Ginoflor E candles: Russian-made analogues and reviews about them

Due to their body structure, women often have to use vaginal suppositories. The purpose of the use of drugs can be different: antibacterial or antiviral effect, treatment of fungal infections, restoration of microflora, hormonal effects and so on. Today’s article will tell you how Ginoflor E is used. Price, reviews, analogues will be presented to your attention. Despite the information received, it must be remembered that self-medication often leads to complications. For disturbing symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor. After all, you cannot reliably determine the cause of your malaise, but only assume it.

gynoflor e analogues

The drug "Gynoflor E"

Analogs and instructions for using this medication will be presented to you later. Previously, you should familiarize yourself with the components and find out in what cases the medication is used. The composition of the drug “Ginoflor E” includes a complex of beneficial bacteria that normally inhabit a woman’s vagina. There are acidophilic lactobacilli and estriol. The latter is a female hormone responsible for tissue elasticity.

A medicine is used to treat vaginal dysbiosis caused by taking antibiotics, infections, poor hygiene and other reasons. The use of the drug "Ginoflor E" is contraindicated in case of endometriosis and estrogen-dependent tumors, hypersensitivity and before the first menstruation. There are no official clinical data on the use of the drug during pregnancy. Therefore, the question of the possibility of such therapy is decided by the doctor. The medicine is injected directly into the vagina for 1-2 tablets per day for 6-12 days. You can buy the drug without a prescription in every pharmacy. A small package (6 suppositories) costs no more than 1100 rubles. For 12 pieces will have to pay about 1600 rubles. As you can see, it is more profitable to purchase a large package of vaginal tablets.

Gynoflor e analogues

Drug Substitutes

The drug “Gynoflor E” has different analogues: structural and relative. In the first case, we are talking about absolute substitutes, similar in composition. These are drugs such as Acipol, Bifidumbacterin, Lactonorm, and many others. All of them are produced in Russia, while the original product is produced by a Swiss pharmaceutical company.

It is known that the medicine “Ginoflor E” has not only a restoring microflora effect. He is also an antiseptic. In this regard, indirect analogues of the drug include the candles "Hexicon", "Genferon", "Kipferon" and so on. Consider in more detail the main substitutes (analogues). Ginoflor E has a lot of them.

analog of candles gynoflor e

Bifidumbacterin is an inexpensive substitute

Ginoflor E has analogues that are cheaper. For example, "Bifidumbacterin." You can buy this tool at a price of about 90 rubles for 10 suppositories. This is 10 times lower than the cost of the original medicine. The vaginal suppositories Bifidumbacterin in Russia are produced by the Vitafarma company. The composition of the drug includes bifidum bacteria. A distinctive feature of this tool is that it can be used not only vaginally. Suppositories are administered rectally in order to restore intestinal microflora. Women are prescribed the drug for colpitis (including hormonal ones), gardnerellosis, and vaginal dysbiosis. The drug is recommended for expectant mothers before childbirth in order to normalize microflora.

Reviews about this tool are mostly good. Women say that the medication is used for 5-10 days twice a day. The course of treatment requires 1-2 packs of medication. Due to its low cost, acquisition problems usually do not arise. It is important that the drug (unlike its expensive predecessor) has no contraindications (with the exception of hypersensitivity).

gynoflor e price reviews analogues

Suppositories "Acylact"

The next analogue of Ginoflor E suppositories is the Atzilact preparation. According to consumer reviews, it is often prescribed in conjunction with Bifidumbacterin. Given that the drugs are produced by one Russian company (Vitafarma), this is entirely justified. Medicines complement each other. You already know that Bifidumbacterin contains bifidobacteria. The composition of the candles “Acylact” contains acidophilic lactobacilli, as in the original Swiss medicine “Ginoflor E”. A medication is prescribed to restore the vaginal microflora and maintain the immunity of a woman. Apply 1 suppository twice a day for 5-10 days.

Reviews about the drug are positive. Cost plays a significant role in this: you can buy 10 suppositories for 150 rubles. Women say that after applying the medication, their discharge returned to normal, itching and a feeling of dryness disappeared. In combination with Bifidumbacterin capsules, the medicine is even more effective.

gynoflor e Russian analogue

Lactormorm is a popular substitute

Ginoflor E has analogues that are less expensive, but not cheap. These include the medicine "Lactonorm." Suppositories of 14 pieces per pack are available. The manufacturer is the company "Lecco" (Russia). You can buy a pack of vaginal tablets at a price of about 500 rubles. The composition includes the same acidophilic lactobacilli as in the Ginoflor E medication. The Russian counterpart is distinguished by the absence of estriol.

The medicine forms rather contradictory opinions about itself. Many consumers do not buy medicine because of the high cost. Women prefer cheaper counterparts. Lactormorm medication is used to treat and prevent vaginosis, as well as various types of vaginitis (including during menopause). Doctors say that this drug is forbidden to use for vaginal candidiasis. The drug in this case only worsens the patient's condition. For a course of treatment, it is enough for women to purchase only one package of the medication. Capsules are injected into the vagina for a week twice a day. Conveniently, an applicator is included in the package. Its use protects you from the penetration of pathogens that are present on the hands.

Livarol is the Russian analogue of Ginoflor E candles

This product is produced in Russia by the pharmaceutical company Nizhpharm. A medication of 5 and 10 suppositories in a pack is available. You can buy the drug, respectively, for 600 and 800 rubles. The composition contains ketoconazole. This substance has an antifungal effect. According to the instructions, the Ginoflor E medication belongs to antimicrobial antiseptics. Therefore, the drug "Livarol" in some way is its analogue.

Women say that this medicine is effective in the treatment of vaginal discharge of an indefinite nature, it perfectly eliminates thrush. If you read the annotation, you can find out that "Livarol" is used to restore the vaginal microflora after taking antibiotics. With extreme caution, the medication is used during pregnancy and lactation. Conveniently, suppositories are administered only once a day. Treatment lasts from 3 to 10 days as prescribed by the doctor.

Gynoflor e analogues and instructions

Kipferon - antiviral immunomodulator

The next substitute for candles “Ginoflor E” is the preparation “Kipferon”. The drug is distinguished by the fact that in this tool there are no acidophilic microorganisms. But despite this, suppositories are used to maintain immunity and for the natural restoration of the vaginal microflora. Indications are vaginitis, candidiasis, chlamydia, dysbiosis, inflammatory infectious diseases of the vagina. It is forbidden to use the drug "Kipferon" with hypersensitivity, as well as during pregnancy. You can buy the product for 800 rubles in any pharmacy without a prescription.

Prevailing opinions

Often, consumers, having learned the price, refuse the drug “Ginoflor E”. Analogues of women are looking for cheaper. Indeed, treatment with this drug is expensive. If the medication is prescribed for 12 days, 2 suppositories per day, then you will have to purchase 24 vaginal tablets. These are two large packages of 1600 rubles each. Agree, not every woman can afford it.

Russian substitutes for candles “Ginoflor E” (analogues) have a more affordable price. Even the same Lactonorm can be purchased for only 500 rubles, but it is also considered expensive. If you are looking for a medicine with acidophilic lactobacilli at an affordable price, then experienced patients recommend choosing “Acylact”. The drug is inexpensive and effective. This is the opinion that consumers have about him.

If we take into account all the substitutes for the Ginoflor E medicine, we can say that they are safe and effective. Women get the desired effect from the use of drugs. Many drugs can be used during pregnancy. This is a plus, since it is especially important for expectant mothers to maintain normal vaginal microflora.

gynoflor e analogues are cheaper


If you have been prescribed Ginoflor E, but for some reason you can’t get it, then you can pick up analogues. To begin with, it is still worth consulting with a gynecologist and find out which funds are right for you. Do not self-medicate, it can lead to unpleasant consequences. All the best, don’t be sick!

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