A recipe for a delicious Easter cake for a good housewife

Mandatory attribute of the Easter celebration are holiday cakes. Every self-respecting mistress before the feast of the Resurrection of Christ begins preparation, turning the preparation of Easter cakes into a whole sacrament. The recipe for a delicious Easter cake has its own subtleties. The secrets of cooking are passed down from generation to generation. Because only homemade cakes can really please on a bright holiday. In order for the hostess to bake the most delicious Easter cake for relatives and friends, a large number of eggs, a lot of sugar and butter are required.

Early Kulich

delicious easter cake recipe
There are a lot of recipes for making Easter dishes. One of these is the Easter cake. To prepare it, you need to mix three glasses of flour with 200 grams of butter and one glass of sugar, one glass of hot milk. Then knead everything. Pour another half a glass of milk into the resulting dough, in which the yeast is first dissolved (one teaspoon). Set everything aside in a warm place so that the mixture rises. After this, you need to beat 3 proteins, combine the egg yolks with sugar and grind. Drive the resulting composition into the dough. Next add pitted raisins. Put the resulting dough in a well-oiled form with vegetable oil or maragarine, then put it in the oven.

Custard cake

This recipe for a delicious Easter cake is interesting in the way of making dough.

dough for Easter cakes
For it, you need 600 grams of flour, brew 750 ml of boiling milk. All this should be thoroughly mixed and slightly cooled. Yeast dissolved in milk (fifty-seventy grams) is added to the dough for Easter cakes. Set it aside in a warm place so that it rises. Then pour in it pre-ground yolks with sugar and whipped whites. Mix everything thoroughly and set aside to rise again. After the mixture rises, it is necessary to pour warm melted butter (700 grams) into it. After that, knead everything well, put it into pre-greased and dusted with flour forms. They must be filled in half, and when the mixture rises to the edges, grease the surface with yolk and bake until cooked at 180 degrees.

Chocolate cake

the most delicious easter cake
Usually housewives cook according to standard recipes, and this recipe for a delicious Easter cake is different from them. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 50 grams of yeast in warm water, add one and a half glasses of flour to them. After the dough rises, it should be thoroughly kneaded. Next, combine 8 yolks with sugar and grind, add to the dough. In addition, grate almonds there (two to three glasses), 100 grams of chocolate. Pour half a glass of red wine, 300 ml of rum. Add half a glass of candied fruit (lemon or orange) and spices (cinnamon, cloves, 1 teaspoon each). Then put well- whipped proteins into the dough . Pour the resulting mixture into a mold that is pre-coated with oiled paper. And put the bake in a very hot oven. Bake should be at a temperature of 150 degrees for 60-90 minutes.

Thus, each housewife can choose a recipe for a delicious Easter cake from a huge variety and please cook with a prepared dish for all relatives for the holiday!

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