Esophagitis - what is it? Esophagitis: Symptoms and Treatment

Regardless of the etiology, inflammation of the esophagus is defined by the general term “esophagitis”. What is this pathological condition? What symptoms may indicate the presence of an ailment? How to deal with it? We will discuss all this in the article.

esophagitis what is it

Types of Esophagitis

All cases of inflammation of the esophagus in medicine are systematized, which helps, based on the duration of the disease, its severity and the place of the pathological process, to make an accurate diagnosis. So, depending on what the nature of the disease is, esophagitis is divided into acute and chronic. According to the severity of the disease, catarrhal (i.e. superficial) and erosive (in this case, the patient's deep layers of the mucous membrane are affected) esophagitis are distinguished. Depending on the location of the inflamed area in the mucosa of the esophagus, the ailment can be total (if the entire esophagus is affected), proximal (the upper part is inflamed) and distal reflux esophagitis (pathology in the lower part of the esophagus).

Acute, subacute and chronic form of the disease

The most common is an acute form of esophagitis. Inflammation in this case can be both superficial and deep, but it is always distinguished by the suddenness and speed of development of manifestations. Such inflammation develops as a result of a burn of the mucosa caused by ingestion of hot food, drink or chemicals transferred by infectious diseases (for example, diphtheria), injuries by a foreign body or radiation damage. Acute esophagitis usually resolves without serious consequences or complications for the patient.

Long-term inflammation of the walls of the esophagus has a subacute or chronic form. The first can develop with the systematic use of too spicy food, strong alcohol or its surrogate, and the like. A chronic disease is most often caused by reflux (that is, the reverse movement of food from the stomach to the esophagus). Usually, this ailment accompanies a person for many years, gradually leading to serious changes in the work and structure of the esophagus.

esophagitis cardia failure

Chronic reflux esophagitis

This is a burn that occurs due to the constantly repeated discharge or leakage of gastric juice or intestinal contents into the esophagus. Peptic esophagitis is caused by the relative, and sometimes absolute insufficiency of the obstructive abilities of the cardiac sphincter, which separates the esophagus and stomach. A rather serious role in the development of this chronic disease is played by constantly increasing intragastric pressure and impaired gastrointestinal motility. Often this pathology is combined with a hernia of the food hole in the diaphragm, peptic ulcer or gallstone disease, and pancreatitis.

Esophagitis: cardia failure

I would also like to dwell on the concept of "cardia insufficiency." The upper section of the stomach is called cardia. Here is the sphincter, which closes the lumen between the esophagus and the stomach. During normal operation, it passes the food lump only in one direction, reliably locking the passage back to it. In this case, a special valve that blocks the movement in the esophagus does not exist. Anatomically, the mechanism of the locking function of the cardia is supported by the following structures:

  • esophageal sphincter;
  • phrenic esophageal ligament;
  • “Mucous outlet” (folds of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, which descend into the lumen of the stomach, playing the role of an additional valve);
  • normal position of the esophagus in relation to the diaphragm;
  • ring muscles of the upper part of the stomach.

If any of these structures works poorly, then cardia deficiency occurs. And this is one of the serious aspects for the development of esophagitis. Due to the fact that the pressure in the stomach is normally higher than in the chest cavity, a weakened or deformed sphincter for some reason allows the contents to go back and burn unprotected esophagus mucosa. A repeated repetition of such a process causes serious pathological changes in this part of the gastrointestinal tract.

ulcerative esophagitis

Causes of ulcerative esophagitis

If emissions of acidic contents become chronic, then the disease can penetrate deep into the mucous membrane of the esophagus, and erosions or ulcers form on it over time. True, the causes of ulcerative esophagitis are not only emissions, but also surgical interventions, a hernia of the diaphragmatic opening, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcers, infectious diseases, chemical burns, excessive consumption of spicy foods and injuries resulting from the introduction of a probe or during radiation therapy.

This disease has several degrees characterizing it:

  • The first degree is manifested by the appearance of separate, not merging with each other, erosions in the lower part of the esophagus.
  • Erosive-ulcerative esophagitis of the 2nd degree is expressed by the appearance of merging erosions, which at the same time do not capture the entire mucous membrane.
  • The third degree is accompanied by ulcerative lesions in the lower third of the esophagus;
  • The fourth degree is a condition of chronic ulcer and stenosis (narrowing of the lumen of the esophagus).

Causes and consequences of candidal esophagitis

The disease occurs not only due to functional disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. It can be caused by infections that have penetrated from the outside, or even by “native” bacteria, which, for some reason, have begun to grow rapidly. If candida is the causative agent of the inflammatory process in the esophagus, candidal esophagitis is diagnosed. This is the same thrush, but located on the walls of the esophagus. Candida fungi take root on human tissues very easily and in case of disturbance of the microflora of the digestive tract begin rapid development. Alcohol, hormonal (including birth control) drugs or antibacterial drugs can cause a change in microflora and, accordingly, the development of a fungal infection.

Candidiasis esophagitis, as a rule, is not life-threatening, but causes a lot of trouble. Scarring and, as a result, shortening of the esophagus can develop due to fungal inflammation. And a similar situation greatly increases the risk of axial hernia in the esophagus of the diaphragm. Candidiasis inflammation can cause ulceration, internal bleeding and perforation of the described part of the gastrointestinal tract.

candida esophagitis

How dangerous is esophagitis?

I want to emphasize: in no case should you underestimate esophagitis (that this is a serious disease, you hopefully already understood). It can not be "endured" or drowned out by the use of any drugs. The described condition is considered in medicine as the most massive pathology of the esophagus, which leads to serious complications, such as, for example, its narrowing (stenosis, stricture). Later, this causes the patient difficulty swallowing and, accordingly, requires reconstructive surgery. Another life-threatening complication also needs surgical intervention - perforation (perforation) of the esophagus wall. Statistics say that ten percent of patients with esophagitis develop the so-called Barrett's esophagus, which is characterized by the degeneration of the cells of its mucous membrane into cells characteristic of the intestinal mucosa. A similar condition in medicine is considered precancerous.

How to determine if you have esophagitis

All types of diseases described above have common signs that should make the patient suspect esophagitis. Symptoms and treatment of this pathology we will consider below. Therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

  • As a rule, the first thing that patients pay attention to is heartburn or chest pains that appear after eating or on an empty stomach. Usually they are amplified by leaning forward, lifting weights, at night (in a prone position). In severe cases, heartburn becomes permanent.
  • Belching becomes more frequent with air, there is bad breath (“rotten egg”) and an almost constant smack of bitterness. Periodically, regurgitation occurs with a small amount of food.
    esophagitis symptoms and treatment
  • A whitish coating forms on the tongue.
  • There is pressure in the stomach, there is also pain in the upper abdomen.
  • Often after eating, nausea and desire for vomiting occur (blood streaks may appear in the vomit).
  • Worried by pain when swallowing.
  • With frequent reflux, cough, hoarseness of the voice appears, tonsillitis and bronchitis develop due to the ingestion of intestinal contents in the respiratory tract, which causes burns.

All of these symptoms can worsen, for example, after a cup of coffee, a smoked cigarette, hot, hard or spicy food. Complaints about increased manifestations of the disease in stressful situations are frequent. It is clear that the set of symptoms in different patients may vary. It depends on the severity of the disorders in the esophagus, and on the localization of the inflammatory process, and on concomitant diseases.

How to distinguish esophagitis from other diseases

Taking into account that the symptoms characteristic of the described disease can also be observed with some other pathologies of internal organs that are not related to esophagitis and require a completely different treatment, it is necessary to clarify some nuances.

  • Esophagitis pain is felt not in the abdomen, but right behind the sternum, in the chest.
  • Usually heartburn is the main symptom of the disease described. If, along with a burning sensation in your chest, you develop severe weakness, dizziness and shortness of breath, then it is more accurate to assume that there is no esophagitis.
  • If a burning sensation in the chest appears from physical exertion, then this may be a sign of angina pectoris.

when you need to see a doctor

In what cases is a visit to a gastroenterologist necessary

We hope that esophagitis, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed in this article, will not have serious consequences for you. To do this, you must consult a doctor on time! Do not delay with a visit to a specialist if heartburn has become permanent and weakly eliminated by drugs; her attacks are not always explainable; you have difficulty swallowing; your voice has changed, and your weight is noticeably reduced; blood appeared in the vomit; the temperature rose to 38 ° C and above; you have a long lasting hiccup; feces became liquid and turned black.

What diseases can be accompanied by inflammation of the esophagus

By the way, it is necessary to mention, speaking about esophagitis, that this disease often appears in patients who already have some problems with the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, we are talking about ailments that stimulate increased aggressiveness of the gastric juice or are accompanied by its excessive formation. The same applies to impaired motility of the gastroduodenal region (stomach and duodenum), slowing its emptying. All this helps to stretch the stomach and, as a result, causes reflux.

Diseases that contribute to the development of esophagitis include gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, hernia of the diaphragmatic esophageal opening, cholecystitis and other pathologies. By the way, pregnant women in the later stages of fetal development are also at high risk of developing reflux esophagitis. This is due to increased abdominal pressure in women.

gastritis esophagitis

What to do if you have concomitant esophagitis

It was already mentioned above that esophagitis is often a complex disease that manifests itself against the background of other problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if you have a combined diagnosis of gastritis-esophagitis, then the treatment should be comprehensive. Drugs are selected in accordance with the cause of gastritis and the level of acidity associated with this disease. The therapy also includes drugs that stop heartburn, stabilize the motility of the esophagus and stomach, as well as substances that help speed up the healing of the mucous membrane. The same tips apply to treatment with a diagnosis of gastroduodenitis-esophagitis. In the treatment of these diseases, diet No. 1, which involves gentle fractional nutrition, is important. In this case, overeating is strictly prohibited, and the last meal should be made no later than two hours before bedtime.

How is esophagitis diagnosed?

Esophagitis, the symptoms and treatment of which we cover in the article, usually does not present difficulties in diagnosis. After the doctor listens to your complaints and examines the medical history, he should do some research. These include endoscopy of the esophagus, which will show changes in the mucosa, and x-rays using a contrast medium (barium). During the last procedure, a picture is taken, in which violations in the esophagus are clearly visible: its swelling and the presence of a large amount of mucus. And with the development of the ulcer, the flow of contrast medium into its crater is visible.

How to treat acute esophagitis

The main task is to eliminate the causes of the disease, and in the future the patient must follow a strict diet. We are talking about the use of soft mashed food, which should have room temperature. All foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the esophagus are excluded from the diet, including those containing high amounts of fiber, as well as fried foods, soda, and alcohol. Smoking is dangerous for those suffering from this ailment! For patients diagnosed with esophagitis, medications that affect the tone of the esophageal sphincter are prescribed by prior agreement with your doctor. It can be sedatives or tranquilizers, prostaglandins, and so on. It is advisable for patients to sleep on a bed with a high headboard, not to wear tight clothes, try not to go to bed after eating and bend less often.

how to treat esophagitis

Treatment of chronic esophagitis

In the absence of stenosis, perforation, bleeding and the like, the prognosis for the treatment of a chronic form of the disease is favorable. As a rule, take drugs that block the production of acid, antifungal or antiviral drugs, antibiotics. Painkillers are also prescribed. Corticosteroids are recommended to reduce the inflammatory process. With difficulty swallowing, the patient is given intravenous nutrition. In cases where the disease is due to the presence of a hiatal hernia in the diaphragm, an operation is performed. Surgical intervention is also justified in case of unsuccessful conservative treatment, the presence of complications in the form of bleeding or stricture and the development of such a dangerous pathology as Barrett’s esophagus. Conservative therapy is not bad to combine with alternative recipes to help alleviate the condition of the patient.

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative treatment of esophagitis is, as a rule, recipes aimed at relieving inflammation, relieving painful manifestations and eliminating heartburn. So, to restore the mucous membrane of the esophagus, healers recommend taking a decoction of oregano, walnut leaves and oak bark. They are mixed in equal proportions and carefully crushed. One dessert spoon of the mixture should be poured with boiling water and held for fifteen minutes in a water bath. Take this broth warm, two tablespoons before or immediately after a meal.

In order to relieve swelling caused by the inflammatory process, take a mixture of oregano, alder and Ivan da Marya. They are mixed in equal amounts and crushed. As in the previous recipe, a spoonful of the mixture, filled with hot water, is kept in a water bath and taken up to seven times a day.

It relieves inflammation and aloe. It is consumed by mixing with or without honey, simply by dissolving a piece of peeled sheet. And although it will not be very tasty, but this tool will help very effectively.

The root of the bog calamus will save you from stomach pain . One teaspoon of crushed root is poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to cool. After filtering, take it still warm in half a glass half an hour before meals. And remember that during the day you need to drink at least two glasses of this infusion.

esophagitis medication

Last few tips

In addition to the treatment options described above, to alleviate the condition, you can recommend to follow some more prescriptions:

  • food should be soft, not spicy and not acidic;
  • exclude juices from the diet, replacing them with fruit drinks containing vitamin C;
  • bite off food in small pieces and chew carefully;
  • if swallowing is difficult, throw your head back, then food will pass along the back of the throat, making swallowing easier;
  • drink liquid through a straw.

From the article you learned about a disease such as esophagitis, what it is, what are the causes, symptoms and ways to eliminate the ailment. Remember: treatment requires discipline. , . , , . !

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