All dog owners want their pets not to get sick and always to be beautiful. However, sometimes the hair loses its natural luster, and the skin becomes rough. The animal has an itch. The skin of the dog protects the body from the introduction of pathogenic bacteria, and therefore, if problems arise with it, you need to take care of their speedy solution. What to do if an animal has acne?
Acne is a sign of pyoderma
If you accidentally saw acne on the skin of a pet (they can be located on the inner surface of the thighs, head, gums and lips), then this indicates that streptococcus or staphylococcus has penetrated into the deep layers of the epidermis and began to spread. This ailment is called pyoderma. It is a pustular lesion of the epidermis. Pyoderma in dogs is an inconvenience not only to animals, but also to their owners.
Why is this pathology more common?
Recently, this disease has become very common. This happens because dog owners give their pets freeze-dried feeds, rarely walk them (especially urban animals), and breed, not knowing all the intricacies of this matter. As a result, individuals with a poor state of the body appear. Therefore, it is not surprising that pyoderma in dogs is not a rare phenomenon. Also, one should not forget that the environment is getting worse, and this can also be considered one of the factors provoking the ailment under consideration.
The disease can be suspected if a pustular rash has formed on the hips and abdomen of the dog. As a rule, it soon disappears, if it is not a sign of a viral illness. Pyoderma in dogs, the symptoms of which must certainly alert the pet owner, is a formidable disease. This should always be remembered.
The disease develops, and the rash transforms into pyoderma, divided into two types:
- Staphylococcosis is a separate disease. It is quite dangerous.
- Staphylococcal - secondary - an infection that exacerbates all types of dermatitis.
Probably, between these species there is no clear separation, and in both situations, the disease occurs due to a decrease in immunity. Therefore, the health of the pet is always necessary to monitor. In addition, it must be remembered that staphylococcus helps reduce the protective functions of the body. Also, the disease can progress if the dog has liver and intestinal diseases. This must be taken into account. Pyoderma in dogs in this case can develop rapidly.
Laboratory studies, differentiation of the disease
Timely detection of the disease is very important for proper therapy. In order not to doubt the correctness of the diagnosis, it is recommended to conduct laboratory tests for the presence of staphylococcus in the epidermis. But sometimes you can determine the ailment, knowing only the clinical symptoms. A good veterinarian will always be able to recognize pyoderma in an animal. Before making a diagnosis, you need to make sure that this is not a defeat of the epidermis, concomitant with Care disease, dermatomycosis, as well as demodecosis.
Pyoderma in dogs: treatment
Therapy of this disease in dogs is carried out as follows: first, the hair is cut in the affected areas, then the dried layers are separated from the skin and wiped with Terramycin spray or brilliant green. For disinfection of the epidermis, iodized alcohol, Septogel, hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine can be used. Depending on the general well-being of the dog and the neglect of the disease, prescribe: Staphylococcal toxoid, gamma globulins or antibiotics (cephalosporins, for example, Tilosin). The doctor may also prescribe medications that increase immunity, the best of which are Helvet homeopathic remedies, for example, Evinton. To make the skin heal faster, you can use Katozal or Gamavit medicines. You need to believe in the recovery of the pet and remember: pyoderma in dogs is treatable.
Often, immunocorrection helps stop the disease, and it does not matter which parts of the epidermis are affected. To date, antibiotics in the treatment of pyoderma are almost not prescribed by experienced doctors, due to low efficiency. The huge number of dogs that could be cured with the help of immunocorrection also speaks volumes. It is good that many people already know about this method today. It is thanks to him that pyoderma in dogs quickly passes. Treatment with antibiotics will probably soon cease to be carried out. We can say that even now these are already relics of the past. Well, if the doctor understands this. A good doctor will quickly cure your dog, and its skin will again become healthy, and the coat will shine.