One of the most commonly used vegetables in preservation is cucumber. Very rarely, a feast is dispensed with without a snack such as crispy pickled cucumbers . And as an ingredient for various salads or other dishes, they are very common. It is worth noting that there are a lot of recipes for preparing such a workpiece, while their difference from each other in additional components. The result, most often, is the one you need.
So, in order to cook crispy pickled cucumbers, medium-sized fruits are selected and washed well. If they are only plucked from their own beds, then this is enough, and after removing dirt and dust from them, they are suitable for canning. If vegetables were stored or bought at the market for some time, then they must be soaked in water, this will allow them to return freshness. At this time, glass cylinders are prepared. It is better to take 1.5 or 2 liter. Each of them contains an umbrella of dill, a leaf of cherry, celery greens, horseradish (half the leaf is enough for this amount), garlic (you need to take a few cloves, you don't need too much) and peppercorns. Some add bay leaf here, which is a matter of taste.
Soaked cucumbers are washed under running water and put into jars. Boiling water is poured here for 3-4 minutes and merges. These manipulations are repeated 2 times. After the water is drained a second time, salt is poured into the jars (1 tablespoon with top). Also flows in 2 tbsp. tablespoons of 9% vinegar. Then boiling water is poured into the container, it is clogged with prepared lids, and the pickled crispy cucumbers are left to cool.
It should be noted that some housewives add several aspirin tablets to the blank. In this case, it is an antiseptic that helps prevent the adverse processes that occur when storing cans at home. This is especially true for those who do not have a cellar or balcony, where you can place the twist.
Do not put a large amount of garlic, as it will contribute to the fact that the cucumbers turn out flabby. The colder the water in which the vegetables are pre-soaked, the more crisp the result. Jars for storing blanks are best pre-sterilized.
To make light-salted cucumbers, crispy and tasty, they are washed, folded into a container, poured with brine, for the preparation of which salt, sugar, vinegar essence are taken per liter of water . If the first two ingredients are placed the same way (one tablespoon each) or 1: 2 (depending on preferences), then the essence of a small enough spoon. The solution is brought to a boil, cools, poured into jars, where cucumbers with spices are already lying. The container is sealed with plastic caps and left in a cool place for several days. After two days they can already be eaten, if desired.
The recipe for making salted crispy cucumbers can be taken as follows. Washed fruits soaked for several hours in water are dried, and hats are cut off. Dill umbrellas, horseradish, blackcurrant leaves (2 pieces), garlic, black peppercorns, cloves are placed in 3-liter jars. Cucumbers are laid out here too, well-packed. Boiling water is poured into the jars, which is left for 20 minutes. Then it merges into the pan. Then salt, sugar, 9% vinegar are put in it. A liter of liquid is taken in a tablespoon of all these substances. It is still boiled again, and the remaining ingredients are poured with the resulting brine. Banks are immediately clogged, rolled over, covered with a blanket until cool.
It must be said that correctly cooked pickled cucumbers are stored for several years in a cool place. In this case, the brine should not become cloudy. If this happened, you must open such cans and eat as early as possible.