How many calories are in sushi and rolls?

Now, probably, there is not a single person who has not tried Japanese cuisine or at least have not heard about them. Someone visits cafes and restaurants with national cuisine of the country of the rising sun, and someone orders food with delivery. But people are unlikely to wonder what the calorie content of their favorite treats is.

First you need to figure out what goes into your body when you eat a portion of rolls or sushi. It is worth a closer look at the ingredients from which they are prepared.

roll ingredients

Caught a fish

The first and, of course, the most basic thing is quality seafood. We will not talk about such obvious things as the mandatory freshness of all the components of the dish. Therefore, we focus on the benefits that each of them individually brings.

So, fish, and most often it is fish, contains B vitamins, iodine, calcium and omega-3 essential fatty acids. The consumption of these trace elements will positively affect the condition of your hair and skin. There is even an opinion that these substances protect the body from the appearance of cancer cells.

Mostly Japanese dishes use salmon, tuna, eel or sea bass. Less commonly, other protein-rich seafood. It can be scallop, shrimp, octopus or even crabs. The latter, among other things, are aphrodisiacs.

cook cuts salmon

Rice around the head

The next required component will be rice. After all, the texture and taste of boiled rice play a huge role in the overall taste of rolls or sushi. Despite the simplicity of this ingredient, it contains a long list of useful vitamins and minerals: choline, vitamins PP, H, E, B1, B5, B6, B9, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and others.

A mixture of seasonings is usually added to already boiled sushi rice in order to give it a specific taste. inherent only to Japanese cuisine. This mixture includes sugar, white rice vinegar and salt.

Small, but distant

Nori seaweed may not be included in all sushi or rolls. Sushi, for the most part, is generally cooked without them, if they are not gunkans. More specifically, nori is a pressed β€œpaper” of algae, not the algae themselves. And this β€œpaper" contains substances such as protein, iron, fluorine, phosphorus and vitamins A and C.

These seemingly insignificant ingredients like wasabi and soy sauce are also worth paying attention to. After all, wasabi has antibacterial and antitoxic effects. And soy sauce in terms of protein content is not inferior even to meat!

soy sauce, wasabi and ginger

And although almost anything can serve as a filling for rolls and sushi (Philadelphia cheese, red caviar, vegetables, chicken, shiitake mushrooms, Japanese omelettes and even fruits), we still made out the most traditional and often used ingredients.

Sushi diet

In order to understand whether there is such a thing as a sushi diet, you need to know the basic principles of any other diet. But well-known nutritionists can share such knowledge with us. And they, in turn, have nothing against losing weight with the help of national Japanese cuisine. There are many reasons for this. The first and most significant is a very small percentage of overweight people in Japan.

japanese at dinner

The Japanese are not at all modest in appetite. On the tables, even during the on-duty lunch, you can see a huge variety of dishes and snacks. So there is something in these dishes that allows these slender people to keep themselves in shape, completely not thinking about the amount eaten.

It is worth recalling the composition of the same sushi and rolls described above. Groats, seafood and a small amount of additives. The composition is extremely balanced. Nothing that could add extra fat cells to the body. But at the same time, all nutritionists agree - the measure needs to be known in everything. Even eating low-fat foods.

These dishes should be pampered from time to time, but not daily. You can even arrange fasting days with your favorite rolls. It is better to eat them at lunch and in the evening. For breakfast, a large amount of cereal can be a very heavy burden on the body. And lethargy and heaviness after the first meal is not the best start to the day.

Everything else is recommended to eat various types of rolls during the day, and not one, for example, with a cucumber. A portion of 8-10 pieces is enough to saturate.

Calorie Sushi

Let us move on to more specific figures. How many calories are in 1 sushi? Take the most popular type of salmon sushi. Let’s calculate in detail how many calories are in sushi with salmon, eaten with all the additives and sauces per 1 piece:

  • slightly salted salmon, 10 g - 20 kcal;
  • rice for sushi, 10 g - 33-34 kcal;
  • soy sauce, about a teaspoon - 5 kcal;
  • wasabi, the size of a pea is 0.5 kcal
  • nori seaweed, 1 g - 0.35 kcal;
  • pickled ginger, 10 g - 2 kcal.

Sushi weight is about 25-30 g. Thus we get 40 kcal in 1 sushi with salmon. But calorie content directly depends on the filling, which means you should know which product has more or less calories in relation to salmon.

Sushi with tuna - 35 kcal, with eel - 51 kcal, with shrimp - 60 kcal, with scallop - 24 kcal, with octopus - 22 kcal, with squid - 22 kcal, with Japanese omelet - 50 kcal. And we see that shrimp and eel, oddly enough, are much more high-calorie than salmon or scallop.

As it became known, the caloric content of land is not only fats, but also valuable nutrients and trace elements.

sushi set

Let's see how many calories are in sushi and Philadelphia compared to them.

Calorie Rolls

How many calories are in sushi and rolls? Rolls account for slightly more calories than sushi. Indeed, in them most often the filling consists not only of pure seafood.

Philadelphia can be taken as an example because it is one of the most popular rolls in the world, along with Canada and California. The most dangerous ingredient in the Philadelphia roll is cheese of the same name. Its calorie content per 100 g of product is 250 kcal. The total number of calories per serving of the Philadelphia roll will be equal to 480 kcal. And one roll from this portion is 59-69 kcal.

roll philadelphia

There is such a category of rolls as kappa-maki. These are small rolls with the filling of one name. They can include any seafood or vegetable. Let's find out how many calories are in 1 sushi with a cucumber.

Knowing that in a cucumber 16 kcal per 100 g, it can be calculated that a full portion of a roll with a cucumber of 6 parts will have 130 kcal, and one thing - 22 kcal. Having learned the calorie content of any other vegetable, you can calculate the energy value of a portion of rolls.

Table of popular rolls

Especially for you, we selected the most popular rolls and calculated their calorie content per 100 g of the finished product:

  • roll with avocado - 105 kcal;
  • Alaska roll - 90 kcal;
  • California roll - 200 kcal;
  • Bonito roll - 148 kcal;
  • Roll "Canada" - 151 kcal;
  • Okinawa roll - 139 kcal;
  • Tokyo roll - 155 kcal;
  • Chidori roll - 163 kcal.

Of course, it all depends on what products the institution that manufactures rolls uses. Therefore, it is best to find information about the calorie content of products on the site or in the menu of the institution.

Worth remembering

Do not forget that many of the ingredients that make up the dishes of national Japanese cuisine have an increased allergic reaction. These include, for example, red varieties of fish. Therefore, be careful when including new positions in your daily diet.

It is also worth being especially careful for people who have any gastroenterological pathologies (ulcers, gastritis, etc.). If you have direct medical contraindications, then you should abandon Japanese dishes, and even more so from a sushi diet. Yes, and all other lovers of rolls and sushi, we recommend learning how to cook your favorite dishes at home. This will allow you to enjoy them without worrying about the quality of the products and your health.

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