marry Me" will be three charming women and one man. He is an actor, an aging heartthrob Mikhail Aleksandrovich Rastyapov, an acting character, around whom the whole plot twists. It is played by Sergey Kolesnikov. The protagonist has a faithful, but long bored wife, Polina Sergeevna. Her role will be played by Olesya Zheleznyak. And also a young lover named Natusya, who is also pregnant. In the role of this young heroine is actress Daria Mikhaylichenko. And then a third appears - Olympiad Nikolaevna Sidorova, a rich fan who decides to sponsor his performance and become his wife for a million dollars for a year. This character is played by the famous Larisa Udovichenko. So this is the cast includes the play "Marry Me."

Tickets for the play "Marry Me." Reviews

Reviews on the game of famous actors

Many theaters put on this production, according to the main characters different actors play. The main cast of Valery Sarkisov’s play is played by such actors as Larisa Udovichenko, Sergey Kolesnikov, Olesya Zheleznyak, Daria Mikhaylichenko. But during the tour there may be a replacement of actors. So, in some cities, viewers could see Valery Garkalin in the comedy, Natalia Korchagina instead of S. Kolesnikov and O. Zheleznyak.

Oddly enough, there are a lot of negative reviews about this performance and the game of the actors. Some do not like the plot, they consider it mediocre. Others believe the staging is fake, low. Many famous actors are also not happy with the game of famous actors. They believe that they did not try at all, they just served time on stage, without giving all their best and without straining. But how many people - so many opinions about the production of "Marry me." The performance reviews are controversial. There are opinions of individual theatergoers that this comedy is judged biased. She deserves attention, an interesting plot that is easy to perceive and makes you think. The game of actors is also considered by many to be excellent. Some distinguish Olesya Zheleznyak, others like Larisa Udovichenko in a frank role, they also note the talent of S. Kolesnikov and Daria Mikhaylichenko.

The play "Marry Me." Actors

The conclusion suggests itself that objectively evaluate the performance of "Marry Me" reviews will not help. You need to see for yourself.

About tickets for the play "Marry Me" and not only

Theater lovers, of course, follow the posters in their city. Therefore, many of them happily purchased tickets for the metropolitan entreprise "Marry me." The performance, reviews are evidence of this, not everyone liked it. Most viewers, having seen such eminent artists as Larisa Udovichenko, Olesya Zheleznyak, Sergey Kolesnikov declared on the poster, without hesitation, bought tickets for the play "Marry Me". They expected a lot of production, therefore, as a result, many people were disappointed with what they saw, believing that the cost of the performance was not worth it.

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