"Picamilon" to the child: reviews. "Picamilon": instructions for use in children

Why is Picamilon prescribed to a child? Reviews of patients, as well as indications of the mentioned medication will be presented below. You will also learn about what experienced professionals say about this tool, what features it has, how much it costs, whether it has contraindications, etc.

picamilon baby reviews

Composition, packaging, form and description

The drug "Picamilon", the price of which is presented below, goes on sale in two different forms:

  • The tablets are white flat. Their active element is N-nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid of the sodium salt. Also, the composition of the drug includes auxiliary components in the form of talc, calcium stearate and starch. This medication goes on sale in banks of white plastic or dark glass.
  • The solution for injection is transparent and colorless. Its active ingredient is also N-nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid of the sodium salt. This medication can be purchased in ampoules and cardboard boxes, respectively.

Pharmacological indicators

What is the drug "Picamilon"? Instructions for use (for children and adult patients, this drug should be prescribed only by a doctor) reports that this is a nootropic drug. It is able to expand the vessels of the brain, as well as provide antioxidant, tranquilizing, antiplatelet and psychostimulating effects.

Due to the effect on cerebral circulation and normalization of tissue metabolism, this medication improves brain function. This happens by increasing the volumetric and linear velocity of cerebral blood flow, as well as reducing the resistance of cerebral vessels, improving microcirculation and suppressing platelet aggregation.

With the course of taking the drug, it helps to increase physical and mental performance. This medicine also reduces headaches, normalizes sleep, improves memory, reduces or completely eliminates feelings of tension, anxiety and fear. In addition, this medication restores the condition of people with speech and motor impairments.

picamilon instructions for use for children

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

The drug "Picamilon", the price of which is quite high, is absorbed completely and quickly enough, regardless of the route of administration. It penetrates the BBB, and is also retained in the tissues of the body for a long time.

The bioavailability of this tool is 50-85%. It is excreted unchanged by the kidneys. The half-life of the drug is 50-60 minutes.


For what purpose can Picamilon be assigned to a child? Reviews report that there are a great many indications for taking this medicine. For children and adults, they may vary slightly. According to the instructions, this drug is effective in:

  • Conditions accompanied by feelings of anxiety, fear, emotional lability and increased irritability.
  • Asthenic conditions that are caused by nervous and mental illness.
  • Comprehensive treatment of migraine (and for prevention), neuroinfection and head injury.
  • Mental and physical stress (prescribed for people who are in tense or extreme conditions, as well as to restore physical functionality and increase resistance to mental and physical stress).
  • Open-angle glaucoma (for stable operation of the visual organs).
  • Urological diseases (in adults and children over 3 years old with urination problems) in order to improve the adaptive work of the bladder (to reduce detrusor hypoxia).
    picamilon Price

The listed indications for use apply to both children and adults. It should also be noted that the drug in question can be prescribed to patients from 18 years of age in the following conditions:

  • Chronic alcoholism in order to reduce postpsychotic, asthenic, pre-relapse and asthenoneurotic conditions, as well as alcoholic encephalopathy.
  • As part of complex therapy with the aim of stopping acute alcohol intoxication.
  • Asthenia, cerebrovascular insufficiency and depressive disorders in the elderly.


How old can children prescribe Picamilon? The instruction says that this medication should not be given to children under the age of 3 years.

It should also be noted that this drug is contraindicated in nursing mothers and pregnant women.

With extreme caution, it should be used by people with various kidney diseases and patients who are especially sensitive to certain substances of the drug.

Medication "Picamilon": instructions for use. Children and adults how to take?

Depending on the type of disease and its course, the doctor may prescribe this drug in the form of tablets or injections. In both cases, the use of this medication is carried out regardless of food intake.

picamilon for children instruction

  • Taking pills.

Depression in the elderly requires the use of a daily dose of 120 mg in 2-3 doses. The duration of such therapy is 50-90 days.

With vascular diseases of the brain, the daily dosage of the drug varies between 60-150 mg. It is divided into 2-3 doses. The duration of treatment is 30-65 days.

During withdrawal and for the treatment of alcoholism, the drug is taken at 0.1-0.15 g per day for a week.

With physical and mental stress, the medication is prescribed in an amount of 60-80 mg per day for a month and a half. For people who are actively involved in sports, a similar dosage should be used within two weeks.

  • Injection

The drug "Picamilon" to a child (reviews on the effectiveness of the drug will be discussed later) are most often prescribed in the form of tablets. Although some experts use the injectable form of the medication.

The drug solution is administered intravenously or slowly intramuscularly.

For the treatment of acute intoxication with ethanol, the patient is given a single injection in an amount of 5 mg per 1 kg of weight. In the state of withdrawal, the drug is used in a dose of 1.5 mg per 1 kg of weight per hour (4 hours in the evening and in the morning) in a volume of 2.5 l of solution for infusion.

picamilon kids Price

With cerebrovascular disorders of a chronic nature, the daily dosage of this medication is 20-40 mg. The drug is administered intravenously in the morning and intramuscularly in the evening. The course of therapy is 2-4 weeks.

How should I take "Picamilon" to the child? Reviews of experts say that this medication should be used only after consulting a pediatrician. For children aged 3-10 years, the daily dose of this remedy is 0.04 g. The medicine should be taken in 2 divided doses.

How to give "Picamilon" to children? Reviews of doctors say that for adolescents this medication is prescribed more often. For a child older than 10 years, the daily dose of this drug should be 0.06 g. As a rule, it is divided into 3 doses. The duration of such therapy is 1-3 months.

Adverse reactions

When taking the drug in question in children and adults, allergic reactions are very rare. Usually they appear in the form of skin rashes. Also, this medication can cause headaches, irritability, nausea and overexcitation of the central nervous system.

Reviews and price

Now you know how and by what indications Picamilon should be given to children. The price of this drug is 420-450 rubles.

Most reviews of this medicine are positive. However, for some patients, its effect did not seem very effective.

Despite the fact that this medication is not recommended for a child under 3 years old, many pediatricians still prescribe it to two-year-old babies. According to parents, this remedy does not cause any allergic reactions. Moreover, it has practically no side effects.

picamilon children reviews of doctors

Parents are quite happy with the effectiveness of this medicine. After taking it, their children become much calmer. They normalize sleep, and in some cases, even the development of speech is stimulated.

As for doctors, they also respond well to this medicine. Doctors say that this drug should be used only after consultation with an experienced specialist.

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