Meat Dishes

In the traditional cookbook of any country and nation, you can find meat dishes. And this is not surprising, because meat is not only a delicious product, but also nutritious. It has many vitamins, proteins, fats, essential amino acids that are not produced by the human body. In general, you can talk about the benefits of meat for a long time, but I suggest preparing delicious meat dishes, the recipes of which I will share with you.

1) Stew in beer. Our first recipe is about pork. So, to prepare this dish we need 400 grams of pork pulp, 600 grams of potatoes, 1 liter of light beer, 1 medium-sized carrot, 2 onions, 1 red bell pepper, salt and greens.

We cut the meat into small cubes and fry until half ready in vegetable oil. While the meat is fried, clean my potatoes and cut them into cubes. We do the same with bell pepper. Chop the onion, cut the carrots into thin sticks. We spread carrots for meat, slightly fry. Then add onion and pepper, fry again. Next, fill everything with beer, let it boil and spread the potatoes on top, salt everything and mix. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer until tender. 5 minutes before removing the dish from the fire, sprinkle pork with herbs, if desired, add spices. Serve with sour cream sauce, vegetable salad. These are the delicious meat dishes obtained.

2) Veal with cranberries. This recipe is very interesting and uncomplicated. For cooking we need 900 grams of veal, a glass of dried cranberries (if you manage to get fresh cranberries, consider that you are very lucky), one large onion, 100 grams of any hard cheese (at that time I had β€œTable” cheese), medium-sized carrots, salt, herbs and any spices as desired.

Finely cut the veal into cubes, fry in olive oil until golden brown. Grind onions and carrots and also fry with veal. Stew a little. Then add cranberries, salt, mix well and simmer for another half hour. Then we spread the veal with cranberries in portioned pots, sprinkle with grated cheese, do not close the lid and send to the oven to bake for 20 minutes. When the meat is baked, take out the pots, sprinkle with herbs and serve. The dish is ready.

Many do not know how or do not want to cook. In this case, you can cook light meat dishes that do not require special skill, but at the same time they turn out delicious.

3) Beef with vegetables in a slow cooker. For cooking, we need 500 grams of beef, young zucchini, one large bell pepper, carrots, two onions, salt, herbs and spices. We turn on the slow cooker, cover the bottom with olive oil, spread the chopped carrots and onions, fry. Then we cut the beef into small pieces and put it on the carrot onion. We close the multicooker with a lid and let it cool for about 15 minutes - juice should leak from the meat. Then we cut the zucchini and sweet pepper into small cubes, put it into the meat, salt, mix everything, close the lid and simmer. When the slow cooker gives a signal, season the dish with spices and serve hot to the table. Serve fresh vegetable salad to the beef stew . In general, meat dishes are combined with vegetable salads, so any salad can be served.

It should be noted that in many countries meat is abundantly seasoned with spices. Most often, such spicy meat dishes can be found in eastern countries, for example, Turkey, the countries of the Caucasus and many others. They give preference to lamb and beef, the smell and taste of spices interrupt the specific taste and smell of lamb, making it tender and piquant. Among Russians there are also spicy lovers, so spicy meat dishes are no longer something exotic. Of course, such dishes are not suitable for children, and adults are often not recommended to eat spicy foods. So the choice is yours.

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