Wheat porridge in milk: benefits and recipes

Wheat groats is an amazing product with a long history and possessing the most useful properties. In combination with milk, this porridge is able to improve digestion and fully saturate the human body. This article will discuss the benefits of such a dish, as well as recipes and recommendations on how to cook wheat porridge in milk.


The human body will absorb wheat porridge in milk, which was prepared from finely ground cereals, faster and best of all. Such a dish is able to saturate the body with important trace elements, various vitamins, fiber and other useful substances.

wheat porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Properly prepared wheat porridge with milk will be a wonderful breakfast for both an adult and a young child. Many people who introduced this dish to their diet note that their health has improved significantly over time and an additional charge of vigor and strength has appeared. In general, the following main beneficial properties of wheat porridge in milk can be distinguished:

  • improves the digestive system;
  • helps to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins;
  • eliminates constipation and dysbiosis;
  • strengthens bone tissue and nervous system;
  • improves metabolism;
  • regulates blood sugar.

In addition, such a porridge perfectly satisfies hunger, satiety will be felt for five to six hours.

wheat porridge in milk recipe

Contraindications and harm

In addition to its benefits, wheat porridge in milk has a small number of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use this dish for people who suffer from such a multifactorial disease as celiac disease, associated with intolerance to cereal crops. It is also not recommended to eat wheat porridge with gastritis with low acidity and those people who have recently undergone abdominal surgery.

Calorie content

Wheat porridge in milk belongs to a number of dietary products. From 100 grams of the prepared dish, you can get only 136 kilocalories.

In order to satisfy hunger and have a full breakfast, the average person needs to consume one portion weighing 150 grams. Based on this serving size, the body will receive 204 kilocalories.

how to cook wheat porridge in milk

Classic recipe

Wheat porridge with milk is absolutely easy to prepare, but some features and cooking rules should be taken into account. Before boiling the cereal, it is necessary to rinse it thoroughly and remove excess garbage. Further, to prepare the dish you will need to combine four parts of milk and one part of wheat groats and put on medium heat. At the moment when the milk boils, slightly reduce the heat. This cereal is poorly digested, and if you cook it on a high fire, the milk will boil away quickly, and the porridge itself will remain damp.

When the foam begins to appear in the container, it must be carefully removed using a slotted spoon and leave the dish on the stove for another fifteen minutes. Then it is necessary to remove the porridge from the fire, add butter, sugar, salt to taste and leave to simmer under a closed lid for another twenty-five minutes. It is important to remember that during cooking it is necessary to stir the dish thoroughly so that it does not burn and evenly boil.

It is worth remembering that, subject to such proportions, the porridge will be very liquid, which is very useful, especially for children. But if the dish is prepared for an adult, the amount of milk can be slightly reduced.

wheat porridge in milk

Multicooking Recipe

The recipe for wheat porridge with milk in a slow cooker is not much different from the classic one, however the presence of this kitchen appliance will greatly simplify the cooking process. For cooking, you will need cereals, milk, sugar, butter and salt.

Wheat porridge can stick to the bottom of the bowl, which will significantly complicate its subsequent washing, therefore, first you should generously grease the device’s bowl with butter. Next, the cereal is washed well and placed in a slow cooker, milk, sugar and salt are added. After all the ingredients have been combined, it is necessary to close the lid and turn on the "Milk porridge" mode.

Cooking time for wheat porridge in a slow cooker should be thirty minutes. After half an hour, you can leave the dish for another ten minutes and then serve it. An important advantage of the multicooker is that the products can be downloaded in advance, in the evening, set a timer, and she herself will cook the porridge for breakfast.

wheat porridge in milk

Recipe for children

Not always small children are ready to eat wheat porridge in milk. However, if you add various goodies and sweets to it, you can not only make this food more attractive to children, but also enhance its benefits.

To do this, you will need to prepare all the ingredients according to the classic recipe for milk wheat porridge, as well as fresh berries, fruits and nuts. It is best to use apples, raspberries, strawberries, peaches, cherries or apricots, but if you don’t have fresh “vitamins” at hand, you can add jam or homemade jam. The main thing is that all fruits and berries are seasonal. For example, if you buy strawberries in a store in the winter, it is unlikely to succeed in taking advantage of it.

It is very important to thoroughly wash all fruits and berries before serving, after which they must be cut. Add fruits, berries and jam should be at the moment when the porridge has been removed from the fire or already before serving.


As already mentioned above, wheat porridge is a very healthy dish that needs to be prepared in order to maintain its health in good condition. It is best to eat such a dish in the morning to get a huge boost of vigor and satiety.

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