Tuberculin - what is it?

How in today's difficult conditions to maintain their physical health at the proper level? After all, absolutely everyone wants to feel good and not allow diseases to disrupt the usual course of life. For this, children from an early age are vaccinated against a variety of diseases in the hope that this will prevent infection in the future or, at least, facilitate its course. In this article, we will not discuss the effectiveness of such preventive measures, but pay attention to the means that help diagnose dangerous infectious diseases in the early stages. The detection of diseases at such stages helps to avoid the risk to life and ensure complete recovery. One such drug is Tuberculin. What's this? How should the drug in question be used? Is its use dangerous for children and adolescents? In what cases should I refuse to use the medication in question? All these nuances will be considered in this article.

tuberculin instructions for use

The drug "Tuberculin": composition

At its core, the drug in question is a mix of filtrates of certain tuberculosis mycobacteria that were killed by high temperatures and precipitated with trichloroacetic acid. These organisms are carefully treated with ethyl alcohol and ether, which is intended for anesthesia, and then dissolved in a special solution. The latter is a mixture of phosphate-buffered saline, Tween-80 (an effective stabilizer) and phenol (a good preservative). Also uses Tuberculin homeopathy. However, before proceeding with this kind of treatment, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Release form

The drug "Tuberculin" is available in the form of a solution for injection. This ensures the fastest action of the product.


The Tuberculin vaccine can be issued exclusively in ampoules of one tenth of a milliliter (or two tuberculin units), one milliliter (ten doses), two milliliters (twenty doses) or three milliliters (thirty doses). Each pack contains ten separate ampoules.

tuberculin instruction

Indications for use

In what cases is purified Tuberculin used? It is customary to use it for tuberculin diagnostics (for a large number of people). This is done in order to:

  • select groups of patients who require re-vaccination with BCG;
  • prepare two-month-old children for primary vaccination;
  • to identify the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection;
  • to identify the initial (or local) forms of tuberculosis in minors.

tuberculin homeopathy

Mode of application

For people, the drug "Tuberculin" instructions for use recommends introducing exclusively intradermally with the aim of staging a Mantoux test. An injection is only necessary if the patient is sitting, as it sometimes causes fainting in emotionally labile individuals. For the introduction of the drug "Tuberculin", the instruction strongly recommends taking only specialized syringes (single-shot). They are disposable with short thin needles. Insulin syringes or materials whose expiration date has already expired are not suitable for the introduction of the drug.

The bottle with the medication must be carefully wiped with gauze, which is thoroughly saturated with seventy-degree ethyl alcohol. After that, clean the neck of the ampoule with a clean knife intended for opening glass ampoules, and then break it off. Using a syringe, the drug is removed from the vial by collecting two doses of the vaccine (i.e. two tenths of a milliliter). After this, it is necessary to insert a thin needle and release half of the collected amount of liquid into a sterile cotton swab. An opened ampoule must not be stored for more than two hours.

Before the injection, it is important to wipe the required area of โ€‹โ€‹the skin with seventy-degree ethyl alcohol, and after that it is thoroughly dried with sterile cotton wool. The needle should be carefully inserted parallel to the surface of the skin. One dose, which is two tuberculin units (or one tenth of a milliliter), is administered strictly according to the divisions of the syringe.

There is another group of patients who need the introduction of the drug "Tuberculin" - cattle (large horned period). Animals need to enter 0.2 cubic centimeters intradermally or 0.1 cubic centimeters of medication palpebral.

tuberculin diagnosis

How are the results taken into account?

How should I analyze the results of diagnosis using the drug "Tuberculin"? The manual strongly recommends that you contact a specialist for this, as only a competent medical professional can do this in the right way. The results must be evaluated seventy-two hours after the injection by measuring the papule, the size of which is taken into account in millimeters (formed immediately after the administration of the drug "Tuberculin"). This action is carried out specially designed for this ruler.

When evaluating the results of the Mantoux test, one can focus on the following classification. The reaction is considered negative if the papule has not formed in principle; doubtful - if there is an infiltrate, the size of which ranges from two to four millimeters. If the papule is larger than six millimeters in size, then the result is considered positive, and if it exceeds seventeen millimeters in a child or adolescent and twenty-one millimeters in an adult - hyperergic.

purified tuberculin

Substance reaction

This indicator directly depends only on how the body is individually able to respond to this stimulus. Sometimes patients with hypersensitivity to the substance in question may experience such unpleasant reactions as lymphadenitis or lymphangitis. Other adverse reactions are headache, general malaise, a significant increase in temperature.

For some patients (for example, children with a negative reaction to tuberculin who cannot be given BCG and healthy adults whose reaction to the Mantoux is positive or doubtful), any preventive vaccinations can be carried out only after a competent assessment of the results of the Mantoux test.

Tuberculin is an essential part of diagnosis.

tuberculin vaccine


However, not everyone can freely use the vaccine in question. So, there are certain restrictions on taking the drug "Tuberculin". Instructions for use prohibit the use of a medication in the following cases: in the presence of epilepsy, bronchial asthma, skin diseases, idiosyncrasy, acute rheumatism, chronic or acute infectious or somatic diseases (especially at the time of exacerbation).

And only one month after all the symptoms of the above conditions disappear, you can put a Mantoux test. Or it should be done after the official removal of quarantine.

It is forbidden to place Mantoux for children if their team has a quarantine for any infectious diseases.

Any preventive vaccinations affect the effectiveness of "Tuberculin." Diagnosis with this drug should be done either before this kind of vaccination, or after a month.

Before conducting a tuberculin test, a specialist must examine the patients and interview them for any contraindications. This will help to avoid many unpleasant consequences.



Using the above material, it will be easier to understand the following issues. Tuberculin - what is it? How should i use it? In what cases would it be reasonable to avoid the use of the drug in question? How to carry out this kind of injection? This information will be indispensable for those who are shown the use of the drug "Tuberculin". It is important to carefully adhere to all the recommendations that specialists provide to their patients so as not to harm themselves or their child. Also, this kind of manipulation should be carried out exclusively by trained competent medical personnel. Compliance with all these points will ensure the success of this procedure.

Among other things, it is important to remember general recommendations for vaccine use. For example, vaccination of a child or an adult whose body is currently weakened by an infection or who has recently suffered a similar illness can be detrimental (the body's response to such an injection can become extremely difficult and require medical attention). If you experience any side effects, it is important to consult a specialist immediately.

Choose quality treatments for yourself and your family. Diagnosis using the Tuberculin drug considered today can be part of such an effective therapy that will help maintain a good physical condition. Do not neglect yourself and be healthy!

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