Pumpkin soup for a child: a recipe for cooking with a description and photo

Pumpkin is a tasty and healthy product. From it you can cook casseroles, cereals, as well as wonderful first courses. Pumpkin soup for a child often has the appearance of mashed potatoes, which is easily explained. It is more convenient for a baby to eat food that does not require chewing. However, pumpkin boils quickly, which means you can cook delicate traditional soups with this fragrant vegetable. Also in addition to this vegetable is often chicken, veal or turkey meat. They are dietary, so parents can include these types of meat in the diet of children.

Tasty soup for the baby

This is a delicious pumpkin puree soup for a child from 1 year old. You can also cook it for babies from seven months old, if they have no digestive problems. To prepare such a beautiful-looking first course you need to take:

  • 150 grams of pumpkin;
  • one carrot;
  • one potato tuber;
  • a teaspoon of olive oil;
  • some salt, better sea.

If necessary, you can change the amount of some ingredients. It is also worth choosing sweet pumpkin varieties, then pumpkin soup for a child will have a gentle and pleasant taste.

pumpkin soup for baby

Preparation of the first course: description

Take glassware, pour water, purified and filtered. Pumpkin and potatoes are peeled, cut into medium cubes. Since the potatoes are cooked longer, they can be cut into smaller pieces. Carrots are also peeled and rubbed on a fine grater. All put in boiling water.

Cook pumpkin soup for a child of 1 year for about thirty minutes over medium heat. Then remove from the stove, add a spoonful of oil, put salt. If the child is older, then you can add some more spices. All beat with a blender in mashed potatoes. Serve slightly cooled.

Tender soup for babies

To prepare pumpkin soup puree for a child, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 250 grams of pumpkin;
  • one potato;
  • half onion;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • one hundred grams of carrots;
  • ten pumpkin seeds;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a teaspoon of olive oil.

If you are preparing pumpkin soup for a child from two years old, then you can add one hundred ml of cream. For kids, this is not worth it. It is also worth limiting the number of pumpkin seeds, no more than eight pieces can be eaten per day. This is due to their high fat content.

1 year old baby pumpkin soup

Making delicious soup

The pumpkin is peeled and peeled. Potatoes and carrots are also washed, peeled. Onion half finely chopped. Pumpkin, potato and carrot are chopped into cubes.

Water is poured into a pan, boiled. Add vegetables and boil for about thirty minutes, so that they boil almost until mashed. Using a blender, they turn mashed pumpkin soup for a child. Add olive oil and salt.

Seeds are peeled and fried in a dry pan. In each plate put a slightly cooled soup, it should be at a comfortable temperature. Add seeds.

Cream Soup: List of Ingredients

The recipe for pumpkin soup puree for children can also be used for adults, adding, for example, spices. For this option, you need to take:

  • a couple of pumpkin slices;
  • one carrot;
  • one hundred ml of fat cream;
  • a small piece of butter;
  • salt.

Pumpkin is chosen soft, with a strong aroma. Then the soup will be rich and tender.

puree pumpkin soup for a child 1 year

Cooking Cream Soup

The pumpkin is peeled and seeds removed. Dice the vegetable. Also come with carrots. Pour some water into the pan, put the cubes of vegetables. Cook until tender.

Pieces are removed from the broth, water is not poured. Beat vegetables in a separate bowl, put a little butter and cream, thoroughly mix the aromatic mixture. Now season the soup with salt. Transfer mashed potatoes to the pumpkin broth, boil, remove from heat. Served when pumpkin soup for a child becomes a comfortable temperature.

Chicken Soup: Product List

Such a tender soup can be prepared on chicken fillet or veal broth. For cooking take:

  • 1.5 liters of cold filtered water;
  • 200 grams of chicken;
  • one carrot;
  • a small onion;
  • 150 grams of pumpkin;
  • one potato.

For children from three years, you can put bay leaf when cooking meat and vegetables.

pumpkin soup puree recipe for children

Cooking Meat Soup for Kids

How to cook pumpkin soup for a child with this recipe? To begin with, cook the broth. To do this, pour cold water into the pan. Put her on the stove. Add a slice of washed meat. Peel the carrots without cutting, put in water with meat. Waiting for the water to boil.

After that, the fire is reduced to a minimum, and the chicken and carrot are languished for another forty minutes under the lid. Now they put the whole onion, previously peeled. You can add spices at the same time.

After the first boiling of the broth, foam is removed from its surface. After cooking, the broth is filtered. The meat is removed and cut into cubes, again put in strained broth. The potatoes are peeled and cut in medium cubes, added to the chopped meat. Pumpkin is peeled, cut into slices and put to the broth. Boil the products for about fifteen minutes, then transfer to a separate bowl. Wait for them to cool.

Then mashed the ingredients, and vegetables, and meat. Add to the broth. Ready soup can be served with sour cream. The consistency of the soup can also be changed by varying the amount of water and vegetables.

mashed pumpkin soup for a child

Soup with cheese for older children

Children from two years old can enjoy delicious pumpkin soup puree for children, the recipe of which contains cheese. For this reason, it turns out to be more vivid in taste.

To prepare you need to take:

  • 500 grams of pumpkin;
  • two small potato tubers;
  • 250 ml of water, if you want a thicker soup, then less;
  • two hundred ml of milk with a fat content of 2.5 percent;
  • 50 grams of hard cheese;
  • some salt if necessary;
  • greens to taste.

Peel the vegetables, cut into small cubes. The water is put on the stove, brought to a boil, the prepared vegetables are lowered into it and boiled for about twenty minutes until tender. Then, together with the broth, they turn everything into mashed potatoes.

Two hundred ml of milk is boiled, then poured into soup, carefully stirred with a spoon. Before serving, put a handful of finely grated cheese in a plate, sprinkle with herbs. This soup is very popular with kids, as it combines creamy and piquant notes.

Egg yolk soup

This dish is great for adults. Children up to a year are prepared according to a specific recipe. For those older, you can add milk or cream. To prepare you need to take:

  • one hundred grams of pumpkin, only pulp without skin;
  • one hundred grams of carrots;
  • one hundred grams of potato;
  • a slice of onion, about a quarter of the head;
  • two yolks.

To begin with, all vegetables are cut into arbitrary pieces and boiled in a small amount of water. Boil the eggs to a hard boiled state, choose yolks. Yolks are added to the vegetables and mashed. This will help the blender. Add some water if necessary. Serve warm.

pumpkin soup

Pumpkin soup on turkey broth

Such a delicious dish can be prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 300 grams of turkey fillet;
  • Four potatoes;
  • 500 grams of pumpkin;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • some salt;
  • 100 ml cream with a fat content of 10 percent. Can be replaced with milk.

First, pour water into the pan so that the meat is covered. Boil and cook after boiling for another thirty minutes. Drain the broth. Pour more water and cook for forty minutes.

Vegetables are peeled and diced. Boil in the broth, taking out the meat. After forty minutes, everything in the broth is mashed with a blender. Cream is added and mixed again.

The meat is cut into cubes, the size depends on the desire of the cook. Stew the turkey slices over low heat with butter. Season the soup with salt, add pieces of meat. Served to the table when the soup becomes a comfortable temperature. This version of the first dish contains pieces of meat, so it is prepared for children from two years. Beautiful color and creamy taste are very popular with kids.

pumpkin soup for a child 2 years old

Pumpkin is undoubtedly a very useful product. Puree from it can be given to children, as it helps digestion, strengthens the body of babies. One of the most popular pumpkin recipes is mashed soup. Due to the consistency, such a dish can be eaten even very small. And the taste of this dish with properly selected pumpkin is pleasant to everyone. For children from two years old, you can cook more complex options, for example, with pumpkin seeds or cream. Many recipes are also suitable for adults.

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